Monday 1/28/2019: Sneak Peek at the Week; Kamala Harris & Randy Rainbow
Writing during the void of a Scorpio Moon on this 74th day of January, 2019. Moon went void at 5:38 PM ET; it won’t enter the next sign — Sagittarius — until 9:33 AM ET on TUESDAY. Chill tonight and — East Coasters — if you happen to sleep through your alarm tomorrow, no biggie. If you’re working this evening, roll with any twists and flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line.
Once in Sagittarius, see if you notice the mood lighten. A Sag Moon needs to push boundaries with righteous enthusiasm. Engage in a debate; enjoy a gambol or a gamble; take in a foreign film. Your path on Tuesday is free and clear; the only planetary pattern is the humanitarian (but hopelessly idealistic) meet-up of Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, exact at 9:52 PM ET. In Congress, the House Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on H.R. 1 — a.k.a. the “For the People Act,” which the Sierra Sun Times describes as…
…a sweeping package that offers the most transformational and comprehensive pro-democracy reforms in more than four decades. The hearing will focus on ensuring election access, restoring voting rights, protecting the integrity of our elections, reforming our ethics laws and campaign finance reform.
No one believes for a minute that the Senate will pass it. File it under “hopelessly idealistic.” For now. Just wait until Jupiter and Saturn meet up purposefully in early Aquarius at the end of 2020, followed by Pluto in 2023. Mmm-hmm.
Other patterns this week:
- WEDNESDAY: Moon continues thru Sag all day, with mostly clear sailing. These relatively free and clear sailing days can only help the federal workers who are back on the job and facing mountains of backlogged everything. What’s not clear will likely be made apparent in the aftermath of a challenge between the Moon and wiggy Neptune, exact at 2:07 PM ET.
- THURSDAY: The first of three sincere balancing acts between vision and practicality happens at 9:21 AM ET, as Saturn (practical realism) and Neptune (vision; fantasy) form a cooperative aspect called a sextile. The other two dates are June 18 and November 8, 2019. On this first sextile, Saturn will trigger the New Moon partial eclipse that happened on January 5th, so if you have a planet around 15 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, take note and let me know what happens. Meanwhile, the Sag Moon continues sailing along until 5:33 PM ET, at which point it goes void until 7:47 PM ET. Then it enters Capricorn, ready to take care of business on FRIDAY and into the weekend.
- FRIDAY is driven by the achievement-oriented Capricorn Moon. There is one exact planetary pattern and we’ve been feeling it all week. At 10:15 PM ET, Mars in trigger-happy, crusading macho speed demon Aries will square ruthless Pluto in Capricorn. If you have a planet or angle around 21 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, this provocative energy release will affect you personally. Consult your local astrologer for details. In the headlines watch for more fun items like this: UAE’s Gender Equality Awards Won Entirely by Men
- SATURDAY is still driven by the no-nonsense Capricorn Moon, albeit with greater emotional intensity than usual. It meets up with Saturn at 1:57 AM ET for a sobriety check, followed by a power play or emotional catharsis as it meets up with Pluto at 3:13 PM ET. One hour later, Moon clashes with Mars, facilitating your outburst, for better or for worse. The evening has a more tolerant vibe, as Venus in Sagittarius (pushing boundaries in matters of social expression) harmonizes with rebel Uranus. Here’s to unconventional attractions and best buddies everywhere.
- SUNDAY may start with a jolt, as Moon squares Uranus at 5:53 AM ET. It enters Aquarius just in time for the Super Bowl. Should be plenty to talk about, as Mercury (mindset/communication) will harmonize with expansive Jupiter. In fact, boundary-pushing social expression, women, money and aesthetics (see SATURDAY forecast) are sure to be prominent. Why? Because Venus will be at the Aries Point as it leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn at 5:30 PM ET. Let the social climbing begin…all through February. Venus in Capricorn has that covered.
- On MONDAY, the Moon resets for a new lunar cycle in Aquarius at 4:04 PM ET — stay tuned, stay tuned, stay tuned.
And now, the news.
Random cool article for political information junkies: the NYT put together a visual presentation tracking the career path of every member of Congress. Wanna find out how your representative got there?
UPDATE: on 9/11/18 we looked at Kamala Harris’s horoscope and wrote:
We could expect Senator Harris’s mindset and communication to be innovative and disruptive right about now, with her Mercury in depth-seeking Scorpio feeling the provocative buzz of that Mars-Uranus square. Earlier this year, Uranus was opposing her 27 Libra Sun while sitting right on top of her 27 Aries Moon, intensifying her crusading initiative. It is not surprising to learn that she got a book deal in July — with a publication date set for next year. A quick glance ahead looks like extraordinary recognition and reward in 2019. The upside potential for 2020 suggests ambitious drive, with further recognition received at the end of the year and into 2021. Here is her horoscope.
She just formally announced her campaign for president — and to the surprise of no one who has been reading this forecast, she’s hit the ground running. We’re lucky to have her birth time; we don’t have times for all of the contenders — so obviously can’t compare. Still, astrology is amazing, right?
In other news, Avid Reader Karen asked if I had seen the video of the meteor slamming into the Moon during last week’s eclipse. I had — and if you haven’t, here it is.
Meanwhile, Avid Reader Diane asked if I had seen the new song parody from political humorist Randy Rainbow. This time, he’s mixing the latest developments in the Mueller investigation with the “Cell Block Tango” from Chicago. It compelled me to investigate the planetary patterns that would manifest such a meticulous and surreal production. Randy Rainbow was born July 6, 1981 — somewhere in Long Island — no birth time available. But the planetary patterns on the day of his birth just make perfect sense! Sun in Cancer driven by a perfectionist Virgo Moon — there’s his need for discernment and exacting detail. His Sun is 14 degrees Cancer, right on the US Cancer Sun and square the US Saturn. We can see why Mr. Rainbow would be so focused on U.S. politics.
Even more intriguing: Mars at 22 Gemini opposing Neptune at 22 Sagittarius. This suggests showbiz glamour galore — and it is also connected to the horoscope of the U.S. Avid Readers will recall that the U.S. has Mars square Neptune at 21 Gemini and 22 Virgo, respectively. This is the part of the U.S. horoscope that reflects our need for “the American Dream,” and also our idealization (Neptune) of war, guns, cowboys (all Mars symbols). That Mars-Neptune square reflects one of the U.S.’s most influential exports: Hollywood (glamour, film, celebrities).
But wait — there’s more! Randy Rainbow’s Mars-Neptune oppositions falls exactly on The Donald’s 22 Gemini Sun — 20 Sagittarius opposition. We can see why his provocative imagination would be so inspired by The Donald Drama. Fun fact: Randy Rainbow’s Cell Block Tango parody was released with transiting Venus at 22 Sagittarius, activating his Mars-Neptune opposition. The Venus transit suggests his social expression may be especially well-received at this time….and here is an astrologer writing about his horoscope and his creative efforts in a positive light right now. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Did you know that your horoscope explains why you might be attracted to a particular entity — be it a place, event or person — and that it doesn’t matter if that person is dead or alive? If you’re just fascinated with — say — Marilyn Monroe or David Bowie — I bet there are connections between your horoscope and theirs. Astrology applies to every moment in time.
What’s going on in your horoscope? Have you made a plan for 2019 yet? All planets are moving forward through February — what are you waiting for?
Thank you for reading this forecast.