Monday 1/23/2017: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mars Again
Good Morning!
Another day to note your dreams upon waking. Moon is pushing boundaries in Sagittarius, sign of the philosopher clown. It is challenged by visionary Neptune at 2:38AM ET and then gambols through the bulk of the day without interference. At 4:29PM ET Mercury (mindset, communication) will harmonize with Neptune. This is lovely for artists, healers, visionaries and spiritual types. Mercury-Neptune contacts may also facilitate rose-colored glasses and/or alternative facts. You may wish to double check all communications today — which may be more righteously opinionated than usual, as a Moon in Sag needs to be.
TUESDAY begins on a sobering note, courtesy of the Moon meeting up with Sagittarius at 5:38 AM ET. Sobering — or perhaps controlling and authoritative. Reaction to whatever ambitious reach is proposed may be quite combative around 12:33PM ET, as the Moon is challenged by warrior Mars. Moon goes void at that time until 5:43 PM ET, suggesting that whatever outrage that ensues may be much ado about nothing. Stick to routine concerns; give yourself permission to wander without focus if you can. Chill!
By WEDNESDAY we’ll be in the dark of the Moon — the end of the lunar cycle. Time to wrap up projects and be still — with the potential listless or restless feeling you may have until FRIDAY, when the Moon will once again be new. Friday’s New Moon happens at 7:07 PM ET in Aquarius.
On THURSDAY note the potential for volatility in the wee hours until 10:30 AM ET, as the ambitious Capricorn Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto (4:22 AM ET) and Uranus (10:18 AM ET).
Two other patterns of note this week. First, a chilly clash between Venus (women, art, money, social expression) and controlling Saturn will be exact on Friday at 12:50PM ET — but felt all week. Here’s what I wrote about another clash between Venus and Saturn in 2013:
The other planetary pattern exact today can provide necessary discipline and controls, even though some will find it a bitch. And this is chilly Saturn… squaring Venus (women, money, aesthetics, social expression)…If you are on the bitchy receiving end of this transit, see if the old cliche “whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” can apply. Here’s an example from today’s NYT: how some college students worked their you-know-whats off to pay for their tuition — tough, disciplined and inspiring. Another example of formidable discipline and resolve in a most feminine form is a front page piece on how Gabrielle Giffords, whom you may recall was shot in the head at point blank range two years ago, is evolving into a passionate advocate for sane gun controls. Did you see her one-minute speech before Congress a few weeks ago — well you must see it now and here it is — deeply moving. And strangely in synch with the Crosby, Stills & Nash song Find the Cost of Freedom popping into my head while writing the New Moon forecast. In other news, more and more women are buying guns, says the homepage of the NYT as of 6PM ET.
The second pattern of note is Mars, which will traverse the final degrees of Pisces all week, gaining prominence as it reaches zero degrees of Aries at 12:39AM ET on SATURDAY. Mars rules Aries, sign of the warrior, the big squalling baby and the people who think “Ready. Fire. Aim!” is a reasonable strategy. (That’s a quote from fellow Aries astrologer Rick Levine. My quote is that “Aries falls down stairs because it’s faster than walking”). So we are likely to see stories of prominent action involving Mars concerns: guns, war, head injuries, sports, cars, military, courage — and of course, Mars.
Will get to the serious news in the next forecast.
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