Tag Archive for: perseid meteor shower 2012

Astro-logical Forecast for Saturday & Sunday 8/11-12/2012: Don’t Forget to Look Up

Optimism is one likely manifestation of planetary patterns on Saturday, courtesy of a hook-up between Moon in chatterbox Gemini and expansive Jupiter, exact at 4:32PM ET. Big talk about big plans, perhaps? Or will you just wallow in Too Much Information?  Gemini can gather information until the cows come home — all the better to avoid making one choice over another. Ask a Gemini Moon how it’s feeling and you may well hear, “Let me think about it”. Gemini likes to keep its options open.

Sunday is more proactive than Saturday. From big talk we may actually take action. There’s a lovely balance between the Leo Sun and the Gemini Moon to start off the day (9:01AM ET), followed by a dynamic flow of energy from assertive Mars at 2:55PM ET and needed focus from disciplined Saturn at 5:49PM ET. You can chill from that point on, as Moon will be void of course until 4:28AM ET on Monday.

Don’t forget to look up in the sky over the weekend. The Perseid meteor shower is back — and it should be quite a show.