Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 5/25/2016: the “Crazy Crash” of the Vegan Virgo
The Capricorn Moon drives the day with enterprising energy, accompanied by power plays, emotional depth and jolts as it makes its weekly clash with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square at 10:21AM ET and 9:11PM ET. Maintain your focus on climbing that mountain one practical, careful step at a time. With three planets either changing direction (Mercury) or sign (Venus and Mars) this week, patience may be required as we adjust to the energetic shifts.
Humming in the background is the third and final square between Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction), exact tomorrow at 8:28AM ET. It’s happening at 13 degrees of Virgo and Sagittarius, respectively. Well, which is going to be? Expansion or contraction? And what if it’s a bit of both — at the same time? How bewildering is that? Exactly. If you have a planet around those degrees, you may be feeling a bit like an accordion in some areas of your life: super-inflated one minute and strictly streamlined in the next.
And now, the news.
“The Crazy Crash of NYC’s Hottest Vegan” Have you heard this story? From the NY Post:
Sarma Melngailis had it all: an Ivy League degree, model looks and a hot vegan restaurant, Pure Food and Wine in Gramercy, beloved by Alec Baldwin and Bill Clinton.
Now, she’s got a mug shot, a $350,000 bail and husband Anthony Strangis: an alleged gambling addict with a criminal past and an 11-year-old child he hasn’t seen in over a decade.
How bewildering is that? What a shocking upset to the status quo! What a story of apparently delusional hubris (ego expansion) and karmic smack down!
If you’re a longtime reader of this forecast and/or you have a solid understanding of the language of astrology, you know what planets are active in Sarma Melngailis’s horoscope.
Wikipedia states that Ms. Melngailis was born September 10, 1972 in Newton, MA. No birth time given. We don’t need it to see what’s going on. Her Sun is at 18 Virgo, conjoined with Mars at 16 Virgo. The two are squared by Saturn at 20 Gemini. We see the potential for focus and disciplined energy driven to earthly perfection. She is described as a workaholic, and her vegan restaurant was named Pure Food and Wine. Of course it was. We note that transiting Jupiter in Virgo has made contact with those three planets — exact in the late fall 2015 and early spring 2016. Last hit of this potential lucky/expansive/bombastic hit will be end of June through July. Meanwhile, Saturn (contraction, karma) just barely grazed her Mars in March and April, when it turned retrograde at 16 Sagittarius. Saturn in touch with Mars suggesting a need for discipline and/or authority imposed on our need for action. Sometimes it feels like hitting a big, brick wall. Can you imagine how frustrated Ms. Melngailis may have been feeling while on the lam over the past few months?
Meanwhile, back in 2015 we see transiting Neptune in Pisces, opposing her natal Mercury at 9 Virgo. Neptune suggests a need for vision or escape. Mercury refers to the way we need to think. When in touch with Neptune, we may find it challenging to think rationally. We may be subject to delusion and deception. See how that potential has been reflected in Ms. Melngailis’s life? Neptune hits her Mercury for the fourth and fifth time October and December. The reality check for a planet under the influence of Neptune can be disappointment, bewilderment or disillusionment, as a cherished dreamy bubble suddenly bursts.
Ms. Melngailis has Moon in people-pleasing, conflict-averse Libra, likely conjunct Uranus around 16 degrees of Libra. Here we see a need for quirky, revolutionary independence — likely evidenced in her choice of partners, for better or for worse. Transiting Uranus is currently at 22 Aries; it may have just opposed her Libra Moon, reflecting the timing of her flight last fall and now her arrest. Both events are upsets to the status quo, don’t you think?
Do you think Ms. Melngailis consulted with an astrologer a couple of years ago, who could have advised her of the pitfalls of this potentially delusional period in her life? Probably not. What’s going on in your horoscope over the next few years? Why not schedule a consultation to discuss it?
UPDATE: …and speaking of conflict-averse Libra Moons. Paul Ryan. In early March, transiting Mars met up with his 0 Sagittarius Ascendant and Neptune. Who knows what’s really going on underneath that projection of rose-colored fog? But around that time, there was talk of Speaker Ryan being on a “collision course” with the Donald, as well as him being drafted as a potential presidential candidate, which Speaker Ryan denied he would accept. Now on Mars’ 2nd hit, there is talk of him endorsing the Donald. Really, Speaker Ryan? No…wait…stop the presses. Speaker Ryan has just denied those rumors. Do you see an intriguing pattern here? Mars will hit 0 Sagittarius on August 3rd, just after the Republican Convention. Transiting Uranus will be sitting on Speaker Ryan’s 24 Libra Moon starting at the end of June until September 3rd. This is an opportunity to make a disruptive break. What will he decide to do? For the moment, it was also reported today that he has changed a procedural rule in an alleged effort to “thwart Dems.” Perhaps Speaker Ryan rationalizes that he is simply avoiding the possibility for conflict. This is in the wake of a particularly nasty debate that erupted in the House last Thursday, which resulted in the defeat of a bill that included a provision against federal contractors discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
UPDATE: Bill Cosby, whose horoscope we’ve been following since fall of 2014 will stand trial for criminal sexual assault, supporting the continuing drama in his horoscope through 2018 — noted here in subsequent forecasts. The timing of that headline is apt, given yesterday’s exact Venus-Mars face off.
This one is hardly news, but with the impending contraction vs. expansion dilemma of this week’s Jupiter-Saturn square, the timing is apt. Ready? People who quit smoking often gain weight. In other news, karma eventually catches up with entities that promote bombastic lies. Today more evidence that Exxon Mobil, whose credit rating was downgraded last month, actively worked to suppress information on climate science, suggesting that it was well aware of the impact the facts would have on its business operations.
In a related story, for the first time ever, there are more “clean energy” jobs in the U.S. than in oil drilling…
More good news! Under the influence of this ongoing wiggy T-square among Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, suggesting the potential for boundary-pushing collective beliefs to become a focal point, a Texan who proclaimed that President Obama was a drug-addicted gay prostitute has lost her bid to for a top state education post. She also said Noah’s Ark killed dinosaurs. Way to go, Lone Star State!
Meanwhile, in this current Mars retrograde period, some people are finding temporary relief for pent-up frustration in “rage rooms” around the country. Low-budget alternative: whacking a pillow with a tennis racket or screaming into a pillow…
Thank you for reading this forecast!