Monday 11/1/2021: Sneak Peek at the Week; New Moon in Scorpio
Allllll righty then!
Get it done before lunchtime on the East Coast, as the Virgo Moon — driving the day with a need to get it right — goes void at 1 PM ET. Roll with the twists and flakes that may derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Remember that crises that crop up during Moon voids are usually much ado about nothing — and will soon work themselves out once the Moon regains its focus when it enters the next sign. Case in point: on Saturday the Leo Moon was void between 3:04 AM ET and 2:09 PM ET. When I got to my desk that morning, the floor lamp behind me wasn’t working. I changed the bulb — still no light. I’m thinking, “well, darn, I’ll have to take this lamp to the repair shop and have them replace the socket.” Within minutes after the Moon entered Virgo (and conjoined my natal Uranus), a much more meaningful lightbulb went off and I realized that the power strip thingy had mysteriously turned itself off, and that’s why the lamp wasn’t working. Flipped the switch on the power strip — et voila — case closed.
Anyhoo, get it done today before 1 PM ET — or ship it after the Moon enters Libra at 7:10 PM ET. Until then, we’ll be processing the third trine between Mercury and Jupiter (exact at 12:18 AM ET) and the third square between Mercury and Pluto, exact at 5:39 AM ET on TUESDAY. Already we’re seeing heavy news from underground — with extra gravitas supplied by the weekend’s hard-nosed square between Saturn and the Sun. Watch for heavy headlines involving court opinions, legal theories, and the media. Time for everyone to get real, and for WaPo to deliver another exclusive investigative report about the January 6th insurrection, with this one absolutely, positively concluding (according to Heather Cox Richardson’s summary, for those who can’t access WaPo) that TFG is the culpable party.
I should mention that the Virgo Moon goes void at 1 PM ET on a square to Venus in Sagittarius, suggesting a challenge between someone’s question for correctness vs. the opinionated social expression involving women, money, and aesthetics. It’s the backdrop for the action in the Supreme Court today, as it hears arguments re: the Texas abortion law it did not strike down last month.
I should also mention that once the Moon enters Libra at 7:10 PM ET, the next couple of days are driven by a need for fairness and balance in relationships. The rest of the week goes like this:
- TUESDAY: It’s Election Day in the United States and if you don’t vote, someone else will, and then you’ll be sorry. Are you registered to vote? Please check your status here. After processing more news from underground, dug up by that Mercury-Pluto square at 5:39 AM ET, the Libra Moon seeks stability and structure via a trine to Saturn at 7:31 AM ET. It might feel like a bit of a Moon void because there are no other exact aspects to the Moon from other planets for the rest of the day. Also, we’re moving into the balsamic phase — the end — of the lunar cycle. A feeling of listlessness or restlessness would not be unusual. These days with little light from the Moon are apt for clandestine meetings — and you can be assured that they are happening in a back room near you. Whatever must they be talking about, hmm?
- WEDNESDAY: an easy flow of expansive energy, followed by a power play, as the Moon trines Jupiter at 9:07 AM ET and then makes its weekly clash with cathartic Pluto at 11:57 AM ET. Everyone may hear what happened around 3:26 PM ET, as the Moon meets up with Mercury. Last stop before going void at 6:32 PM ET: a pleasantly cooperative connection between the Moon and Venus. Enjoy a bit of peace before the Moon enters Scorpio at 8:52 PM ET.
- THURSDAY: Actually, a bit of peace is debatable. There’s been a buzz in the air all week, as the Sun makes its annual opposition to Uranus. Watch for stories of rebellion, technology, uranium, aviation — and perhaps even astrology. These stories are likely to involve CEOs and heads of state. At 1:55 AM ET, Moon meets up with Mars in Scorpio, taking no prisoners. At 8:45 AM Moon squares Saturn, which may throw a wet blanket on someone’s enthusiasm. We get to spend the next several hours seeking depth, substance, and a consolidation of power until 5:14 PM ET when the Scorpio Moon meets up with the Sun. Make a list of intentions — here we go with another new cycle — and this one may come with a big surprise, given that the Moon opposes Uranus at 5:25 PM ET…and the Sun follows suit at 7:57 PM ET. Here’s what was going on in October 2015 under similar patterns.
Here is the chart for the New Moon, set in Washington, D.C.:
- The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon echoes the potential disruptive genius of the opposition to rebel Uranus. It is “an inventor experimenting,” and Sabian Sage Blain Bovee says it is an image of “tinkering with possible better ways.” Think creation, innovation, genetic mutation — trying anything out in an effort to build…a better mousetrap…or just to build back better? Bovee has other ideas for working with this New Moon symbolism, as in, “What if you carried yourself in a way that did not hinge on pleasing others?” Mars is now out of conflict-avoidant Libra; Mercury will follow in a few days. As noted in the last forecast, people are likely to forego cooperation and compromise now for the sake of getting things done– ruthlessly.
- In this chart, Venus is at the verrrry end of Sagittarius — soon to enter Capricorn. The energy of social expression, money, women, values, and art is at a turning point — and thus demands prominence. All of those themes are likely to pull focus in this lunar cycle. Watch the headlines this week.
- Pluto squares the Aries Ascendant in this horoscope — creating a sense of urgency and “resistance is futile” among partners and open enemies.
- As noted last week, this New Moon falls on President Biden’s Mars at 12 Scorpio, suggesting the energy of assertion and action is activated. Keep an eye on November 9th and 10th (and perhaps a couple of days before), when transiting Uranus opposes Biden’s Mars, and Mercury-Mars in Scorpio squares his natal Pluto. November 10th may be challenging for many people, frankly, but for our president, it is likely to be felt personally. We’ll likely see themes of militant discipline in the headlines, as Mercury meets up with Mars in the morning, and both square Saturn around noon and 6 PM ET, respectively. Note that the North Node is currently conjunct Biden’s Uranus, suggesting meetings with unusual groups of people — and perhaps his meeting with Pope Francis over the weekend and with leaders at COP26 in Glasgow would qualify.
- Fun fact about Biden’s meeting with Pope Francis, which happened on the last day of Mars in Libra. IMHO, the upside potential of Mars in Libra is to become a warrior for peace — and Pope Francis has Mars in Libra (like several of his predecessors). Isn’t it interesting that President Biden said — upon meeting His Holiness — that he was “the most significant warrior for peace I’ve ever met.” Astrology is amazing.
On with the weekly forecast:
- FRIDAY: note your dreams in the AM, as Moon trines Neptune at 5:53 AM ET. At 6:43 AM ET, Venus leaves high-flying Sagittarius for Capricorn, demanding decorum and a pedigree in matters of love, money, and social expression. Venus in Capricorn knows exactly how to use its connections to climb up a ladder (preferably corporate), and until March 7th, so could you. Why such a long stay in Capricorn? Because Venus will be turning retrograde in Capricorn on December 19th, not to turn direct until January 30th. Where have we seen this pattern before? November 2013 through early March 2014. Stay tuned for further details as we get closer to mid-December.
- FRIDAY: after the dreams, exuberance, and depth, as the Scorpio Moon squares Jupiter and sextiles Pluto at 9:32 AM ET and 12:10 PM ET before going void for the next almost-nine hours. Chill time — cut out of work early — you’re not going to miss much of anything. At 6:34 PM ET, we’ll have another planetary shift, as Mercury ditches Libra for Scorpio. No more weighing matters in the balance, as mindset now needs to be ruthless in its quest for knowledge. At 8:52 PM ET, the Moon heaves a sigh of relief as it exits Scorpio and soars into Sagittarius for the weekend.
- SATURDAY: broaden your horizons; think outside the box; go for a walk in the woods; share your righteous opinion. So sayeth the Moon in Sagittarius — traveling without interference for most of the day. There’s no Moon void, so you can shop with confidence, perhaps inspired by the idealism of a rare sextile between Mercury and Venus, exact at 11:58 AM ET. Translation: a harmony between mindset/communication and values/social expression might bear fruit.
- SUNDAY: Another dreamy morning, courtesy of a Moon-Neptune square at 4:46 AM ET, made grander by harmony with Jupiter at 8:43 AM ET. After that, enjoy the Moon void that goes on and on and on until 8:03 PM ET. No shopping, if you please. Just chill and enjoy. The evening brings us back to earth with the Moon’s ingress into Capricorn, looking to Make Things Happen.
If you enjoy these forecasts, I invite you to support them — by becoming a Faithful Monthly Subscriber! I type these words now because over the weekend an Avid Reader suggested I create a platform whereby value-conscious Avid Readers could toss the cost of a fancy mocha latte into…uh…hmm….perhaps…a Cosmic Tip Jar, or something like that — in appreciation for these weekly insights. Wasn’t that a lovely thing for her to suggest? Imagine her surprise when I told her (with a big smile) that I do have such a platform — and you can check it out here. Huzzah!
And now, the news.
Let’s start with a few stories reflecting last week’s Venus square Neptune & Venus sextile Jupiter:
- “Spanx founder gifts all her employees with first-class plane tickets and $10,000″ — how nice is that?
- FDA approves Covid vaccine for emergency use on children ages 5-11
- “Merck will share formula for its Covid pill with poor countries”
- “Super troupers! ABBA on fame, divorce, ageing backwards — and why they’ve returned to rescue 2021“
- Facebook rebrands its corporate identity; unveils plans to build a “metaverse” – an online world where people can game, work, and communicate in a virtual environment, often using VR headsets.
- More make-believe: stock market still riding high
Add in the weekend’s no-frills Sun-Saturn square, and that’s the kind of royal wedding that happened in Japan a few days ago. You can see these patterns in this story, too:
Isolation and self-reliance are apt for a Sun-Saturn square, as well as this item about the debut novel of an author who is an only child — in which she imagines what it would be like to have siblings. Also: “the cultural factors behind falling fertility rates.”
As anticipated in last week’s forecast, at the end of the day on Thursday, the proverbial rock had rolled back to the bottom of the proverbial hill, and the planned vote on President Biden’s infrastructure bill was once again postponed. But at least when the bill does pass, seniors on Medicare will finally be covered for their hearing aids, but not their glasses and dentures, as Michael Moore explains. Moore’s rant aptly reflects our anticipation that these past several days were likely to be harsh for Biden. Translated into astrological jargon, what Moore is saying is: “President Biden had transiting Saturn opposing Pluto and transiting Mars opposing Moon over the weekend.” In other news, can you imagine being in the room with lawmakers having a serious discussion about which two of these three quality-of-life essentials would have to be cut from the bill? Why did hearing win out? No idea. Saturn does refer to hearing, and it also refers to teeth. Vision in the language of astrology is ruled by the Sun and the Moon. Maybe they flipped a coin re: hearing vs. teeth. Meanwhile, Avid Readers will recall that the U.S. has a Sun-Saturn square in its horoscope. That’s the “rugged individualism” in our national psyche, as well as the “you can have it all — if you work hard at it” and the “just pull yourself up by your bootstraps” philosophy of life. Translated into astrological jargon, what Moore is asking (rhetorically) in his rant is, “why does the U.S. Sun-Saturn square have to be such a bitch?”
Meanwhile, even Heather Cox Richardson took note of the fact that Republicans were literally cursing at President Biden (in euphemisms over the past several days) — and so did an on-duty pilot for Southwest Airlines. Astrology is amazing.
More hardcore stories:
- FBI failed to act on likely tips of Jan. 6th insurrection
- SCOTUS refuses to stay execution in Oklahoma — which was then botched — again
- “The dirty dozen: meet America’s top climate villains”
- “We are digging our own graves,” says UN Secretary General at opening of Glasgow Climate Summit
- “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the leaf blowers”
- TFG sues to hide documents from committee investigating January 6th insurrection”
- From Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo: “The Most Damning January 6th Revelation Yet”
- WaPo reveals internal documents and recordings from the Council on National Policy
- HCR draws our attention to the computer scientists who noted suspicious contacts among the 2016 TFG campaign, Russia-based Alfa Bank, and Spectrum Health (connected to Betsy DeVos’ family. Full story at NYT here.
- “James Staley, Barclay’s CEO, will step down after a Jeffrey Epstein inquiry”
Last bit of investigative reporting for the day:
An astrologer may help you find answers to some of those questions. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
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