Monday 9/12/2022: Sneak Peek at the Week; Catching Up on the News
Alllllll righty then!
Mercury is officially retrograde (as of 11:38PM ET on Friday), so hopefully you are rolling with any delays, strikes and communication snafus you may be encountering. If you’d like to view a brief Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide video, check out this Whether Forecast, posted on Wednesday, September 5th. At the end you can see for yourself how the actual front page of the Sunday New York Times was in perfect sync with planetary patterns. Astrology is amazing!
Highlights for this week are:
- Venus in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini on Friday
- Sun makes its annual opposition to Neptune on Friday
- Mercury retrograde opposes Jupiter (second of three) on Sunday
- Sun trines Pluto on Sunday
Here’s how it goes:
- MONDAY: Moon in me-me-me Aries drives the day with a need to lead courageously. Structuring initiatives is aided by a trine (harmony) with Saturn, exact at 1:25 PM ET. A power play or catharsis may arise around 12:52 AM ET on...
- TUESDAY: …as Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto. Chill during the ensuing seven-hour Moon void. At 7:39 AM ET, Moon enters Taurus, driving the next couple of days with a need to build and maintain material comfort and security; preserve the status quo.
- WEDNESDAY: A happy wake-up call perhaps, as the Taurus Moon trines Venus at 4:41 AM ET. The evening may offer a jolt. followed by a need for control — or a loss, as Moon meets up with Uranus at 6:33 PM ET, then squares Saturn at 8:29 PM ET. Note that this pattern is similar to what we had last Thursday morning, when we learned the upsetting news that Queen Elizabeth II required medical supervision…and then passed away. Note also that because Saturn and Uranus are almost square to one another –and will be in this pattern for several weeks — we are likely to experience more sudden jolts and controls whenever the Moon is around 17-20 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. If you have a planet or angle around those degrees, when was the last time you consulted with your astrologer?
- THURSDAY: a sense of balance returns in the wee hours, as Moon trines the Sun at 1:30 AM ET. Note your dreams upon waking, as the Moon sextiles (dreamy!) Neptune — and the Sun is fast-approaching its face-off with Neptune, too. Moon trines Pluto — adding depth — at 8:58 AM ET. If this day has a slow start or wandering focus, it’s reflecting another seven-hour Moon void. Stick to routine; roll with the twists and flakes; possibly take the day off. Conventional astrological wisdom holds that actions taken during Moon voids are often of little consequence — or at the very least, often don’t live up to expectations, for better or worse. I do have plenty of stories of “for better” in my files. Moon shifts gears and enters pixie-chatterbox Gemini at 4:16 PM ET, seeking to be the smartest kid in the room and talk up a storm.
- FRIDAY: There’s a lot to talk about, and the challenge may be to separate fact from fiction…or find a dreamy/spiritual retreat. The day starts off pleasantly, with harmony among the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. At 2:48 PM ET, Venus — which refers to who, what and how we need to love – squares Mars. Venus is in Virgo, demanding perfection in every detail. Mars – which refers to action and desire — is in Gemini, possibility using words as a coping strategy, a weapon or a call to arms — but in ways that may be entertaining or diverse. Sparks may fly! A few hours later, Sun opposes Neptune. Sun refers to ego expression and leaders; Neptune refers to smoke and mirrors, spirits of all kinds, forgiveness, surrender, music, oil, poison, oceans, drugs, etc. etc — so watch for those themes in the news. More sparks as the evening progresses, as Moon meets up with Mars and squares Venus, as 8:51 PM ET and 9:18 PM ET, respectively.
- SATURDAY: A trine between Moon and Saturn at 7:03 AM ET may feel as if everything is under control. A bit of wigginess may weigh in between 4 PM and 6 PM ET, as Moon squares Neptune (double check the directions) and squares the Virgo Sun. This Third Quarter Moon challenges us verbally and mentally — echoing what I said about Friday, i.e., separating fact from fiction/fantasy. Chill during the ten hour Moon void that starts at 5:51 PM ET.
- SUNDAY: Moon enters Cancer at 3:59 AM ET, now focused on emotional and home/homeland security. Big news and big ideas push boundaries of emotional comfort zones, as Moon square Jupiter at 1:37 PM ET and squares Mercury at 1:56 PM ET. Mercury in Libra — seeking fairness and justice — opposes Jupiter in me-me-me-first Aries for the second time at 6:33 PM ET. Look back to what was polarizing on September 2nd. What were the big deals in publishing, courts, sports, media, travel; those issues may be back for a second look. At 11:57 PM ET, Sun (leaders) trines Pluto (breakdown, transformation, power)...which will be close to dawn in the UK, as the world prepares to bid a final farewell to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
And now, the news.
Welp. Last week’s Sneak Peek was spot-on, as was Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Tarot Card of the Week:
But the lack of contact among the planets doesn’t mean a lack of action here on Earth. In my experience, several days of no exact aspects among the planets (except to the Moon) reflects a potential release or collapse, not unlike an ice shelf suddenly collapsing into the sea. Maybe we didn’t notice the cracks in the ice shelf’s structure before (created by a build-up of tension, which is what exact aspects among the planets suggest). Without the tension, there may be a long exhale…or sigh…or an “other shoe” dropping, and…there you have it.
[I wrote that paragraph 12 hours ago; now it’s 9:30 PM — and here’s an article about a glacier the size of Florida that’s ‘rapidly disintegrating.’]
It’s fascinating that Beth Owl’s Daughter’s always-in-sync Tarot Card of the Week begins with this quote:
The weight of the world is a trifle, if we all put our two fingers under it and try to lift together.
Vera NazarianAnd let the record show that Beth’s interpretation of this week’s card — The World — has to do with culmination and completion.
Queen Elizabeth II took her last breath during Thursday’s long Moon void in Aquarius, shortly after the Moon met up with Saturn at 8:02 AM ET, which was right on her Mars. “Queen under medical supervision in Balmoral” was posted on WaPo at 8:33 AM ET. Not long after…just like that…the end of an era. Avid Readers can find numerous posts about Her Majesty’s horoscope in the archives of this Forecast — here’s one from 2016 — a lifetime ago. Hers was affected by the lunar eclipses of last November and this past May, both of which were activated by transiting Mars around August 13th. And obviously, the horoscopes of the rest of the Royal Family were affected, too – -because that is what happens in the horoscopes of families. A major life event in the horoscope of a parent is nearly always reflected in the horoscope of the child.
If you haven’t seen this brief account of the Queen’s encounter with two American hikers near Balmoral, you simply, simply must, because it will make you smile. And it simply can not be a coincidence that after her passing, a double rainbow appeared over Buckingham Palace…and later over NATO, where flags had been lowered to half-staff.
It was fitting that tributes to the Queen’s “wicked sense of humor” were posted when the Sun (kings/queens) was trine zany Uranus, inventor of wicked humor.
Meanwhile, her horoscope lives forever…which is why we can expect dramatic changes in her home/family and/or homeland in the summer of 2024…continuing into 2025.
Here is Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Tarot Card for this week.
In other news…
- “Ukraine retakes territory in Kharkiv region as Russian front crumbles”…like an ice shelf falling into the sea, perhaps? Heather Cox Richardson’s latest Letter from an American (posted just after 11:59 PM ET on Monday) has details — and an update on how tides are turning in Europe and in the United States, too.
- Also the end of an era: “CNN’s first anchor Bernard Shaw dead at 82″. If you don’t believe it’s the end of an era for CNN, consider this in-depth profile on John Malone, CNN’s new owner.
Last week’s trine between Sun (leaders) and Uranus (technology; innovation; weird; astrology) could be seen here:
- “President Joe Biden speaks after groundbreaking for Intel’s $20 billion semi-conductor plant“
- Apple introduced its new iPhone
- A 2016 photo of King Charles III with noted astrologer Dr. Nick Campion made the rounds on Twitter
- “A chimpanzee who ran away from a Ukrainian zoo was talked into returning after zookeepers offered her a raincoat, a hug and a bike ride”
- Heather Cox Richardson shared a photo of a blue lobster on in Friday’s Letter From an American — with a note about a “crazy, rare find.” Saturday’s Letter was her wedding photo –– a fitting and lovely surprise.
- “California leaders credit cellphone alert for sudden energy conservation” — or as podcaster Joe Wiesenthal tweeted, “Wow, look at the timing of the text…and the moment energy consumption started to drop…” and so naturally I ran the chart for the tweet and could see immediately why the tweet was so effective.
These two factor in the surreal potential of the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint at the Aries Point:
UPDATE: on Barack Obama, who returned to the White House last week with Michelle Obama for the unveiling of their official portraits. I hadn’t looked at Barack Obama’s horoscope in a while, and it occurs to me now that a period of extreme pressure is behind him, and that he should have good reason to be happy in November.
Some Avid Readers have expressed an interest in learning more about astrology, especially as it was taught to me by my mentor, Noel Tyl. If you’re that kind of Avid Reader, mark your calendar and plan to attend the next Empowered Astrology Conference — happening on October 22-23 — on Zoom. I’m teaching a class called TURBO ASTROLOGY — which will feature Tyl’s “indispensable keys” to analyzing a horoscope. Astrologers and fellow Tyl graduates Kathy Rose, Catherine Goshen, Matthew Ouimet, Hiroki Niizato, Pam Gregory and John Marani will be teaching invaluable lessons, too. Holler if you have questions.
Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with friends.

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