Tag Archive for: capulus conjunct midheaven trump horoscope

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 4/29/2016 & the Weekend: Obsessively Yours with Venus, Mars & Mercury


The next two days are driven by the Moon in Aquarius, seeking friendship and a good humanitarian cause.  Lunar energy flows without interference until 11:29PM ET, when we’ll have a square between the Aquarius Moon and the Taurus Sun — a.k.a. the Third Quarter Moon. Whatever your agenda was at the New Moon seemingly eons ago, here’s a chance for another burst of effort.

Venus enters Taurus at 8:36PM ET, joining Mercury and the Sun in their quest for material comfort and security. Currently at 29 degrees of Aries, the planet of social expression, women, money and aesthetics is exiting feisty warrior Aries  accompanied by a plethora of fighting women in the headlines which I’ll get to in a few more paragraphs.

Consider a way to marry the old guard with the avant garde in your approach on Saturday, as the Moon makes easy connections to Saturn and Uranus at 8:46AM ET and 7:55PM ET respectively. Or you could apply seriously constructive energy to a project during the day on Saturday and hang with your favorite eccentrics at night. Note that around 10:56PM ET the Moon will go void on a charged square between the Aquarius Moon and Mercury — now retrograde in Taurus. These can be stubborn signs — something to consider if you’re wishing to negotiate an overnight deal to make a dream come true under the rose-colored glasses of  an easy flow between the Sun and Neptune at 8AM ET Sunday.

No harm, no foul during the overnight Moon void. Moon enters Pisces at 10:33AM ET, seeking an intangible escape. Looks like a lovely day for art, spiritual and healing pursuits — on the upside. A REtreat sounds divine, as we adjust to Mercury’s recent retrograde turn. Follow the lead of those who gathered at the White House last night for a final Seder hosted by President Obama.  What — a Seder at the White House — since when? Since a spontaneous Seder happened on the campaign trail in 2008. The story is charming, and this passage is so apt for the weekend’s planetary patterns:

Part of the Passover tradition includes an invocation to recline; rituals of rest and reflection are key to the celebration. “And so we paused from this historical campaign, we paused from how tired we were, paused from the ups and downs of traveling. We knew deep down that our lives were about to change – and the senator’s life would change the most – and this was a chance to reflect…”

No sleeping in on Monday — do note your dreams, as the Moon will meet up with Neptune at 6:23AM ET.

And now, the news.

Did I mention that Mercury turned retrograde on an obsessive quindecile to a retrograde Mars….AND Mercury has been conjunct the Fixed Star Capulus at 23-24 degrees of Taurus? Capulus, as some may receall from an earlier write-up on Donald Trump’s horoscope,  is associated with aggressive energy — usually masculine and sexual. Trump’s Midheaven (public status, career) is 24 Taurus. So is Hillary Clinton’s North Node — a focal point of growth potential in the horoscope. Hmmm. Take Mercury, Mars, Capulus and Venus at the end of Aries, and we might see headlines like “Are Some Women Headed for the Draft? Support for the Idea Grows in Congress”…or “NYT Boss Sued Over Ageist, Sexist…Policies”…on the same day the NYT runs with “Trump and Clinton Gear Up for a Race Defined by Gender”.  My personal favorite: “Royal Mail Threatens to Halt Deliveries to Home of Mail-Snatching Cat”, whose expression in the accompanying photo looks remarkably like Venus at the end of its rope in Aries.


The conventional astrological wisdom advises against rushing into or cementing partnerships when Mars is retrograde. That unity pledge between Ted Cruz and John Kasich, vowing to work together to stop Donald Trump lasted all of five seconds.  Mars retrograde also suggests that Ted Cruz and recently-declared running mate Carly Fiorina may be a match made in Hell. But don’t take it from me, take it from John Boehner, who called the would-be Presdent “Lucifer in the flesh.” The former Speaker may be inclined to act with more abandon than his diplomatic Libra Moon often dictates, now that rebel Uranus is adding the element of surprise and shock to his precision-crafted Mars in Virgo.  The internets went wild! How quickly we forget that NYT columnist David Brooks said as much back in January. Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the Satanic Temple was not amused.

Are we having fun yet? We will have even more fun in a personal consultation about your own unique horoscope. Here’s how to contact me.

Thank you for reading this forecast.