Tuesday 2/12/2019: Late Sneak Peek at the Week; Mercury in Pisces; Mars – Uranus; Mars Enters Taurus
Alll-righty then!
Late post to the start of the week, as yesterday I was on the road — heading back to NY from a four-day astrology education conference affectionately known as Hogwarts. This year I taught a couple of classes and expect to teach more at the next conference in March 2020. If you know the basics of astrology, and think it might be fun to turbocharge your understanding in the company of 40 – 50 highly evolved souls, let me know. This year we had 37 at the conference; our meeting room can comfortably accommodate 50 — and that’s our goal for 2020. Email me for further details!
The work week began with the Moon in steady Taurus, cruising free and clear of bumps in the road, which is why my trip back to NY from DC was made in record time. Today the Moon remains in Taurus, still cruising steadily until the late afternoon, when the Moon squares the Aquarius Sun at 5:26 PM ET, right on The Donald’s 24 Taurus Midheaven and almost on Nancy Pelosi’s 25 Taurus Mars. This is the First Quarter Moon, presenting challenges, opportunities and a need for adjustment to whatever New Moon agenda was set last Monday. Immediately thereafter, Moon goes void…and won’t enter the next sign — Gemini — until 4:32 AM ET on WEDNESDAY. Chill and roll with the twists and flakes. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.
Humming in the background all week — and tonight — is the buzz buzz buzz of a meet-up between Mars (in me me me Aries) and rebel Uranus, exact at 1:19 AM ET on WEDNESDAY. Mars-Uranus patterns suggest bold and innovative actions — sometimes reckless — nearly always exciting. Mars-Uranus refers to space-age technology, and it’s the perfect time for former astronaut Mark Kelly to announce his 2020 run for John McCain’s Arizona Senate seat. Plus, transiting Mercury (communication) in early Pisces has just triggered his natal Sun-Mars conjunction (focused action) in early Pisces, so of course he has something to say.
You are more personally affected by the Mars-Uranus conjunction if you have a planet around 28 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. How are you bouncing off the walls?
I’m keeping an eye on any candidate announcing a campaign run so close to Wednesday’s Mars-Uranus conjunction. Why? Please refer to my analysis of the 116th Congress (the one we have now) compared to the 117th Congress (the one that begins on Jan 3 2021). I am also noting that last night there were two “competing” rallies held in El Paso, Texas. One was held by The Donald, during which he unveiled Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign slogan (Stronger Together) as his own — but not before lying about how many people attended. Actually it was more than just a slogan: “Stronger Together” was the title of a book authored by HRC and Tim Kaine, outlining their “blueprint for America’s future.” The problem with that campaign slogan was timing. Planetary patterns in 2016 did not suggest a need to embrace “in unity there is strength.” In 2020 we will have two highly significant planetary unions: Saturn conjunct Pluto on January 12th, and Jupiter conjunct Saturn on December 21st. People will be looking for ways to come together…though not necessarily on the same side.
Anyhoo…the other rally was held by Beto O’Rourke, who has not yet declared a presidential bid. However, he does share a couple of prominent and potent patterns with senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), who did toss her hat into the ring during a blizzard last weekend. Klobuchar is a double Gemini with Sun square Pluto (potent) and Jupiter at the Aries Point; O’Rourke is a Libra with Moon in Taurus; Sun conjunct Pluto and square Jupiter at the Aries Point. No birth times available for either, so we are limited.
On WEDNESDAY at 4:32 AM ET, Moon enters Gemini, seeking to be the most informed person in the room. Moon squares Mercury around 3:36 PM ET; don’t believe everything you hear.
On THURSDAY, the big news is action hero Mars, leaving the race track of Aries (its home sign) for the calmer pastures of Taurus. Stripped of the speed it enjoys while charging through Aries, Mars in Taurus compensates with stubborn, bull-dozing persistence. Mars will be in Taurus until March 31st. Note your dreams that morning, as Moon squares Neptune at 7:56 AM ET. Afternoon exuberance is suggested by Moon in touch with Jupiter at 3:56 PM ET. Something especially generous and indulgent from your Valentine, perhaps?
On FRIDAY, planetary patterns facilitate cooperation. Moon goes void at 7:48 AM ET and enters Cancer at 9:03 AM ET. That gives us two days to focus on home, family and emotional security concerns. Time for a home-cooked meal or efforts to make your abode a cozier space. Your beautification efforts will be supported all weekend by a harmony between Venus and Neptune, exact on SUNDAY at 3:45 AM ET. Bring your rose-colored ideals to life; indulge in art, music, etc.
And now, a word about Mercury in Pisces, where it’s been since last Sunday at 5:51 AM ET. Mercury refers to how we need to think. In Pisces, Mercury is not interested in thinking as much as it is interested in feeling and believing. Who cares if it makes no sense? Or if it defies logic and reason? That’s how it FEELS…and that can’t be argued. Just believe!!! It’s gonna be GREAT! Do not say you were not warned when reading the headlines likely to hit the fan in the next TWO MONTHS, especially around February 19th and the last week of March. That’s when Mercury will meet up with dreamweaver Neptune. Also note that Mercury will be retrograde in Pisces March 5 – 28. On the upside, if you are an artist, visionary, healer or spiritual type, perhaps you can take Mercury in Pisces straight to the bank. On the downside, Mercury-Neptune connection suggest deception, drugs, escapism. Again I’m looking at the last week of March for some far-out actions and statements from the White House. Time will tell.
Here’s one quick “Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries” headline — surprising (Uranus) and involving cars (Mars): “A record 7 million Americans are three months behind on their car payments; a red flag for the economy.” Awwwwww, they even included the color red, which is the color of Mars and Aries. Astrology is amazing.
More news in the next forecast. After being away from the home office for almost a week, I have many client emails to answer. Thanks for your patience — and keep those cards and letters (and emails) coming. I look forward to an excellent discussion about your horoscope — here’s how to contact me.
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