Astro-logical Forecast for Saturday – Monday 9/1 – 9/3/2012: From Surreal to Real
As you go with the flow of today’s Moon in dreamy Pisces, note the inspired (or surreal) potential of the exact opposition between nebulous Neptune and Mercury (mindset, communication, travel), exact at 5:17PM ET. This could be some fantastic escape you’re on, as you chill through the evening hours on a Moon void-of-course that begins at 4:37PM ET and ends at 1:37AM ET on Sunday, when the Moon moves into RAMbunctious Aries. Get outside and do something physical with all that energy, will ya? But do note the potential for upsets, power plays and other disruptions of the status quo when the impulsive Aries Moon is challenged by ruthless Pluto and rebel Uranus between 3-4PM ET. Translation: the potential for reckless behavior, including accidents, goes up — be mindful!
During last week’s Republican convention, the anti-war group Code Pink made two appearances that were not on the official schedule. Around 10:47PM ET on Thursday, they interrupted Mitt Romney’s speech and around the same time the night before, they interrupted Paul Ryan. Pressuring the midheaven (public status) of the charts at those times it is interesting to see restrictive Saturn (structure, authority), in fair-minded Libra challenged by Venus (women, money) in nurturing Cancer. Code Pink was founded by women, some of whom have worn vagina costumes in recent protest events. Point is, the square between Saturn and Venus, exact on Monday at 3:46A ET, suggests a serious focus and reality check on issues concerning women. And look what’s on the cover of this Sunday’s New York Times Magazine: “Who Wears the Pants in This Economy? When Jobs Go Away, Husbands & Wives Make A New Deal.” Coincidence or conspiracy?
In your own personal world, this weekend may inspire you to get real or practical about a relationship. Or you may find yourself facing a stern reality check on your finances. Monday is a holiday in the US, but if you are one of the millions now cheerfully self-employed (and self-reliant, courtesy of Uranus in Aries), consider getting some work done as the potential for accomplishment is high. You’ll be supported by easy connections among action-oriented Mars, resourceful Pluto and mental Mercury. You can chill on Thursday, when the Moon will be void-of-course all day in Taurus.
PS: I almost put a bit in the forecast that went out to subscribers just minutes ago that when President Obama gives his speech Thursday night, he will no doubt argue we should stay the course and keep things the way they are. Which is right in line with the needs of that night’s Taurus Moon (Taurus does not like change). This just came over the wires: “Obama to Make Case for Voters to Stick With Him”