Monday 10/26/2020: Sneak Peek at the Week; Venus Pulls Focus; Full Moon in Taurus

Good Morning!

The day is driven by a Pisces Moon, facilitating depths of feeling — especially for the suffering of others. It harmonizes with Uranus at 10:44 AM ET. Innovation and unconventional alliances are highlighted. P.S., there’s water on the Moon, says NASA –and Pisces is nothing if not watery. Moon travels without interference for the rest of the day; go with the flow. Just note that Mercury is STILL retrograde (double check schedules and transmissions), as well as MARS (reckless ramming is likely to backfire). The rest of the week goes like this:

  • TUESDAY: Note your dreams, as Moon meets up with visionary Neptune at 5:41 AM ET. The Pisces Moon is well-supported by contacts with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn — all in Establishment Capricorn — until the close of the business day. Much can be accomplished, especially tasks that reflect REtrograde Mercury and Mars. For example, I will be REvising my PowerPoint on “The Astonishing Synchronicity of Astrology and the News.” I’ll be presenting it on Thursday, October 29th at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT in the glorious Zoom Room of the San Francisco Astrological Society. It’s open to the public — here’s the 411. Moon goes void at 8:46 PM ET — chill for the rest of the night.
  • TUESDAY: At 9:34 PM ET, retrograde Mercury backs out of Scorpio and re-enters Libra. From now until November 10th, the collective mindset needs to be rational, fair and perhaps swing from side to side. Mercury in Libra has a more facile way with words than Mercury in Scorpio. It is perhaps more inclined to aim for an outcome that pleases the most, as opposed to Mercury in Scorpio’s need to tear down and reform.
  • TUESDAY: Venus leaves Virgo for Libra at 9:41 PM ET. This is an improvement in matters of women, social values, aesthetics and money concerns; thus it’s an apt time to get your hair done. It’s also a time of prominence in these Venusian concerns, as Venus will be at the Aries Point a couple of days before and after. Watch for news involving anyone with a planet around 1 degree of Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn. Amy Coney Barrett is Exhibit A; her Pluto (power) is at 1 Libra. Venus enters Scorpio on November 21st.
  • WEDNESDAY: Moon charges into Aries at 4:45 AM ET, looking to get something started — not now, but RIGHT NOW. It clashes with someone’s sense of fairness around 5:32 AM ET, when it opposes Venus. The rest of the day is free from planetary interference. Emotions are on the rise, as the Moon is waxing to its fullness, exact on Saturday.
  • THURSDAY: The Aries Moon  supercharged by a meet-up with Mars at 2:33 PM ET. You’re more personally affected by the need for the intense crusade if you have a planet around 16 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Boundaries are pushed further — with great enthusiasm — around 10:39 PM ET, as Moon squares Jupiter.
  • FRIDAY: clashes and catharses overnight, as Moon squares Pluto (at 2:25 AM ET), Saturn (at 9:30 AM ET) and Mercury (at 12:15 PM ET). It then goes void until 5:19 PM ET. Chill during the Moon void; stick to routine concerns and don’t make a mountain out of  a molehill. Once the Moon enters Taurus, the me-me-me need is replaced by a need to build and maintain the status quo, material comfort and security. But guess what? On…
  • SATURDAY: at 10:49 AM ET, the Taurus Moon’s need for comfort is opposed by the Scorpio Sun’s need for power and control. Happy Full Moon! Minutes later, Sun and Moon are zapped by the lightning bolt energy of Uranus (at 11:52 AM ET and 10:55 AM ET). The potential is one of disruption, revolution, shocks and surprises involving heads of state and business, technology, aviation, seismic shocks, uranium and things that are seen as out-of-this-world, including astrology. What was buzzing in the news on last year’s Sun-Uranus opposition? Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) resigned after a foreign tabloid published intimate photos (an act of revenge on the part of her ex), and P45 announced a U.S. military raid in Syria (resulting in the reported suicide of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi). More examples from last year are here, so you’ll know what to expect.

Here’s what the Full Moon looks like, set in Washington D.C.:

An especially well-known astrologer is saying that this is the “worst Full Moon chart” they’ve ever seen. I’m not at all sure how this is helpful or productive. Yes, we can expect upsets in the mundane and/or political world. Yes, if you’re born around the 30th of October, January, April and July, you may be more personally affected by the buzz than most (consult your astrologer for details). One directly affected chart is the 2017 inauguration.

Yes, there is a heavier mindset around this Full Moon that will continue into all of next week. Why? Because Mercury is slowing down again, prepared to turn direct on November 3rd. As it slows to a virtual stop, it will be square Saturn — exact on SUNDAY and again on November 6th. We see potential for authoritarian or sobering controls imposed in matters of thought, communication and movement.

Yes we also see expansion in matters of power — and also possible breakdown/corruption exposed. Why? Because Jupiter (big) is moving to its third meet-up with Pluto on November 12th, and in this Full Moon chart set in D.C. Jupiter rules this chart (with its Sagittarius Ascendant) and sits in the 2nd house of money, self-worth and values. Maybe we’ll hear illuminating news about the “dark money” Jane Mayer writes about. (Fun fact: Jane Mayer is reportedly either 64 or 65, and thus may have been born with Jupiter-Pluto conjunct in Leo. If so, we can appreciate why she would be drawn stories of wealth and power).

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are more cryptic than usual, if you ask me. For the Moon: “a Christmas tree decorated” and for the Sun: “dental work.” Sabian Symbol Sage Blain Bovee offers thoughts on a practical application here.   He adds (in his book) that we should be mindful of “the prudent regulation of what goes in and out of the mouth….stories that have no teeth; a toothy smile in an attempt to fit it; managing decoration and decay; balancing power and peace.”

We shall see.

  • SUNDAY: Moon in Taurus continues to focus on preserving the status quo, well-supported by Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. Law and order? Mercury squares Saturn at 2:06 PM ET, as it did on September 23rd. 

And now, the news.

I feel like we should be hearing from George W. Bush this week. His conflict-avoidant Libra Moon is currently opposed by Mars, ruler of his Midheaven. This is provocative potential and is exact on Thursday.

Mercury retrograde snafu:

Mercury retrograde bringing the past to light; Venus in Virgo trine Saturn-Pluto adds a dash of macabre:

In other news…


There was plenty to watch on TV over the weekend. On Saturday, the Aquarius Moon went void at 5:54 PM ET for almost exactly 24 hours. In a sports contest, Moon voids suggest surprising upsets, usually favoring the underdog — as seen in  a stunning last few minutes of the World Series, Game 4:Rays Stun the Dodgers with Chaotic Walk-Off Win in Game 4″ .

Now, on to politics. P45 is pushing boundaries, as patterns in his horoscope suggest (and explained in recent forecasts). Here he is lying and stomping out of an interview with Lesley Stahl on  60 Minutes. He’s devoting the last days before the November 3rd election by flying to rallies all over the country, even as Utah hospitals may soon be rationing health care and El Paso is now under curfew as Covid continues to spread. Studies now show that Covid cases have increased in the aftermath of those rallies. Heather Cox Richardson has more.

Five people on VP Mike Pence’s staff have tested positive for the coronavirus, including his Chief of Staff Marc Short. The VP, as you know, is head of the coronavirus task force — and today he’s planning to attend the Senate confirmation vote for Amy Coney Barrett. Meanwhile, over the weekend P45’s Chief of Staff — Mark Meadows — said there is no plan to get Covid under control, as they’ve totally given up.

The surges are in sync with the build-up of tension happening on November 12th, the third meet-up of Jupiter and Pluto — and they are happening in other countries, too — but not all of them.

In other news…

People were wondering what Jared Kushner was up to, as he fell off the radar after his father-in-law was diagnosed with Covid. Not to worry, as Kushner’s horoscope suggested a grand comeback, as Avid Readers may recall. Transiting Mars and Jupiter challenging his 20 Capricorn Sun on October 15 and 26 (for the third of three hits) suggested provocative action, perhaps involving expansive publishing and legal concerns. Exhibit A: The Lincoln Project erects ginormous Jared billboard in Times Square; lawsuits are threatened. Exhibit B: this interview with whistleblower Max Kennedy, explaining what it was like to work on Jared’s disastrous Covid response team makes the rounds on social media. Exhibit C: NYT publishes exploration of Jared’s involvement with fishy Kodak loan that was put on hold a few months ago after appearance of possible corruption. That deal made headlines in the first week of August, when Mars and Jupiter activated Jared’s 20 Capricorn Sun for the second time. The first one was around March 16. Exhibit D: Jared makes news today by telling Black people what to do.  How grand of him — and how apt for a Sun-Jupiter conjunction.


On Sunday, the NYT published the obituary of the Republican Party.  In New Hampshire, the Union Leader — the state’s most widely-circulated paper — endorsed Joe Biden. This paper hasn’t endorsed a Democrat in a hundred years. What in the world are they thinking?

The GOP has been going through a lengthy period of upsets. Now, with transiting Saturn at the base of one horoscope astrologers use for the birth of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854 at 1:01 PM ET in Jackson, MI), we see a need to shore up the foundation of the proverbial house.

Transiting Pluto will follow suit next year; right now Pluto is busy reflecting a potential teardown and transformation of how the GOP is seen as it squares the GOP’s 23 Libra Ascendant. According to a new study, Republicans are now more aligned with “autocratic parties in Hungary and Turkey, shunning democratic norm and advocating violence.” Speaking of Turkey, it just insulted France.

Good news! Japan pledged to become carbon-neutral by 2050. Japan is the world’s 3rd largest economy. Subarashii desune!

Good news! More than 58 million Americans have voted, 8 million more than 2016’s early voter tally at this point in the game. Keep it up!! Let’s smash records!! Get thee to the polls — but before you do, check your voter registration status here.

We always, always end with a bit of good news. Especially in these interesting times.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Hope to see many of you at my  San Francisco Astrological Society webinar on Thursday, October 29th  at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT.

Photo by Robert Trombetta on Unsplash




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