Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 12/22/2011: More on the Solstice, Cardinal Signs, Saturn in Libra and Social Justice
UranusAn energetic day, suggested by plenty of connections among the planets. Did you note your dreams this morning? You might have been channeling an especially beautiful escape — or a profound insight, suggested by two connections to the Moon from nebulous Neptune and innovative Uranus. After a brief Moon void from 4:49AM – 7:03 AM ET, Moon entered high-flying Sagittarius, lightening a bit of yesterday’s intensity.
A buoyant connection between Sun and jolly Jupiter (9:33AM ET), adds to the festivity and suggests there may be time to splurge on a gift for that special someone. Still looking for inspiration? How about a gift certificate for an astrology consultation? What could be more thoughtful — or practical? In any event, as the afternoon progresses, it could all come together in a flash, as erratic Uranus challenges the Sun and Mercury (mind, communication) in the “big picture” sign of Sagittarius hooks up with the Moon. This connection hold much potential for expressing opinions!
A few more thoughts about the nature of CARDINAL signs (please see yesterday’s Solstice Forecast for initial thoughts on that topic). The Latin root of cardinal is “cardin”, meaning “hinge”. Think about this: in ancient Roman times, a door could not open or close without a hinge. A hinge is literally a “turning point”. Add this image to yesterday’s thoughts on cardinal signs…and especially the beginning (first degree) of each cardinal sign. On this Solstice, with the Sun at zero degrees of the cardinal sign Capricorn and rebel Uranus at zero degrees of the pioneer/warrior sign of Aries, we have the potential for a big turning point — not just in world events, but in your own personal world. So think about the shifts and quantum leaps you might like to make and put them out there for the next New Moon, exact on Saturday at 1:06PM ET.
Speaking of the potential for things changing “just like that” (again, see yesterday’s forecast), check out this photo that hit the headlines yesterday — it’s a fine illustration of the potential of rebel Uranus challenging the Sun It’s also reflects the potential for social justice, fairness and equality suggested by controlling Saturn in Libra (relationships, law, justice). A couple of years ago, when Saturn entered Libra (a CARDINAL sign, mind you), I anticipated that the US military’s policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would be abolished because it is neither just nor fair. Equality, justice and fairness are big things in the horoscope of the US; our country was founded on those principles, suggested in part by Saturn (our ambition & structure) in Libra in the US horoscope. So when transiting Saturn completed its hook-up with the US Saturn this fall, that’s when I figured DADT would finally go away. Which it did. And someone, this “rebellious” social shift has not brought the world to an end…but a world has ended. Just like that. All part of the new normal.
Inequality — especially income inequality — is, of course, a theme of the Occupy Wall Street movement. And with Saturn in Libra until late 2012, you can bet that OWS and any other movement that points out inequality, is not going away. Not convinced? Yesterday I read the news that Rocky Anderson has launched a third political party called — THE JUSTICE PARTY, along with his presidential campaign anderson&all=0&site=8744 Coincidence or conspiracy?? A former Democrat and former mayor of Salt Lake City, Rocky Anderson is someone you might find of interest. He’s a Virgo, with Saturn also in…Libra. Check him out: