Monday 12/19/2022: Sneak Peek at a Big Week; Winter Solstice; Jupiter in Aries; New Moon in Capricorn
Allllll righty then!
It’s a big, big week in cosmic happenings, even more than listed in the last forecast:
- Jupiter leaves Pisces and enters Aries on Tuesday
- Sun enters Capricorn on Wednesday
- Sun squares Jupiter on Wednesday
- Venus trines Uranus on Thursday
- Chiron turns direct on Friday
- New Moon in Capricorn on Friday
- Mercury sextiles Neptune on Saturday
It goes like this:
- MONDAY: Moon in Scorpio demands depth, power and substance, but in a practical and easy way, as it makes a cooperative connection to Venus, exact at 8:21 PM ET. Will be watching for a public and toxic emotional release shortly thereafter. Information channeled today may feel as if it’s coming from an especially profound source, given that the Sun is at 27 Sagittarius — the degree of the Galactic Center. How were your dreams last night? This is the last full day of Jupiter in Pisces. Many things related to expansion, publishing, foreign affairs, oceans, etc. may feel like they’re at a crisis point or an ending — and because 29 degrees of Pisces is within range of 0 Aries — a.k.a. the Aries Point, it’s going to be super-duper prominent. Just watch what happens with anyone with planets at around 29 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius. Liz Cheney and Ted Cruz have two of ’em, for starters. So do Rep. Adam Schiff, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Jane Fonda (whose birthday is Wednesday).
- TUESDAY: A surprise or other upset to the status quo around 1:32 AM ET reflects the Moon’s opposition to Uranus. Efforts to mentally process and communicate are facilitated by Moon’s sextile to Mercury at 6:58 AM ET. Efforts to gain control — or advance an authoritarian initiative — may follow, as Moon squares Saturn at 11:41 AM ET. The reward potential for the latter may be tied to the start of something new and fiery, reflecting Jupiter’s ingress into Aries at 9:32 AM ET.
A pause, while we review the potential of Jupiter’s second ingress into Aries in 2022 (compared to Jupiter in Pisces), originally posted at the end of 2021:
When in Pisces, Jupiter is likely to expand matters involving all Piscean themes: empathy, refugees, oceans, feet, and faith, to name a few. Jupiter was in Pisces in 2010 when the Affordable Care Act was passed. That was a big statement of empathy and healing, was it not? Jupiter will be in Pisces until May 25th and then dips into Aries. On July 28th, Jupiter turns retrograde at 8 Aries and will stay in Aries until October 28th.
With Jupiter in Aries for the summer, I expect an excess of heat — and an expansion of all matters related to Aries, e.g., initiative, pioneers, war, steel, iron, crusades, cars, the color red, courage, and Mars. Jupiter turns direct on November 24th at 28 Pisces and returns to Aries on December 20th — right before the Winter Solstice. Anyone born with planets between 28 Pisces and 8 Aries gets a triple hit of expansion potential in 2022 — and we can expect to see a lot of them in the headlines.
We can also expect that all matters ruled by Jupiter will be colored by the energy of either Pisces or Aries next year. So if Jupiter refers to horses (which it does), we will see matters involving horses reflecting Pisces themes of empathy, victims, faith, etc. When Jupiter enters Aries, perhaps the word “warhorse” will capture our attention. Other Jupiter keywords include law, religious dogma, growth, generosity, the liver, the lungs, blood, hubris, reward, aspirations, counselors, and the all-important asparagus.
Jupiter will remain in Aries until May 17th. Then it enters Taurus, where it will reflect efforts to give material stability to Jupiter in Aries’ fiery expansion. Meanwhile, I expect the summer months Down Under will be as hot, hot, hot as this past summer in the Northern Hemisphere. If you were born in the first nine days of just about any sign — but especially Aries — congratulations, you’re getting the third hit of Jupiter’s potentially expansive abundance between now and mid-February, as Jupiter continues to retrace its retrograde steps.
- TUESDAY: The Scorpio Moon seeks soulful depth this evening, making easy connections to Neptune and Pluto. Then it goes void at 9:44 PM ET. Time to CHILL — and refrain from impulse shopping. Speaking of shopping, yes I still have gift certificates for written reports and consultations which I can ship via snail mail or email. Really Useful Mercury Rx Bookmarks are also available (via snail mail), and they make the most excellent stocking stuffers for just $6.99 (for a packet of three). Toss that coin into the Cosmic Tip Jar, send me your address, and I’ll put them in the mail today. Speaking of Mercury retrograde, the next one starts on December 29th. There will be no whining! BACK UP YOUR FILES NOW.
- WEDNESDAY: Moon soars into Sagittarius at 2:12 AM ET, looking for a gambol or a gamble. Now is the time to broaden your horizons and expand your mind. Get out in nature; take in a foreign film or a boundary-pushing debate. Note that many will be in the mood to express their righteous opinion, some with extra-special buoyancy, reflecting the harmony between Moon and Jupiter at 2:18 AM ET. At 4:48 AM ET, the Sun leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn, marking the beginning of the Winter Solstice.
A pause, while we discuss the Winter Solstice.
In the Northern Hemisphere, days will be getting longer and nights will be getting shorter. If you live south of the equator, you are celebrating the first day of summer. In any case, with the Sun in Capricorn, we move from big-picture thinking (Sagittarius) to practical application. What will we build that will materially define our collective philosophy? Think corporations, governments and maybe The Junior League. Think status and ambition.
Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season — i.e., equinoxes and solstices — from an astrological point of view. The first days of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter correspond with the first days (or first degree) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called cardinal signs. Cardinal signs initiate. They come up with the idea and put it into action, which leads to necessary change.
“Cardinal” suggests (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.” So the first day/degree of a Cardinal sign is a turning point. In astrology, the technical term for the first degree of any Cardinal sign is the Aries Point, just to confuse people who are not professional astrologers.
Equinoxes and solstices are also prominent. We make a fuss over them, right? In Japan, the first day of each season is a national holiday. How cool is that? Thus, in a horoscope, a planet or angle at the Aries Point needs to be prominent. Off the top of my head, other people with planets or angles at the Aries Point include Meryl Streep, Khrystyne Haje, Prince William, Steven Mnuchin, Harvey Weinstein, Andrew McCabe and Edward Snowden.
A chart for a new season suggests the game plan for the next three months. Here is the Winter Solstice chart set in Washington, D.C.:
- The Sun is minutes away from an exact and prominent square to Jupiter is at 0 Aries. Sun refers to leaders; Jupiter refers to expansion. The Sun is on the Descendant — in the public’s face (on the one hand), and also setting (on the other hand).
- The Ascendant and Descendant are at 1 Cancer and 1 Capricorn, respectively. An early degree Ascendant in any event chart suggests there is much free will at play in the situation; it’s too soon to tell how it will all work out.
- The Sagittarius Moon is in the 6th house — a continuing focus (in other charts we’ve looked at in recent months) on workers, service and health. This Moon is opposing Mars, and note this is yet another recent event chart with Moon and Mars (combat; action) in a challenging relationship. With Mars Rx and in the 12th house (of hidden enemies), we could surmise that these next three months have a lot going on behind closed doors that threaten the Moon’s need for influence and respect. Note that the Moon rules this Winter Solstice chart, set in D.C.
- Moon also rules the 2nd house — of money and values — and it’s nice to see the Part of Fortune on the cusp of the 2nd house. There’s an element of luck here with respect to worker and money, perhaps.
- The Sabian Symbol for the Moon in this chart is “a mother with her children on the stairs,” yet another pattern suggesting a beginning — and a need for a helping hand in order to get to the next level.
- Pluto is in the 8th house — of death, debt and taxes. This is where we may see a power play or radioactive energy drain.
- Venus is trine Uranus. Venus refers to women, values and money. A harmony with Uranus suggests tolerance, innovation and technology. It’s a better picture for what Venus symbolizes than the other turning points of 2022, especially the Aries Ingress.
Back to the forecast:
- WEDNESDAY (cont.): Sun squares Jupiter at 7:50 PM ET, suggesting big, buoyant, fiery expressions of leadership — for better or worse. Frankly, some of what we see may be contentious, as Moon is opposed by doubletalking Mars in Gemini at 8:48 PM ET. Gather your unconventional alliances and prepare to fight back, supported by
- THURSDAY: …Venus trines Uranus at 4;47 AM ET. Moon’s sextile to Saturn at 1:19 PM ET facilitates cooperation; a square to Neptune adds vision — or a need to double check instructions before wandering about the country. By now, the Moon will be at the end of the lunar cycle, which does suggest a listless or restless feel. Why? Because there is no guiding light from the Moon. These dark nights are fine for events you would prefer to fly under the radar, and you can trust that there will be plenty of whispered plans behind closed doors. Note that at 3:15 PM ET the Moon will be void for 11 hours, so remember to roll with the flakes and twists that may disrupt efforts to move forward in a straight line. Also remember that crises which crop up during Moon voids are usually much ado about nothing. Chill!
- FRIDAY: At 2:49 PM, Moon enters Capricorn, motivated to plant seeds that will administer PROGRESS. Moon squares Jupiter at 3:13 AM ET, expanding ambition — and perhaps elevating someone’s status. At 4:30 AM ET, Chiron — the Wounded Healer — turns direct. Chiron has been traveling in Aries — and here’s what I wrote about that back in 2019. As for how Chiron’s turnaround applies to this week, think of it as yet another car horn blaring — this time focusing our attention on healing our collective wounded selves. This blaring horn will continue into the next lunar cycle, given how close it is to the exact start of the New Moon in Capricorn, at 5:16 AM ET. I’ll post the chart for the New Moon in a later forecast. For now, just note that the Sabian Symbol for this lunation is “Three stained glass windows, one damaged by bombardment,” and here is Blain Bovee’s intriguing analysis. As for how it applies to these United States at this particular time, note that we have truckloads of information coming out this week — as Heather Cox Richardson reports — including the January 6th Committee’s final report. The Symbol for the next lunar cycle smashes some of what may have been rose-colored glass, allowing pure light to shine through. We have an opportunity to move to the next level, so now what?
- SATURDAY: Moon trines Uranus at 3:01 AM ET and then meets up with Venus at 7:16 AM ET. If the last day before Christmas includes a laundry list of practical chores driven by magical thinking, the Capricorn Moon is well-supported by easy contacts among the other kids in the cosmic sandbox, including the ones this morning. The magical thinking comes courtesy of a sextile (easy aspect) between Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) and Neptune (dreamy; inspired). Santa’s trek around the world gets an extra boost of intensity, reflecting Moon’s conjunction to Pluto at 10:10 PM ET. Chill during the four-hour Moon void.
- SUNDAY: Moon enters Aquarius at 2:13 AM ET. Now is the time to network with all your friends. A sextile to Jupiter at 2:56 AM ET, followed by a trine to Mars (action; assertion) provides drive and — hopefully — good cheer. Merry Christmas! Happy 8th night of Hanukkah! Happy Festivus, too!
Here is Beth Owl’s Daughter’s always-in-sync Tarot Card of the Week. Easy does it!
And now, the news.
Now that the January 6th Committee has held its final hearing, it is interesting to note that:
- Though scheduled to begin at 1 PM ET, the hearing did not begin until Venus was exactly on the Midheaven of the chart for any action happening that day in Washington, D.C.. That moment was 1:07 PM ET, and this is not a coincidence.
- As expected, Committee sent criminal referrals to the Department of Justice in an effort to hold the defeated former guy accountable for his illegal attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election. As Rep. Jamie Raskin was reading the 4th and final referral, the Washington Post ran a “Breaking News” banner along the bottom of its screen. Uranus was right on the Ascendant of the chart; Pluto was right on the Midheaven. This is also not a coincidence. Astrology is amazing.
- New testimony from Hope Hicks was presented, and what I remember about her horoscope is that her Mars is at 0 Aries. We see how her actions are being prominently expanded right now by transiting Jupiter. She is likely to gain more prominence as transiting Pluto squares her Libra Sun.
- Would-be House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Reps. Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs and Scott Perry — all Republicans — were referred to the House Ethics Committee for refusing to comply with subpoenas issued by the J6 Committee.
Speaking of ethics, the most mind-blowing story I’ve read today is about George Santos, a Republican who prevailed in his second attempt to win a seat in Congress. He will represent parts of Long Island and Queens if he actually serves. Today the New York Times reported that Santos has repeatedly lied about his education and work experience. He never graduated from Baruch College or NYU. He never worked at Citigroup or Goldman Sachs. Here is his bogus website. So how in the world have none of these total lies been reported on…by the press or any opposing candidate…until now?
That’s a rhetorical question, because obviously we can see the potential snake oil in what we know of Santos’ horoscope — if he really was born in Queens on July 22, 1988 (three months before Hope Hicks). Mars square Neptune is always an alert for possibly getting carried away by one’s own spin. Santos would have a knack for spin with a regal Leo Sun (who dares challenge a king) in an easy flow with Jupiter in blah blah double talking Gemini, which in turn is in an easy flow with action hero Mars in highly efficient Aries. Looking at current transits in what we may know about this horoscope, it’s clear he’s due for a breakout, a break down and heavy responsibility. Time will tell if he will be further empowered or held accountable. He was the chosen candidate of the party that supported Herschel Walker, after all. Such interesting times.
In other news…
There is a bomb cyclone weather pattern developing over much of the country this week. With Jupiter moving from Neptune to the Sun, this week — and demanding prominence at the end of Pisces, this is not surprising. We’ve seen patterns like this before.
- World governments recognize potential end of everything; sign landmark deal to preserve Earth’s ecosystems
- “For planet Earth, this might be the start of a new age”
Stay tuned to this channel for more on Friday’s New Moon, and a recap of all the big stuff that’s likely to pull focus this week.
Here’s the 411 on personal consultations, written reports and gift certificates.
Yes, I still have Mercury Rx bookmarks — $6.99 for three and your snail mail address will get them in the post. Toss the coin into my Cosmic Tip Jar as a Joyful Random Expression of Appreciation.
Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with friends.
Happiest of holidaze to you.
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