Astro-logical Forecast for Monday-Tuesday 9/22-23/2014: Sneak Peek at the Week Sun Enters Libra; Pluto Direct
Good Morning & Greetings from New York!
I’m fairly certain it’s morning and that I am in fact in New York, though it’s taken me a couple of days of time-travel adjustment to reach this conclusion. It’s an odd feeling to cross the International Date Line, and either lose a day (flying West) or have a chance to re-live a day all over again (flying East). Waking up at 2AM, ready to start the day, for example — or wanting to pass out at 7PM. Space and time can feel so relative sometimes. Food for thought….
We are in the balsamic phase of the lunar cycle, a.k.a., the dark side of the Moon. This is a good time to wrap up projects from your New Moon agenda and contemplate your next to-do list to put into effect when the New Moon in Libra begins at 2:14AM ET on Wednesday. For the next two days, the Virgo Moon energy can be used to efficiently sort, analyze and organize — hopefully without worrying too much about whether it’s absolutely perfect. There’s a certain restlessness or listlessness you might feel in this “dark” lunar phase, sensing that there’s something new around the corner, but not quite sure what it will be.
We have two notable planetary shifts happening today. First, at 8:34PM ET, Pluto turns direct at 10 degrees of Capricorn. If you are a Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra born around December 31st, March 31st, June 30 or September 30, prepare yourself for third and final round of whatever forces have resulted in a major change in perspective over the past year, ultimately leading to an empowerment, regardless of what needed to be let go in the process. If you weren’t born on those days and you’ve been experiencing some kind of intense transformation — or the pressure to have one — your Moon or other acutely sensitive point (such as your Rising Sign) might be affected. Consult your local astrologer for details.
Pluto’s change of direction suggests a potent release of hidden or underground energies, reflected in the headlines. Here’s one example of such a release: the cold, hard facts about one woman’s experience with poverty, presented in a book just published. This book got its start as a post in an online forum that subsequently went viral. An empowering transformation, no?
Today also marks the last day of summer — the Sun is at the end of Virgo and will move into Libra at 10:29 PM ET and then…happy Autumnal Equinox…a perfect balance between day and night.
The first day of each season is especially powerful. We are immediately alerted to the likelihood of change and the beginning of a new cycle. These days are prominent, noticed and in some cultures even celebrated (it’s a national holiday in Japan). The astrological signs that mark the seasons are Aries (spring), Cancer (summer), Libra (fall) and Capricorn (winter). Thus if you are born on or near the first day of those signs, or you have a planet or angle within the first two degrees of those signs, you will likely have a drive to be noticed in whatever areas of your life that planet signifies. In astrology, we use the term “Aries Point” to describe a planet that is in the first two degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Got that?
Libra is a airy, mental sign, generally concerned with relationships, social graces and with promoting fairness, justice and balance. This does not mean Librans are balanced; it means they generally are seeking balance and are quite capable of swinging back and forth wildly as they search for it. As sweet as Libra can be, they are not marshmallows. The term “iron fist in a velvet glove” often applies.
If you must ship something today or tomorrow, ship it today if you can, as the Moon will be void of course during business hours in the Americas tomorrow: 8:15AM – 11:59PM ET. Stick to routine tasks or chill during voids. Be willing to roll with whatever flakes, twists and delays you may encounter in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Avoid impulse purchases, as experience suggests that what is purchased during voids is not something you really need. Above all, avoid the temptation to make mountains out of molehills. That “crisis” you may experience is often much ado about nothing.
Other voids for the week: Friday from 8:39AM ET – 10:29AM ET. Onward!
And now, the news.
There were climate marches all over the globe yesterday, and the largest one happened in Manhattan, where at least 310,000 people marched two miles down Central Park West, Sixth Avenue, across 42nd Street and past many of the media companies headquartered in the city. Really hard for a roving TV news reporter to miss, and yet the Peoples Climate March — which apparently “shattered records” — received very little on-camera coverage. Well, the event did start at 11:30AM ET, when the Moon was void-of-course, suggesting a higher probability of being of no consequence. Coincidence or conspiracy?
On a related note, consider this piece about dissolving boundaries (Neptune in Pisces) and disruptions of the status quo (Uranus square Pluto) in the face of climate change that affecting Louisiana. Everyone knows what the state of Louisiana looks like on a map of the United States, right? It’s shaped like a boot…or so we’ve been led to believe. Apparently a lot has changed since those maps were first drawn…take a look and find out why. Reflecting themes of charity (Neptune) potent resources (Pluto), oil (Neptune) and change (Uranus) on a more proactive note, it seems that the Rockefeller heirs whose fortunes were made in oil are now divesting their investments in fossil fuels. This is a shift that is sure to gain traction, suggested by planetary patterns.
Meanwhile, the surreal razzle-dazzle potential of Sunday’s square between action hero Mars and nebulous Neptune definitely made a mark in the headlines. First, a bewildering feature in the NYT magazine called “Turning Microcelebrity into Big Business” caught my eye. Who are these people and why should we care? Exactly, but that hasn’t stopped them from making millions. Mars-Neptune contacts can be seductive or spiritual, and this story about a once-adulterous pastor trying to put a local strip joint out of business has both elements — especially since the strip joint has devised some creative ways of fighting back. A strip club is also making news in the current governor’s race in Kansas. Mars and Neptune together suggest things not being as they seem, and are an apt backdrop for the premiere of a documentary about a notorious art forger.
Last but not least, Neptune refers to drugs…and isn’t it interesting to see a NYT homepage article about Prozac…on the same day that Elizabeth Wurtzel, author of “Prozac Nation” wrote a piece about her unexpected marriage at age 47. I had planned to do a little write-up about Ms. Wurtzel’s horoscope, but I do not have time to do that today. But I wanted to point out one paragraph in her article
Most people get sick and tired of being sick and tired by the time they are 28, which is the average age of marriage in the United States. I was more like 45….
…and I point this out because 28-29 is when everyone experiences their first Saturn return. This intense transit usually presents an opportunity to grow up, get serious, go back to grad school, get that super-ambitious job, buy a house and yes….get married. At age 45-47 everyone experiences an opportunity to make a major assessment and change of direction in life. In Ms. Wurtzel’s horoscope, we see the enormous potential for a radical change of identity and public status happening since last year and continuing into 2016. What planetary cycles are you in right now? How can you use them to plan for and maximize opportunities for growth and change?
Your donations never fail to make my day, with much gratitude to you for your appreciation. Gratitude also to those of you who share this forecast with friends. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Have a wonderful day!