Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 12/5/2013: Practical and Pie-in-the-Sky
Good morning!
Planetary patterns suggest more of the same from yesterday: a proactive Moon in “make-it-happen” Capricorn, aided and abetted by the rose-colored vision of mental Mercury in “pie-in-the-sky” Sagittarius, challenged by nebulous Neptune in empathetic Pisces. My favorite headline reflecting those patterns is this: a Dutch work program for alcoholics that pays participants — in beer. Also in the news: scientists testifying in Congress about how close they are to confirming life forms beyond our home planet. Plus this bewildering story about how the discovery of a 400,000 year-old thigh bone has challenged theories of human evolution.
Heads up to those born around an equinox or solstice…or if you have a planet or angle near 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. You may be feeling exceptionally energetic or irritable. That’s because action hero Mars is fast approaching Libra, which is a highly provocative point in the zodiac. This transit is in effect over the next few days. If you don’t know where Mars is in your horoscope, why not consider booking a personal astro-logical consultation? Here’s the 411 on how to make that happen.
Meanwhile, speaking of practical and pie-in-the-sky, I just have to tell you that yesterday I put on my rose-colored glasses and checked out New York’s new health insurance exchange website — mandated by the Affordable Care Act. I was surprisingly impressed by the number of options available in my county of residence. The premiums are not outrageous, and the deductibles and benefits are much better than what I’m getting with my current health plan. Amazing! Not only that, but for those people whose income is below a certain level, the premium costs may be further reduced. To find out what plans are available in your state, start here. That’s your PSA of the Day.