Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 4/23/2012: Ease on Down the Road

A potentially slow start to the morning, with chances of a high flake factor or unexpected twist, especially if you live in the eastern times zones in the U.S. As I type, Moon has been void of course in material comfort-seeking Taurus since 1:10PM ET Sunday…and it doesn’t enter Gemini until 1:05PM ET Monday (today). I spent part of the void applying the inspiration and innovation of planetary patterns (read Friday’s forecast for details of said patterns) into a rich asparagus soup and a lemon-thyme roasted chicken, which will provide much material comfort over the next few days. You?

Other Moon voids for the week: Wednesday 4:31PM ET – Thursday 1:42AM ET; Saturday 3:05AM – 12:10PM ET

Moon’s ingress into Gemini quickens the pace of the afternoon, as the need to inform and be informed pulls focus. Pick up the phone; write that email and have that conversation, using an easy application of practical energy suggested by a smooth connection between Sun in Taurus and Mars in detail-oriented Virgo (exact at 8:59PM ET). As the evening progresses, note these two caveats: 1) a challenge between Moon and nebulous Neptune, at 6:33PM ET which adds inspiration and/or confusion to the mix; 2) a challenge between Moon and nitpicky Mars at 9:46PM ET, suggesting heightened egos and/or emotional outbursts.

Meanwhile, if you’re digging for truth or dirt, this week’s challenge between ruthless Pluto and mental Mercury (exact Wednesday at 10:50AM ET) suggests the potential for communication that cuts right to the heart of the matter.  Watch for more news from underground as the week progresses.

And speaking of news, I found these headlines especially in line with planetary patterns. Regarding Sunday’s Uranus-Mercury conjunction suggesting innovation and aviation, I was intrigued by a New York Times Magazine piece on inventors Also of note: progress made on a possible merger between bankrupt American Airlines and U.S. Air   travel agents may be making a comeback   and a plane crash in Pakistan.

Of note in the “Confuse-A-Cat”* category (nebulous Neptune opposing Mars), we saw numerous stories of spectacular showmanship/deception/things not being as they seem, including a fascinating front page story about a New York socialite’s made-up life and a Discovery Channel documentary that had record ratings — about a woman whose harrowing tale of surviving the destruction of the World Trade Center turned out to be pure fiction  And then there’s Wal-Mart, apparently scandalized by big news of bribery and a cover-up in Mexico





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