Tag Archive for: mars square jupiter

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 2/8/2013: Big Fat Fun!

Another slow start or twist in your morning routine is suggested, given that the Moon is void-of-course and won’t fully engage until it enters Aquarius at 2:17PM ET. If you’re in New England, the flake factor is even higher, as we anticipate a potentially monstrous winter storm. Flights and trains are already being cancelled; people are being encouraged to stay home.  Snow day — no problem!  We are at the end of the lunar cycle anyway — time to wrap up initiatives begun at the New Moon and think about your agenda for the New Moon on Sunday at 2:20 AM ET.

About this storm — will it really be monstrous? Well, let’s see…we have a majority of planets in Air and Water signs; plus expansive Jupiter (in airy Gemini) is challenging energetic Mars, mental Mercury and nebulous Neptune (all in watery Pisces). That sounds like a big, wet, windy mess to me. Enjoy!

If you’re not facing a major winter storm, your sensory overload may arrive in the form of overblown ideas and communications. Emotional debates? Promising — or spending — more than you can deliver? Physical energies are also high this weekend, and those will be looking for an indulgence and release. Wretched excess aside, aspects look good for a convivial weekend spent with friends — and there will likely be no shortage of things to do or talk about.

I will post a forecast for Sunday’s New Moon later. Meanwhile, if you’re still looking for the perfect Valentines’ Day gift for your sweetie or yourself, please consider these two fabulous consultation specials — available through February.