Tuesday 12/26/2017: Late Sneak Peek at a Holiday Week; Early Sneak Peek at Uranus in Taurus

Happy last week of 2017!

The Moon was void in Pisces for most of Christmas Day, encouraging you to go with the flow and not make mountains out of molehills. It also suggested resisting the impulse to buy flannel sheets online, no matter how tempting the discounts offered. The 25th was notable for one other pattern and a shift: Venus (women, money, social expression and aesthetics) left high-flying Sagittarius for Capricorn at 12:26 AM ET. Twelve hours later, Venus met up with Saturn.

In social-climbing Capricorn, Venus suggests an enterprising spin on social interactions for the next few weeks. If you were born with Venus in Capricorn, you could be quite adept at knowing how to use relationships to get ahead. You may wait until later in life before realizing that love is more valuable than status. A Venus-Saturn meet-up (the technical term is “conjunction”) suggests a sobering or ambitious reality check on issues related to Venus. “Reality check” might also include cuts, limitations and other brick walls. Here are some Venus-Saturn headlines from a past conjunction.

Meanwhile, Moon charged into Aries last night at 7:27 PM ET, where it will zoom until early THURSDAY. Humming in the background is a harmonious alignment between Mars (action, yang, war, courage, anger) and Neptune (fantasy, lies, drugs, forgiveness, fog) that will be exact Thursday at 1 AM ET.  Mars-Neptune aspects suggest charisma and other forms of pixie-dust, facilitating starpower and scams. Less so with the scams, given that is an easy Mars-Neptune connection, but still. This particular configuration conjures up images of secrets, sexuality, peace offerings, spirituality and (the potential downside) more than a little fanaticism, likely of a religious kind.

The Aries Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus at 5:25 AM ET and 3:57 PM ET on WEDNESDAY — watch for impulsive power plays and/or upsets around those times.  Your Moon voids — times to chill and avoid impulse shopping purchases — are WEDNESDAY 3:57 PM ET until 1:23 AM ET on THURSDAY; FRIDAY 9 AM ET until 3:31 AM ET on SATURDAY. By then emotions will be on the rise, waxing to fullness with the Moon on New Years Day, 9:24 PM ET in Cancer.

And now, the news.

Venus (social expression, love) was exactly trine Uranus (freedom) last Wednesday…and also in an applying conjunction with Saturn. Freedom and a reality check about family obligations and social expression? How about  “Debunking Myths About Estrangement.”? In this NYT article, “new research challenges the deeply held notion that family relationships can’t be dissolved and suggests that estrangement is not all that uncommon.”

Take the far-out potential of the Sagittarius Sun in harmony with Uranus (12/16/17), along with a New Moon exactly on the Galactic Center AND a REview of the past suggested by Mercury in retrograde, and here’s this from 12/18: Former Navy pilot describes UFO encounter studied by secret Pentagon program.

Saturn and Capricorn refer to bones. With Saturn in Capricorn, WaPo offers this: “Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements May Not Prevent Bone Fractures.” 

From yesterday, when Venus met Saturn (and got down to business): “Business Schools Now Teaching #MeToo, N.F.L. Protests and…”    Here’s another involving art, women and gobs of cash: Clock Is Ticking on $10 Million Reward in Gardner Art Heist.  This one involves isolation, social expression, faith and other spirits (Mars trine Neptune), for better or for worse: Thousands Once Spoke His Language in the Amazon. Now, He’s the Only One.

Meanwhile, in the world of surreal and prominent finance, Bitcoin has been on a wild ride. Up…then drastically down…and now up again.    What is it and why is it significant? This piece tries to explain.
A big shift coming up in 2018 is Uranus leaving Aries for Taurus. We are likely to see many techological and philosophical disruptions (Uranus) in matters related to Taurus  and its need for material comfort and security.  These matters include: possessions, earth, food, agriculture, our physical bodies, money and banking.  What might that look like? I stumbled across a prescient essay by Seth Miller a few months ago. It beautifully connects the dots between some of what was achieved while Uranus has been in Aries — i.e, the technology (Uranus) that developed the self-driving car (Aries).  Where will it  likely take us in the near-term future?  “When Delivery is Free, Will Ownership Survive?” 
In other news…expressly defying expectations, P45 did not wait until January to sign the sloppy tax bill that will likely take the country back to 1929. It was signed on impulse on Dec 22nd, with Mercury at a dead stop in Sagittarius, square to wiggy Neptune. Yeah, like that’s really going to work as described. Avid Readers might recall that the House first passed its version of the bill when Mercury was stationary retrograde earlier this month — another suggestion of unintended consequences that will later be revealed.
I have yet to find a news outlet announcing the exact time of the signing — can’t even find a timecode on the C-Span video — thanks, lamestream media! I’m using the time of the first tweet I saw announcing that the bill was signed — less a couple of minutes — so 10:57 AM in DC. This C-Span video first aired at 11:07 AM ET. If anyone has a documented exact time, I would love to have it.  Regardless, I’m noting the first week of February 2018 and March of 2019 for more fog and mirrors to become visible with respect to this duplicitous piece of legislation. Regardless, here are five things you can do to before January 1 to lower your tax bill, according to WaPo.
UPDATE: Back in August it was noted that transiting Saturn would be sitting on the Sun of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, suggesting a block, squeeze — or at the very least, a wet blanket, dumped on him with great prominence, given that his Sun is at the Aries Point (his birthday is Dec 21 — Winter Solstice). So what happened? A bomb squad was called to his Bel Air home a few days ago, to disable what turned out to be the dumping of…a box of horse manure. And it’s all over the media now…because prominence.
UPDATE:  Orrin Hatch was born near the Vernal Equinox, so Saturn is putting the squeeze on his Sun, too. He was just named “Utahn of the Year” by the Salt Lake Trubune, Utah’s biggest paper. Such a honor — at first glance — and Senator Hatch expressed those sentiments via Twitter (an aide now claims the gratitude was expressed in jest). So where’s the Saturn squeeze? Well, being named Utahn of the Year by the Tribune doesn’t mean the paper thinks you’re doing a great job:
It would be good for Utah if Hatch, having finally caught the Great White Whale of tax reform, were to call it a career. If he doesn’t, the voters should end it for him.
 Astrology is amazing. Are you about to have a Saturn squeeze? Find out in a personal consultation and make a plan to handle it effectively. Here’s the 411.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
2 replies
    • graceastrology
      graceastrology says:

      Apologies for the delayed reply. Thank you for letting me know the exact time — much appreciated!
      Elisabeth Grace


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