Monday 2/10/2020: Sneak Peek at an Unpredictable Week

Good Morning!

The Moon is in Virgo, driving the day with a need to get it right, down to the last detail. At 9:51 AM ET, Moon is challenged by Mercury, suggested a confrontation or illumination involving facts vs. belief. (UPDATE: for me, that was my brain’s belief that my 4 PM client consultation was scheduled at 11 AM. D’oh!).

The evening looks expansive and either dreamy or foggy, depending on how the opposition between Moon and Neptune at 10:30 PM ET shakes out.

As I mentioned on Friday, there are no exact major aspects among the planets this week, except to the Moon. I have noticed that during these periods of planets running wild, extraordinary events have happened. And by extraordinary, I mean the kind of game-changing, irrevocable happening that is comparable to a giant chunk of ice collapsing into the sea, without warning.

THIS JUST IN: “Building facade collapses on busy Manhattan street”

THIS JUST IN: “Iceberg that’s twice the size of Washington  DC cleaves off Pine Island Glacier in sign of warming.”

Just like that — so keep an eye on the headlines; keep calm and carry on.

The rest of the week goes like this:

  • TUESDAY — The Virgo Moon harmonizes (trines) Saturn and Pluto in the morning, enabling you to hammer out the details of your quest for world domination. Moon goes void at 1:26 PM ET on a square with Mars. And since Mars is at the end of Sagittarius, action and aggression are likely to push boundaries all week, with prominence. Chill until 6:37 PM ET, when the void Virgo Moon shifts gears into Libra, prominently seeking fairness and diplomacy in relationships. Good luck on that agenda, given that at 3:06 AM ET on …
  • WEDNESDAYMoon will oppose Venus in me-me-me Tarzan, a.k.a. Aries. The Moon cruises without interference all through the work day, perhaps ending on a high note around 8:54 PM ET, when it squares exuberant Jupiter.
  • THURSDAY — the usual potential for a power play or catharsis, as Moon makes its weekly challenge to Pluto at 9:20 AM ET, followed by an authoritative execution of will, as the Sun trines the Moon at 10:17 AM ET, and attempts to advance even further around 1:46 PM ET, when Moon squares Saturn. Moon goes void at 4:40 PM on a cooperative connection with Mars. Chill during the three-hour void. Moon enters Scorpio at 7:37 PM ET, seeking to be appreciated for emotional depth and control. Note the potential for disruption around 12:54 AM ET, as Moon opposes rebel Uranus.
  • FRIDAY — Happy Valentines’ Day from the Sun in “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius. With Mars at the end of Sagittarius, would-be Romeos could apply the innovative intellectual energy of the Aquarius Sun in prominently creative acts and assertions of Moon-in-Scorpio passion, depth and fidelity. As the Moon cruises through this day without speed bumps, chances of the downside potential of a Scorpio Moon (e.g. jealousy or vengeance), are minimized. Huzzah! Plus, a harmony between Moon and Neptune at 1:25 AM ET on…
  • SATURDAY –– …can be positively dreamy. Not until 5:17 PM ET do we see a potential challenge — between the Sun and Moon. But three minutes later, Moon goes void, so chill out for the rest of the night. At 11:07 PM ET, Moon blasts into Sagittarius, driving the next two days with the energy or righteous opinions and record-breaking actions, which we are definitely going to hear about, as….
  • SUNDAY — …at 6:34 AM ET, Mars enters Capricorn, adding potential for laser-beam efficiency to any action plan. What could go wrong? Glad you asked. Today’s plan for world domination must also consider that Mercury turns retrograde at 7:54 PM ET — at 12 degrees of Pisces — and then squares the Moon at 10:10 PM ET. What is the Sabian Symbol for this retrograde Mercury? “A sword in a museum,” an image — says Blain Bovee –– of inner power, as in:
  • a point in the journey of personal growth and refinement where the individual comes back into his or her own. Power lies within, not without.

  • To which James Burgess, another Sabian specialist, adds:
  • Through the consistent practice of self-discipline, human personality can develop into something of real substance. Such gravitas offers great personal power when in service to the commonly held traditional ideals of the community.

    In times of uncertainty, when confusion clouds the minds and hearts of less serious people, such a personality is an important counter-balance to collective emotionality. A slow, serious, heavyweight character settles turbulence and encourages caution and practicality; they set a good example.

  • Mercury will be on this degree from Feb 14th – Feb 20th. It is a focal point which we are likely to see reflected in the headlines. I find it oddly comforting. You? I will be feeling even more comforted if you make sure you are registered to vote, especially if you want to vote in a primary election that is happening during Mercury retrograde. New Yorkers, you have until February 14th to declare yourself a Democrat if you wish to participate in the primary, which doesn’t happen until late April. If you are registered as an Independent or as a Republican, you will be turned away.

Meanwhile, horoscopes with planets at the Aries Point are likely to be feeling assertive, aggressive, courageous or attacked and the end of the week, thanks to Mars. Keep an eye on Andrew McCabe, Edward Snowden, Adam Schiff, Lamar Alexander, Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren. To find out if you have a planet at the Aries Point — and its potential, consult your local astrologer.

And now, the news.

Another year, another Oscars — and how I long for the days when Oscar buzz dominated our attention. As anticipated, the hot horoscopes of Brad Pitt and Joaquin Phoenix brought home the gold — and the latter’s acceptance speech is generating big disruptive buzz, as we would expect for someone with transiting Uranus activating three planets in the horoscope, as noted here in October.  Also a winner: Laura Dern, whose horoscope was covered in a recent issue of Mountain Astrologer — check it out here — and notice that her Ascendant is 12 Pisces! She should be fielding a ton of communication this week, don’t you think? Ooh — and lookie here at Renee Zellweger’s chart! Her Ascendant is 11 Virgo, meaning that Mercury is opposing Zellweger’s Ascendant, similar to how it’s activating Laura Dern’s.  Barack and Michelle Obama‘s production company won, too — for its first film.  In other news, if you haven’t seen this year’s Best Picture, you can rent Parasite on iTunes.

Meanwhile, let’s talk about the planetary symbols for beauty, money and prominence — in general and how they are being activated in P45’s horoscope.

Venus symbolizes money, aesthetics and values (who, what and how we need to love). Venus just entered Aries — a potentially ungainly placement, especially at the first degree of the sign — a.k.a. the Aries Point. Venus was also conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer. In P45’s horoscope, his Venus was exactly opposed by Saturn, suggesting a harsh squeeze or streamlined advance in matters of money and aesthetics. As if on cue, an unflattering photo depicting garish fake tan lines made headlines worldwide. Coincidence or conspiracy?

In more serious affairs, this Saturn-Venus opposition is a big deal because it’s the first of three in a series that will be in effect through 2020, AND it is accompanied by transiting Pluto opposing his Saturn, exact on February 13th. Pluto-Saturn patterns can be anguished and often involve a ginormous effort, for better or for worse. We talked about that on Friday re: Rush LimbaughBrad Pitt is another example, as Saturn-Pluto are now on Pitt’s Capricorn Moon and Venus, with expansive Jupiter joining the party in mid-March.…it’s a big deal for P45 and the astrologers who study his horoscope because it’s the toughest challenge we’ve seen since Saturn hit his Sun and Moon back in 2017. That was a hard year, but he prevailed. There was little chance of him not prevailing up until this point, as Avid Readers will recall from prior forecasts. “Not prevailing” would include an unflattering photo going viral. It would also include the cover story of the NYT Sunday Magazine “The Money Behind [P45’s] Money,” about his relationship with the shady and scandal-plagued Deutschebank.

But there are always upside potentials to difficult patterns, which is good to keep in mind when they happen to you (consult your astrologer for details). So an “upside” for P45 would be the ability to attempt to impose a horribly harsh and streamlined budget on everyone else (as Nancy Pelosi said over the weekend, “a budget is a statement of VALUES” –– i.e., Venus. Got it?)   P45’s budget proposal includes $920 billion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid over the next ten years, with boosts to military and other defense initiatives. Cuts to Social Security are also on the table, along with the EPA, education and other safeguards. One of his campaign promises was to “save” healthcare, but with over 16,241 lies publicly told since his inauguration, etc., etc., etc., can we really believe it?

Mark the following dates for the rest of this Pluto-Saturn-Venus cycle:  Feb 6, Feb 13, July 12, Sept 6, Oct 21,  Dec 20 — and we’ll see what happens.

Whatever happens, despair is not the answer. Even if a majority in a recent poll in New Hampshire said they would rather have all of humanity be destroyed by a giant meteor than have four more years of the current administration. Dan Rather is working overtime to keep you mindfully optimistic.    So is Heather Cox Richardson, as you can see in her inspiring Facebook post from last night. We live in interesting times, but planetary patterns do suggest that we will emerge from whatever turmoil may challenge us, putting it back together again, better than before. “What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”

In other news, a birth time has been determined for Amy Klobuchar. Sun-Moon in Gemini, fronted by an Aquarius Ascendant, suggesting a need to be seen as a socially significant, unique humanitarian. Like her contemporary Adam Schiff, she experienced her second Saturn return and a Jupiter return last year. That suggests expansion, and a need for an ambitious advance as she moves into the third act of life. Supporting the need to make a fresh start:transiting Uranus squaring her Aquarius Ascendant, exact last July, September and this April.

Finally, having nothing to do with politics….

  • “British Airways flight breaks record for fastest subsonic trip from NY to London” — on a day with a grand trine among the Moon, Mars (action!) and Uranus (aviation). A grand trine is a pattern among three or more planets that looks like an equilateral triangle. It suggests an easy energetic flow — sometimes so easy that usual laws do not apply. The BA flight was expedited by heavy tailwinds, courtesy of the massive Storm Ciara. The plane traveled at the equivalent of 825 mph. Wow.

What’s going on in your horoscope? Are you primed to soar to new heights? Here’s the 411 on consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast.









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