Monday 6/14/2021: Sneak Peek at the Week; Saturn-Uranus Square #2; Jupiter Retrograde
It’s 3:26 PM ET as I’m starting to write this forecast. The Moon is in Leo, seeking ways to shine brighter than the sun. It’s a wonderful lunar placement for paying someone a compliment. It’s also an apt pattern for drama queens and kings. Moon squares rebel Uranus at 3:27 PM ET and opposes Saturn one minute later. I’ll be waiting to hear about a rebellious advance or break that may be happening as I type; e.g. President Biden’s press conference at NATO.
Between now and next Monday, the only pattern between two planets that do not involve the Moon happens today. At 6 PM ET, Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus for the second time this year. Saturn refers to reality. Uranus refers to sudden breaks. How cool was it to read this breaking news: “NSA whistleblower Reality Winner released from prison.” Surprise — and hooray for reality! Score another one for the astonishing synchronicity of planetary patterns and the news.
Here is a link to a prior forecast explaining what Saturn and Uranus represent, and what we can expect from their ongoing 2021 square. Avid Readers will recall that on the first square, two big stories were 1) the disruption and collapse of the Texas power grid (it’s back in the news again today); and 2) the wild ride in the stock market created by ordinary people who connected online and manipulated the value of certain stocks, e.g., GameStop (NASDAQ is at another record high today).
You are more personally affected by the disruptive potential of this second Saturn-Uranus square if you have planets or significant points in your horoscope at around 13 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius. That includes President Biden (Mars at 12 Scorpio), Allan Weisselberg (Saturn, Pluto, and maybe Moon at 13 Leo), Mitch McConnell (Mercury at 11 Aquarius), and Ghislaine Maxwell (Moon at 14 Leo; Neptune at 12 Scorpio).
The rest of the week goes like this, as we process whatever the Saturn-Uranus square shakes up:
- TUESDAY: Moon is happily connected to the Gemini Sun and Mercury in the morning; get the word out and/or reconnect. Chill during the long Moon in Leo void that begins at 1:25 PM ET. Roll with the twists and flakes; remember that crises that crop up during voids are usually much ado about nothing. No impulse shopping purchases. Stick to routine concerns and chill — or have a Moon in Leo celebration. Moon enters Virgo at 11:01 PM ET, determined to clean up the confetti.
- WEDNESDAY: Setting things right may be taken to the max in the wee hours, as the Moon opposes Jupiter at 2:59 AM ET. That exuberance may drive your cleaning, sorting, and organizing efforts all day. Go for it, as the Moon travels without interference. But speaking of Jupiter, it is slowing to a virtual standstill this week, as it prepares to turn retrograde on Sunday.
A pause, while we discuss this Jupiter retrograde. First, as it slows to its turning point, it grabs our attention in the way a car horn does when it leaned on. Jupiter in Pisces refers to expansion and excess in matters of compassion, empathy, whales, oceans, refugees, victims, spirits, intuition, etc, etc. When Jupiter turns retrograde, it suggests that whatever was in a process of expanding may now be subject to a review and/or delay. Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius on July 29th, shifting its focus to networks, humanitarianism, and social significance –and back under the thumb of authority, controls and technology. Why will it be back under the thumb of those controls? Because Saturn is also in Aquarius, where it stronger than Jupiter and can push it around. Jupiter turns direct on October 17th, at 22 Aquarius. It re-enters Pisces on December 29th.
The Sabian Symbol for this Jupiter retrograde is “a petrified forest,” and I last wrote about it on the New Moon in February 2012 (!). A petrified forest suggests — on the plus side — near-eternal principles that stand the test of time. A forest of formerly living trees turned to stone hasn’t decayed or rotted, presumably because it deserves to last forever. On the downside, this Sabian Symbol suggests stiff, rigid forms that have long outlived their relevance — but remain because they are frozen — perhaps out of fear (petrified).
Avid Readers may recall that nearly all of the planets were moving forward between January and April. Because many were close to a conjunction with the Sun, they were also moving faster than average. And didn’t things move at lightning speed? Now, one by one, the planets are turning retrograde, so things are slowing down — as anticipated. The pace will pick up in November and December when all planets except Uranus and Neptune will be direct and up to speed. ALL planets will be moving forward in February, March, and April 2022. So, like that.
You are more personally affected by the initial stage of this Jupiter retrograde if you’ve got a planet or angle around 2 degrees of Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, or Virgo. That includes VP Kamala Harris (2 Pisces Midheaven). Right now, with Jupiter sitting almost exactly on her Midheaven (but not exact yet), she will continue to be in the spotlight. Tomorrow the Sun crosses her 24 Gemini Ascendant, suggesting another opportunity to shine.
Back to the rest of the week:
- THURSDAY: Moon continues its mission of making things right, aided and abetted by contact with five planets between 6 AM and midnight ET. It should feel like a more active day than Wednesday, and it ends with the First Quarter Moon between the Moon and the Gemini Sun. This is time to make adjustments to last week’s New Moon intentions, perhaps involving a communication effort that seemed clever and entertaining, but could have been more precise. You do realize that Mercury is still retrograde, yes? Double-check everything before you hit send! Moon goes void on that First Quarter Moon at 11:52 PM ET. Chill until…
- FRIDAY: …at 4:53 AM ET, when the Moon enters Libra. Now is the time to focus on fairness and balance in relationships. A sense of drama and style can aid those diplomatic efforts, as Mars in Leo sextiles (harmonizes with) the Moon at 12:32 PM ET.
- SATURDAY: More Moon in Libra –and no Moon void to mess up your shopping expeditions. Maybe an object of beauty for the home…or a lovely new do at the salon…but not around 5:07 PM ET, when the Moon squares Venus, suggesting overindulgence or someone not getting quite what they bargained for. Still, a harmony between Venus and Neptune, which won’t be exact until Monday, can facilitate a dreamy escape.
- SUNDAY: This is the last day of the Sun in Gemini. Sun enters Cancer at 11:32 PM ET, as the summer officially begins. Moon enters Scorpio at 7:57 AM ET, seeking emotional depth and substance, not idle speculation. Jupiter turns retrograde at 11:04 AM ET; Moon trines Jupiter 30 minutes later, and both are trine the soon-to-be-in-Cancer Sun. Enjoy the feeling of abundance that may be briefly had– or at least a feeling of emotional self-sufficiency that can coincide with this fleeting Grand Trine among Sun, Moon, and Jupiter. Around 5:29 PM ET, Mars squares the Moon, adding provocative energy to the mix, for better or worse. Will write about the Solstice in the next forecast.
And now, the news.
Comedienne Blair Erskine has an update on that Texas power grid story. She’s funny.
Patterns driving the weekend headlines included:
- Sun square Neptune, suggesting stories of fantasy, healing, drugs, oceans, oil on troubled waters, deception
- Venus sextile Uranus, suggesting unconventional alliances and aesthetics; uniting for the greater good
- Mars in Leo, suggesting regal drama; pomp and circumstance
- “Lobster diver in Cape Cod says humpback whale scooped him up and spat him back out.”
- “L’Arc de Triomphe, wrapped: Christo’s dream being realized”
- “G-7 nations expected to pledge 1 billion COVID vaccine doses for the world”
- I told you we’d have a headline about an ice shelf breaking up
- NYT “publishes, then deletes, a story about fields of watermelons discovered on Mars” because Mercury is still retrograde — d’oh!
- “Crazytown conspiracy theory: doctor claims COVID vaccine makes cutlery stick to your head,” as Stephen Colbert explains
- “Can astrology make sense of cryptocurrency? Maren Altman and a million TikTok followers think so.” Fun fact: when I emailed the reporter yesterday to object to his use of the word “astrologist” (the preferred term is “astrologer”), he wrote back promptly to thank me for alerting him to the error. Let’s all raise a glass to WaPo’s Travis M. Andrews, who just wrote a book about actor Jeff Goldblum.
The New Moon chart set in D.C. looked like an apt time for the United States to make a good impression on the rest of the world. With Venus rising in that chart, it was fitting that on the first day of the Bidens’ European tour, First Lady Jill Biden wore a coat with the word “LOVE” on the back, “setting the tone for the whole G7 summit.” And what a dreamy seaside setting it was, with the group photo looking like the G7 family was waiting for Scotty to beam them up. President Biden did not block anyone’s path, shove them out of the way or otherwise stink up the room. It was a good look for the United States, and Queen Elizabeth seemed genuinely pleased to host our First Couple for tea.
We can see why Her Majesty would connect with President Biden, with his Taurus Moon exactly conjunct her Sun. Note that the Queen’s 12 Leo Moon is affected by the current Saturn-Uranus square, and the Uranus part of that pattern got noticed over the weekend. She used a ceremonial sword to cut a birthday cake, “because it was more unusual,” and made a quip at the G7 photoshoot that reporters duly published. When Uranus is hot in the horoscope, innovation, quirkiness, fresh starts and upsets are common. The Queen has already experienced enough gravitas reflecting transiting Saturn opposing her Moon (e.g., the death of her husband, Harry, and Meghan’s interview with Oprah), and the year is only halfway done. An example of the square of Uranus to her Moon would be the birth of great-granddaughter Lilibet Diana Mountbatten Windsor on June 4th. “Lilibet” was the Queen’s childhood name, and there’s already controversy over whether the Queen approved of the name beforehand.
WaPo put together a fabulous piece with photos of the Queen with the last 14 U.S. presidents (except Lyndon Johnson), starting with Harry Truman. With transiting Jupiter at 2 Pisces, we could see the focus on her long reign as a fitting reflection of the upside potential of a “petrified forest,” i.e., something that has stood the test of time. I can’t imagine a world without her in it. I feel the same way about our democracy sometimes. The expression “American Experiment” came to mind, so I looked it up to make sure I’d use it in the right context. The first thing Professor Google gave me was an op-ed published in the New York Tribune in 1860.
Another revelation — this one from Pro Publica:
- “The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax,” as in ZERO dollars in federal tax paid in certain years by Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, etc., despite earning billions.
- NYT’s Maureen Dowd has an opinion on this revelation, which can be filed under the U.S. Pluto return, which is likely to coincide with corruption exposed regarding the Powers That Be.
Meanwhile, in Israel…
…the stars finally aligned in the aftermath of its last election and a coalition of unconventional alliances handed Bibi Netanyahu a pink slip. For now, he is PM no more. The vote was 60-59 — by ONE VOTE, ONE VOTE, ONE VOTE –– so do not ever say your vote does not matter!! Avid Readers will recall that Israel’s horoscope has been dealt upset after upset in recent years, but an entity with a plethora of fixed signs (e.g. Taurus Sun, Moon plus four other planets in Leo) is resistant to change. Glancing at Israel’s horoscope just before the last election, I did think there was a chance to arrive at an accord (Venus, ruler of Israel’s Libra Ascendant, has been driving the action since April). However, transiting Pluto will continue to put pressure on Israel’s Midheaven over the next year, suggesting its transformation is not complete.
Netanyahu’s birth data is not certain, but a rectified time of 10:15 AM has Neptune exactly on the IC, at the bottom of his horoscope. This transit can reflect a feeling of standing on shaky ground, a bit like this car in India that was just swallowed by a sinkhole. Plus, the 10:15 AM time gives him a Sagittarius Ascendant that was recently eclipsed. Netanyahu, like many would-be kings in government today, reportedly threw a tantrum, claimed the election was fraudulent and said he’d work to “topple” the new government. He has Mars in Leo, like the former guy, which can be regally indignant when not granted the respect to which it feels it is entitled.
Meanwhile, in the United States…
I hope you’re keeping up with historian Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters from an American. She sums up the key political developments of the day and explains how much of what we’re experiencing in the U.S. has happened before. I could be wrong, but I have a sense she may not be keen on astrology, which is too bad because astrologers, like historians, study cycles. The difference is that astrologers know when cycles are going to repeat. Last year, HCR said she thought she might be able to stop writing daily after Biden’s first 100 days. Fat chance, I thought, knowing that patterns in the U.S. horoscope suggested there’d be way too much wigginess going on. Here’s a recap of those patterns.
Developments in government at state and national levels have certainly been especially wiggy. File these under 1) transiting Neptune (erasure, fog, delusion, wipeout, fantasy) square the U.S. Mars-Neptune square; and 2) the U.S. Pluto return (the power struggle that may well make or break us as it intensifies in 2022):
- Senate voted 54-35 to block a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6th attempted coup. The vote was the day after the May 27th eclipse, a time when nefarious activities may be hidden in plain sight, as you may recall from last week’s forecast. We’ll have to keep an eye on the first week of August and mid-December, when the May 27th eclipse will be triggered by Mars. Maybe we’ll learn more about what those who voted against the investigation were trying to cover up.
- Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Kyrsten Sinema, both declared Democrats, are enabling the opposition party. Sinema flies around the country to compete in grueling athletic contests but didn’t show up for the vote on the January 6th commission. It’s interesting that Sinema has a nearly exact square between Saturn and Uranus in her horoscope. She carries within her the tension between the old guard vs. the avant-garde, and we can appreciate why it’s seemingly so hard for her to move firmly in one direction. With transiting Mars currently squaring her Uranus and conjunct her Saturn, moving anywhere is going to be even more challenging, as she broke her foot in a marathon over the weekend. Mars-Uranus transits alert us to potential accidents; Mars-Saturn transits especially alert us to potential broken bones.
- Mitch McConnell said today that if the Republicans take back the Senate in 2022, he would block any Biden nominee to the Supreme Court in 2024. Transiting Uranus will conjoin his Mars-Saturn conjunction three times, starting in mid-2023. This is potentially daring and reckless. Right now, as noted earlier, transiting Uranus is square his Mercury, prompting a daring or reckless mindset, while transiting Saturn is conjunct his Mercury, sharpening a heavy focus. HCR has more on this story, for those who can’t access the NYT paywall.
- 30% of Republicans believe the former guy will be reinstated in August. Highly unlikely, though the former guy’s horoscope was heavily affected by the June 10th eclipse. Let’s keep an eye on the first week of September and most of October for an outburst of energy or revelation. We also need to watch June 27, July 10, and the last ten days of July.
In other news…
Mercury retrogrades — in tandem with other patterns — coincide with revisions of past statements. For example, at 2:26 PM on May 1, 2019, in D.C., then-Attorney General Bill Barr was asked by then-Senator Kamala Harris if the former guy or anyone at the White House had ever asked him to open an investigation of anyone. Barr mumbled and deflected and acted as if he couldn’t recall, and everyone in the Entire Free World knew he was lying, as you can see from the video here.
Fast forward to last week’s eclipse, with Sun-Mercury at 20 Gemini, which was where Mars was the day Barr said what he said. The NYT broke the shocking story that the former guy’s Department of Justice had subpoenaed Apple for certain information on members of Congress and their families. Earlier this month we learned that the former guy’s administration seized phone records and other data belonging to journalists. This story is moving fast, and now we are learning that the DOJ investigated White House counsel Don McGahn and his wife, too. Good grief! Today the House Judiciary Committee announced its own investigation, so stay tuned.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. We will have an enlightening and productive discussion together.
Flowering cactus, Giant Logs Trail
Petrified Forest National Park
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