Tuesday 3/16/2021: Late Sneak Peek at the Week; Endings & Such
Alllll-righty then!
Apologies for the late forecast. The weekend’s Empowered Astrology Conference was all-consuming and a great success! This is an annual event, so if you missed it this year, you can catch it next year (with a whole new slate of lectures). We’ll be gathering in person on February 17-21, 2022, just outside Washington, DC. Stay tuned for further details.
This is the last week of the Sun in Pisces, i.e., the end of the astrological year. On Saturday a new cycle begins when the Sun leaves Pisces for Aries. Some people may experience the last days of Pisces as if it really is THE END — and thus conclude that this is Not A Good Thing. Sun in Pisces feels so darn much, and all that wallowing in empathy and suffering may seem overwhelming and hopeless. We are likely to see a few headlines this week of some who failed to pass the test of the Pisces upside, which is faith. Without faith, it is impossible to believe that there’s a new dawn just around the corner. But there is.
As it says in the Messiah’s Handbook,
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.
It is appropriate for some things to end at this time. Yes, that means you, oil and gas industry lobbyists, who may be freaking out over Deb Haaland’s confirmation as Secretary of the Interior (and the first Native American to serve as a Cabinet Secretary). Resistance is futile — and hey — life might be even better with wings!
This week’s planetary patterns mark the end…and also the beginning.
In other news…
Yesterday at 6:26 PM ET, Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) left Aquarius, where it’s been since January 9th. The airy, mental mindset has been replaced by Mercury is in Pisces, suggesting that how we need to think and communicate may be more intuitive, less rational — and sometimes even non-verbal. Watch the headlines for reports of people going with the flow. We’ll hear stories that spark empathy and an awareness of suffering, with words expressed and actions taken — not because it was rational or scientific, but because it felt like the right thing to do. This can be a productive period for creative types seeking inspiration. Mercury will be in Pisces until April 3rd.
As for the week:
- TUESDAY: Moon entered Taurus at 6:56 AM ET, driving the next few days with a need to establish material comfort and security. It cruises through the day without speedbumps, though we may experience an upset to the status quo as we approach 11:36 PM ET, when the Moon meets up with rebel Uranus. Meanwhile, the Pisces Sun makes a cooperative connection with Pluto at 2:25 PM ET, facilitating purges, regeneration and transformation in matters of resources and heads of companies and governments. If you have a planet around 26 degrees of just about any sign, that part of your life may benefit from a pleasant power surge. Otherwise, we anticipate news from underground and corruption exposed.
- WEDNESDAY: Moon in Taurus cruises through the business day without interference….
- THURSDAY: …with the fruits of our labors well-supported today, as the Moon gains input and support from a high-functioning Venus in Pisces (women, arts, money, values) empowered by a sextile to Pluto at 1:19 PM ET. Watch for those themes in the news. The Taurus Moon goes void at 4:38 PM ET. Chill for the next three hours, until the Moon enters Gemini, driving the next few days with a need to be informed, diverse and entertaining.
- FRIDAY: With the Sun now at the last two degrees (the end) of Pisces, news involving endings and leaders of all kinds becomes prominent. A meet-up of the Gemini Moon and Mars at 2:24 PM ET suggests a possible focused attack, a rapier wit, or a pen being mightier than the sword. A harmony (trine) between the Moon and Saturn at 4:49 PM ET suggests an authoritative “in the know.”
- SATURDAY: At 5:37 AM ET, the Sun enters Aries, and the astrological new year begins! My plan is to post the chart for the vernal equinox before the weekend, as we can use it to anticipate a likely focus for the nation over the next few months, but we can already gain a sense of it in the patterns exact on…
- SUNDAY. The Gemini Moon goes void for just 15 minutes this morning, entering Cancer at 8:17 AM ET. Now is the time to focus on comforts of home and family — whatever builds your sense of emotional security. Venus leaves Pisces for warrior Aries at 10:16 AM ET, which gives you a clue about social expression and values between now and April 14th. Aries is the sign of not now, but RIGHT NOW, and Venus in Aries is known for being a consummate flirt. At 10:40 AM ET, the Aries Sun squares the Cancer Moon, activating the horoscopes of people with planets at the Aries Point, including Elizabeth Warren, Ted Cruz and Prince William.
- SUNDAY: Meanwhile, two patterns that have been driving the action all week will be exact. At 7:34 PM ET, Mercury sextiles Uranus, suggesting intuitive innovation in communication and technology. At 10:34 PM ET, Mars trines Saturn, suggesting an easy flow of militant discipline, leading to accomplishment. You’re feeling it if you have planets around 8 degrees of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius.
And now, the news.
Wow, did last week’s conjunction between the Sun and Neptune in Pisces spell relief in the headlines? It should have, as Neptune can certainly represent a savior, a healer and a visionary. Mix those two with Venus, and it was a dream come true for millions (or, in some of these, for just one or two):
- “The American Rescue Plan Passed — Now What?”(if you’re wondering what’s in it for you).Not one single Republican senator or congressperson voted for it, though 75% of all Americans support it.
- “Merrick Garland confirmed at U.S. Attorney General”
- “Billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott remarries”
- Neptune refers to music and pharmaceuticals. Of course we heard that cellist Yo-Yo Ma gave a surprise concert after receiving his vaccine last week.
- “Republicans are warning about an immigration crisis at the border,” explains Heather Cox Richardson. Neptune refers to refugees, so the timing is apt. What’s cool about HCR’s post is that she lays out the history of the U.S.- Mexico border. Astrogeeks will be thrilled to learn that the border was established in 1848, on the game-changing Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Aries. Citizens of both countries could cross freely. HCR notes that caps were placed on border crossings in 1965…the year of the game-changing Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo. Read the linked piece for the full story.
- Neptune refers to bubbles; Venus refers to worth. “Dow closes above 32,000 for the first time ever.”
- President Biden announced the procurement of 100 million more doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, putting his administration way ahead of their goals. He went on the TeeVee for 18 minutes in his first national address to also announce that he’s asking states to make all adults eligible for the vaccine by May 1st.
- It was the perfect time for Randy Rainbow’s latest song parody, turning “Mr. Sandman” (Neptune refers to sleep and dreams) into “Mr. Biden (Bring My Vaccine)”
- “Prominent evangelical Beth Moore leaves the Southern Baptist Church”
- News from underground includes more fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered — the first in 50 years
- Women were winners at the Grammys (Beyonce smashed a record), and in the nominations for this year’s Oscars, which included two women directors for the first time.
- “The Man Who Saves Forgotten Cats in Fukushima’s Nuclear Zone”
…and that’s a wrap for now.
What’s going on in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
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