Monday 4/2/2018: Sneak Peek at a Militant Mental Week; Mars-Saturn in the News

Happy Militant  Marching Monday!

Moon is in Scorpio, driving the day with a need for depth and control. Go for it today — and mind the Moon void on TUESDAY at 12:05 PM ET until WEDNESDAY at 2:55 AM ET. Avid Readers of this forecast will remember than Moon voids are apt for taking care of routine concerns, as opposed to launching a brand new initiative. No impulse shopping. Roll with the twists and flakes that may impede your efforts to move forward in a straight line. You are doubly advised to avoid making a mountain out of a molehill, given that Mercury is still retrograde. Clean out your desks or closets; reconnect with old colleagues and friends. Chill!

Mercury pulls focus in other ways this week. On WEDNESDAY -3:06 AM ET — and we’re feeling it now — Mercury in impulsive me-me-me Aries will challenge Mars in Capricorn.  With the Moon in righteously opinionated Sagittarius, I see potential for plenty of shooting off at the mouth, later regretted.  On THURSDAY  at 4:22 AM ET, Mercury will be challenged by Saturn, perhaps putting the kibosh on those impulsive yakkers. Watch the headlines for signs of heavy control. If you have a planet or angle around 9 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you are more personally affected.

On FRIDAY the Sagittarius Moon will be void between 9:36 AM ET and 2:01 PM ET. There’s your excuse for sleeping in. After the void, Moon will be in Capricorn through the weekend, looking to make something happen.  Venus (women, money, art, social expression) will harmonize with Saturn on SATURDAY at 9:36 AM ET, seeking to stabilize and control. May be some interesting pronouncements in the Friday afternoon news dump.

What do all these patterns mean for you personally? Find out in a personal consultation. If we haven’t spoken in over a year, you’re due for a check-up. We will have an excellent discussion together.

And now, the news.

Today’s militant, marching Mars-Saturn meet-up in Capricorn continues to dominate the headlines.  Compare the news over the weekend with the headlines in February, when Neptune was pulling focus. I wonder when the New York Times will notices how in sync it is with astrology. Here are the Sunday NYT’s top stories:

In other news…

This morning we learn that a page with information about breast cancer has been scrubbed from the Department of Health and Human Services’ website.  We also learn that on the vernal equinox, P45 invited Vladimir Putin to the White House. That was a time when we’d expect prominent news about prominent leaders.  Meanwhile, P45’s trade war heats up, as China slaps tariffs on the U.S.

Another big story this morning is a follow-up on corporate efforts to control media outlets — as predicted during Saturn’s sojourn in Sagittarius starting a few years ago. One corporation to watch was Sinclair Broadcasting, which was gobbling up local news stations faster than a rabid Pac-Man. It now owns hundreds of local stations — more than any other entity. Here’s a repeat of a John Oliver segment on Sinclair. Over the weekend, news anchors at Sinclair stations were ordered by their corporate owners to read a statement straight out of George Orwell’s 1984.  John Oliver has the latest — and it’s must-see.  On the bright side, who even watches local news anymore? Saturn in Sagittarius put the squeeze on media companies and cable fees are so high that more and more viewers are cutting the cord.  You?

Mars pulling focus refers to guns and cars. Saturn is authoritarian control.

  • In Sacramento, protests were held after an autopsy revealed that Stephon Clark — an unarmed African-American — was shot in the back multiple times by police officers who may have believed he had been breaking into cars. Mr. Clark was in the backyard of his grandmother’s house when he was killed. Over the weekend, a 60-year-old woman protester was knocked down by a sheriff’s car. Meanwhile, a nurse who posted on social media that Mr. Clark deserved to be killed for “being stupid” has been fired from her job. Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra: When in doubt, be silent!
  • “Affluenza” Texas teen Ethan Couch — who killed four people while driving drunk and then claimed he was too rich to be held responsible, was released from prison after serving two years. His post-prison life is subject to strict controls.
  • Contrast Couch’s sentence with that of Texas resident  Crystal Mason.  While on probation, she filed a provisional ballot in the 2016 November election. A provisional ballot means that your voter registration status is not clear; local election workers will sort it out after the polls close. She says she did not know that in Texas, you are not allowed to vote if you are on probation (laws vary state-to-state). Her punishment: five years in prison.

Notable obituaries:

It wouldn’t be a real Mercury retrograde without a notable strike. Teachers walked out in Kentucky; those in Oklahoma may follow suit.

There’s always more to report — but then this forecast would never ship. Here’s a random fun item to close on: Hubble telescope captures image of most distant star ever seen. It’s called Icarus.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Avid Reader Frank is doing much, much better — thanks to all who sent good wishes.

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