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Monday 8/23/2021: Sneak Peek at the Week; Full Moon in Aquarius Review

It’s Sunday, and the Sun leaves Leo for Virgo at 5:34 PM ET.

Virgo is an earth sign (as opposed to fire, water, or air). It is also a mutable sign, as opposed to cardinal or fixed. What does that mean? Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn; they need to come up with the idea and take action.  Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. These signs need to organize and give form to the concepts pitched by cardinal signs. Mutable signs — Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces — get to spread the word about the cool form the fixed signs made. Got it?

More about Virgo: it is ruled by Mercury, which also rules how we need to think and communicate. Virgo is symbolized by a virgin with a shaft of wheat. Virgo’s motto is I ANALYZE. Virgo needs to apply its mental energy to discernment and discrimination, as it separates the wheat from the chaff. Happy birthday, Virgo!

Earlier today — at 8:01 AM ET, we had a Full Moon in Aquarius. Here is what that looked like, set in Washington, D.C.:


  • Mercury and Mars are on the Ascendant of this chart and both are about to oppose Neptune. The U.S. is likely to experience a continuation of the sharp words/”everyone’s a critic” bickering and aggressive actions that last week’s Mercury-Mars conjunction in Virgo reflected. The opposition to Neptune fogs up the messaging and adds Neptune themes to the bickering and aggression: conspiracies, drugs, spirits, viruses, music, victims, refugees, wipeouts, healing, water, oceans, etc.
  • Our fearless leader is represented by Mercury in high-functioning Virgo, right on the Virgo Ascendant. This Mercury is right on President Biden’s Midheaven (career status), so that’s one of several patterns reflecting him being so much in the spotlight now.
  • The Sun and Moon are at the very end of Leo and Aquarius, reflecting a feeling of crisis about the energies involved. Leo Sun is the energy of passion, creativity, and the divine right of kings; Aquarius is more intellectual, scientific and refers to the masses.
  • Continued disruptions in the health and education of our children are suggested in this horoscope.
  • The Sun and Moon at 29 Leo and Aquarius fall on President Biden’s North and South Node, respectively; his Chiron (the wounded healer) is conjunct his North Node. Astrologer Steven Forrest has written that a Leo North Node suggests that the individual’s path to growth is to take on a position of leadership in society — one in which they can be heard. Their mission is to help others in society who, in a past life, would have burned them at the stake. How’s that for destiny, hm?
  • The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are (for the Sun at 30 Leo) “an unsealed letter;” and (for the Moon at 30 Aquarius) “the field of Ardath in bloom.” For the latter, Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee writes:

    “…an open expanse flourishing with growth from an ancient era. ‘The field of Ardath’ is a reference to ancient Babylon and a mystic meadow symbolizing the blossoming of a mystical brotherhood….associated with ‘the cradle of civilization’…a meadow without specific identity or characteristics: a symbol for all peoples in all times”.

    FYI, this was the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Aquarius in February 2015, another time when events in that area of the world were hot in the headlines, as you will see in the link to the news round-up for that forecast, along with climate change and innovative power sources. This was the last New Moon before the seventh game-changing Uranus-Pluto square, which happened on March 17, 2015.

  • Taken together, the “unsealed letter” and the “field of Ardath in bloom” suggest (writes Bovee) that we are open at this time to “creative energies that belong to no one, that are not owned, but shared…messages that cannot be traced to any particular source. These two Symbols were activated on the Full Moon in Leo in February 2011here’s an intriguing post by another astrologer with more on the meaning of Ardath.

And now, the Sneak Peek at this Week:

  • MONDAY: No sleeping in, as the Pisces Moon is not void. It’s a light week in terms of exact planetary patterns that do not involve the Moon. At 8:48 AM ET, Venus — high-functioning in Libra –trines Saturn, suggesting ideas about money, values, art, and women given a practical, effective structure. Let’s hope!  (UPDATE: oh lookie! As I was typing this last night, the FDA released its approval of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. Watch, as that approval means entities across the U.S. can now require vaccination in workplaces, etc.)  Grab your friends and unconventional allies and reach across the aisle in the early morning. By noon, we’ll be feeling the face-off between the intuitive and compassionate Pisces Moon and Mars, demanding we get it right. That opposition happens at 12:42 PM ET, and it’s followed by another face-off — this one with Mercury, at 10:02 PM ET. Note that much of the debates are colored in various shades of rose, reflecting 1) a meet-up of Moon and Neptune, exact at 12:49 AM ET on…
  • TUESDAY: …as well as an opposition between Mercury (how we need to think) and Neptune, exact at 9:13 PM ET. Hark! There’s music in the air! Meanwhile, note the potential twist, flake, or slow start to your Tuesday, as the Pisces Moon goes void at 5:12 AM ET, not to enter the next sign — Aries —until 2:58 PM ET. Stick to routine concerns; take time to wander and CHILL over perceived crises, as those that arise during Moon voids have an odd way of being much ado about nothing. Once the Moon does enter Aries, see if you notice the energetic shift, as the headlines and people around you are driven by a need to lead the way, get things started, etc., etc. not now, but RIGHT NOW.
  • WEDNESDAY: The crusading drive of the Aries Moon gets a lift from the nearest authority figure in the morning, as Moon sextiles Saturn. The only other exact aspect is an opposition to Venus at 11:56 AM ET. In Libra, Venus is focused on manners, fairness, and diplomacy, which the me-me-me Aries Moon is not usually inclined to consider. The opposition suggests potential conflict, illumination, and release. Then…onward…for the rest of the day.
  • THURSDAY: still more Moon in Aries, an excellent day for investigative journalists, as a trine between Mercury and Pluto digs up news from underground. What fresh hell will we discover now — about the powers and resources that be? On the other hand, Congress is back in session this week, and planetary patterns could reflect positive developments, once they get past the Mercury-Neptune fog of Tuesday. At 2:01 PM ET, Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto, suggesting power plays and emotional catharses, along with someone emphatically demanding a place at the table. At 5:14 PM ET, Moon sextiles Jupiter, cheering the crusaders on. Chill during the ensuing void; avoid making impulse purchases, as things bought during Moon voids have an odd way of not fulfilling their intended purpose.
  • FRIDAY:  Moon enters Taurus at 12:26 AM ET, seeking to build and maintain material security. Congress, are you paying attention? A trine between the Moon and Sun at 9:19 AM ET facilitates cooperation. The work week ends with an authoritative advance or a streamlining cut, as Moon squares Saturn at 5:04 PM ET. You’ll feel better in a few hours, indulging in the sensual pleasures Taurus loves best: good food, drink, and a snuggle with your sweetie.
  • SATURDAY: More Moon in Taurus, jolted awake by a bit of buzz around 5:51 AM ET, when the Moon meets up with rebel Uranus. This is a great day to get stuff done, ’cause after the wake-up call, Moon trines Mars, planet of action at 2:14 PM ET. More music can be made in the evening, under the influence of dreamy Neptune and the Moon’s sextile, exact at 8:55 PM ET.
  • SUNDAY: Moon trines Pluto at 1:49 AM ET, facilitating emotional depth and pillow talk. Moon squares Jupiter at 4:36 AM ET, adding expansive energy and more meaningful discussion as the Moon trines high-functioning Mercury in Virgo at 10:58 AM ET. Moon goes void for two hours — blink and you’ll miss it –and then enters Gemini at 12:41 PM ET. What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s happening –with prominence– as Mercury will be at the end of Virgo, about to enter Libra, a.k.a. one of the four Aries Points.

And there you have it. August is almost done. Where did the time go? How’s your summer going?

And now, the news.

First, an important story fitting the disruptive patterns of two weeks ago. I didn’t mention it because of all the other overwhelming stories, and this one was not unexpected. But this is science stuff, and thus good to know. From the BBC, which explains all the science stuff clearly, “Climate change: IPCC report is ‘code red’ for humanity”  and from The Guardian, “Climate crisis: Scientists spot warning signs of Gulf Stream collapse” (which I’ve posted about in much earlier forecasts).

Another significant story of disruption and diversity, fitting for planetary patterns: 2020 Census data: the U.S. is more diverse and more multi-racial.” 


Last week’s forecast suggested forces aligning in a great humanitarian mission. This certainly applies to international efforts to airlift tens of thousands of people out of Afghanistan, as Heather Cox Richardson explains. And it would be an airlift, with Uranus (aviation!) so hot in the cosmos right now. In the US, commercial airlines have been ordered to participate, including Hawaiian Airlines, can you imagine. The U.S. alone has evacuated over 28,000 people, and HCR included an observation from Matthew Dowd (who served in the Bush-Cheney administration), that during the time the US safely evacuated 20,000 people from Afghanistan, here in the U.S., 5000 people died from Covid and 500 people died from gunshot wounds. And yet, if you listen to the media, the exit is a disaster. I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember a single story about the impact of the U.S. withdrawal from Syria on our abandoned Kurdish allies. That happened in October 2019, and it took considerable searching to find a Bloomberg article from September 2020 about that impact. 

Anyhoo…as Avid Readers will recall, President Biden had a once-in-a-lifetime challenging pattern in his horoscope that was exact on August 16th. This involved Saturn (streamlining, karma, necessary controls) and his Midheaven (public status). In September and October, Biden will have two hits of an opposition between Saturn and Pluto on September 20 and October 31, suggesting an intense squeeze in that time, followed by a need for daring/innovation action around November 9, as transiting Uranus opposes his Mars for the third time this year. My sense is that much will be accomplished in November and December, with more supportive press.

In other news…

Governor Gavin Newsom of California is facing an effort to recall him. It is a totally bonkers recall process, fitting the patterns in his horoscope. Right now, Newsom has Neptune hitting all of the angles of his horoscope, as well as his natal Mars-Pluto square. Translation: a potential wipe-out, in the face of surreal conditions. California voters are being asked to answer two questions. The first is whether they are in favor of recalling Governor Newsom. If less than 50% vote NO on that question,  Newsom is recalled.  Second, voters are asked to choose their preferred replacement from a list of 46 candidates, which does not include Newsom or any other  “prominent Democrat,” despite California being a Democratic-majority state. The leading Republican candidate is Larry Elders, a radio host whom pundits have called “the Black face of white supremacy,” with an ex-fiancee who recently alleged that Elders brandished a gun at her during their abusive relationship. The LA Times has a whole webpage devoted to the recall election.  This detailed paragraph was written for the majority of cherished Avid Readers, who live in California, and I hope it motivates them to participate in this September 14 election (which will happen unless it’s challenged in court). Because if you don’t vote, someone else will — and then you’ll be sorry.

Right-o. Moving on.

Last week’s Sun-Jupiter opposition, combined with Uranus at a standstill, in harmony with Mercury and Mars, brought lots of disruptive tech news:

Add the Mercury-Mars opposition to Neptune, and stories of music surface, as in:

  • “Lorde’s (new album) ‘Solar Power‘ is mostly just wind”   Perhaps, but the title track was the most played single by radio stations in Maine while I was driving all over the back roads two weeks ago.
  • This one is a Darwin Award contender — tragic — but reflecting planetary patterns suggesting overconfidence (Sun-Jupiter) and music, drinking, wipeouts. At a Dead & Company concert at Citifield on Friday, a man named Ian Crystal attempted to do a backflip over a balcony and died. He was the CEO of a liquor company and reports say he may have been intoxicated.
  • In Central Park, another big, fat music concert was canceled, thanks to the warm-up act for Hurricane Henri. On Saturday, New York was hit by a record amount of rain. The concert was supposed to be a celebration of a new post-Covid era, and it was scheduled back when Jupiter was in early Pisces, suggesting it was way too soon! Who schedules an event celebrating a new era on a day with the Sun at the very END of a sign, opposed by Jupiter at the end of Aquarius? People who know nothing about astrology, that’s who.

Finally, a few stories of big-hearted actions, reflecting last week’s Sun-Jupiter opposition:

What’s going on in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Much gratitude to the elite group of Avid Readers who find this Forecast of value and choose to support it monthly and faithfully, or randomly and joyfully. May your ranks grow in number every day. If anyone has ideas on how to make that happen, feel free to share!

Thank you for reading this forecast.