Monday 10/22/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week: Thunderbolts & Lightning; Full Moon in Taurus
Happy Monday!
The Moon is in Aries, driving the day with a need to get there first, the faster the better. Said drive may have had a smack down around 10:59 AM ET, as it clashed with authoritarian Saturn. But Aries is a sign least likely to take “no” for an answer, so off it goes again, aided and abetted by the dirt and other depth of understanding that is likely to emerge around 3:11 PM ET, as Mercury (mindset) and Pluto (power; corruption exposed) form a cooperative alignment.
Planetary patterns of note this week include:
- TUESDAY: Sun enters Scorpio at 7:23 AM ET. Scorpio demands substance; none of that airy-theory-rational stuff that Libra does so well. Scorpio is a deeply emotional sign, noted for its need for privacy, power and control. Scorpios “build all the way up to Heaven…and all the way down to Hell,” wrote astrologer Linda Goodman. Hopefully you can hang with one who builds a stairway to Heaven. A Scorpio heading for Hell will happily annihilate everyone and everything in its way. Really, they are so very interesting. And loyal, too, if you happen to have one in your corner.
- Also on TUESDAY: Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto at 2:18 PM ET, suggesting a catharsis or power play. Adding to the disruption/breakthrough potential is the Sun’s annual face-off with rebel Uranus at 8:46 PM ET. Between now and then, I have an eye out for seismic activity, tech advances, rebellions and other wreckage of the status quo. Moon goes void at 2:18 PM ET, not to enter Taurus until…
- WEDNESDAY at 10:33 AM ET. Before that, Venus (social graces, women) and Saturn (ambition, structure, authority) are in an easy alignment, at 8:52 AM ET. If you made a pitch you hoped would be persuasive on Monday, you may be able to move forward on structuring a deal through the rest of the week, as the Scorpio Sun with meet up with Venus and harmonize with Saturn on FRIDAY morning and SATURDAY evening, respectively.
Also on WEDNESDAY: the Full Moon in Taurus, exact at 12:45 PM ET. Looking back at the last Full Moon in Taurus (November 2017), planetary patterns were remarkably similar, as I wrote:
A Taurus Moon seeks material comfort and security, and comfort was what I was feeling last night when I happened to glance up at the sky and see the big, bright, beautiful Moon. When is the last time you looked up at the Moon?
The Taurus needs of conservation and preservation are opposed by the Sun in Scorpio. Depth is a Scorpio need….but so is decay and breakdown…and I may not emphasize those needs enough. Taurus refers to “mine.” Scorpio refers to “ours”…and therein lies the potential conflict, illumination and release…especially in matters of resources.
You could make some practical magic over the next few days. The Taurus Moon, whilst ripe with emotion, is also in a grounding Earth sign. Venus — symbol of women, money, values and social expression — is in harmony with Saturn, facilitating cooperation and structure…
What’s different this year is that the alignment between Venus and Saturn is happening in Scorpio and Capricorn, not Libra and Sagittarius. This isn’t about boundary-pushing theories; it’s about consolidating power and control. Also, Venus is retrograde this year, suggesting an apt time for strategic review…as well as for the New York Times to invite me to an online discussion this Thursday with columnist Ron Lieber on “why talking about money is taboo around the world. They’ll also share strategies for having low-drama discussions and explore the many benefits of talking finances with spouses, relatives and kids alike.” Mr. Lieber writes the Your Money column for the NYT. Kudos to you, NYT — you are right on schedule.
I’ve been thinking a lot about reviewing finances while observing how the P45 Administration is dealing with Saudi Arabia, as more facts about WaPo journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder are published. On Sunday Angela Merkel said that Germany would halt all arms sales to Saudi Arabia “until the case is cleared up.” Yet P45 continues to try to sell America on the benefits of doing billions’ worth of business with the Saudis. Plenty of U.S. companies do, and here’s a list prepared by CBS News. Hmmm, I thought. Venus is in Scorpio. Venus refers to money and values. Scorpio refers to shared values and joint investments. Venus is retrograde. Time for a review. Do our shared investments accurately reflect our values? I wondered what would happen if all investors who say they are outraged by what happened to Mr. Khashoggi sold their shares and/or refused to patronize these companies — and wrote letters explaining why.
But I digress. Getting back to this week’s Full Moon:
The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon are “an electrical storm” (for the Moon at 2 Taurus) and “a broken bottle and spilled perfume” (for the Sun at 2 Scorpio). How interesting that these two Symbols reinforce the lightning bolt/shattering potential suggested by the Full Moon’s nearly exact conjunction with Uranus. Sabian Sage Blain Bovee suggests we apply these Symbols with a mind to “…sudden awakenings; being suddenly plunged into disruptive situations; a shock in midstream (raining on one’s parade); experiences that let the stink out (!); past events that pervade the air long past their due.” I can certainly imagine what the headlines might be over the next couple of weeks, given that advisory.
You are more personally affected by this Full Moon if you are Hillary Clinton or anyone else with planets around 2 degrees of Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo or Taurus. Can’t tell you any more than that, without looking at your unique horoscope. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Note that the Moon will also be void on FRIDAY between 10:49 AM ET and 3:41 PM ET.
And now, the news.
Avid Readers know that whenever Uranus is pulling focus, we’re likely to have a big gender-bending headline, such as “P45 Administration Preparing to Deny Trans People Exist, Erase Protections.” or “Lawyer Who Fought to Ban Trans People from Bathrooms Will Lead DOJ Civil Rights Division.” These two headlines are also in sync with the mean-spirited potential (Venus square Saturn) of the P45 inauguration chart, as well as transiting Saturn opposing Venus in the U.S. horoscope.
We see transiting Saturn on the U.S. Venus (putting a squeeze on money; women) reflected here: “As U.S. Fertility Rates Collapse Finger-Pointing and Blame Follow;” “Miscarrying at Work: The Physical Toll of Pregnancy Discrimination;” and “Tax Cut Didn’t Reduce the Deficit — Despite P45’s Many Promise.” The deficit is the highest it has been in six years.
In other news, last week I mentioned that Jupiter would soon leave Scorpio for Sagittarius, the boundary-pushing, righteously opinionated sign it rules. That will happen on November 8th. You may recall that Saturn was in Sagittarius for a couple of years starting in December of 2014. At that time, I wrote:
Saturn refers to control, discipline and structure. Sagittarius refers to collective belief systems, including the law, religion, philosophy and academia. Hmm…how about mind control? Or tests of faith? It also refers to publishing and other mass communication media, as well as sports and entertainment. Expect efforts involving restrictions and/or restructuring. Sagittarius refers to that which is foreign, so issues of border control will likely become hotter. It refers to travel. So we can expect headlines involving controls in these areas, too.
Jupiter refers to expansion. So we are likely to see huge stories in matters of Sagittarian concerns, such as freedom of speech/mind control. Border expansion/foreign affairs/travel are also Sagittarius concerns, so I am wondering just how big this story will be around November 8th: “Migrant Caravan Swells to 5000, Resumes March from Mexico to U.S.” For the record, Fox News says it’s now 7000 strong. When the hosts of Fox & Friends asked a panel of viewers for thoughts, they got quite a shock.
Finally, how about an upside potential of Venus (women) retrograde (review/reunion) in Scorpio (horror)? OK — from Jamie Lee Curtis’ Twitter feed:
“Biggest horror movie opening with a female lead. Biggest movie opening with a female lead over 55. Second biggest October movie opening ever. Biggest Halloween opening ever,”
Ms. Curtis is referring to the opening weekend of the latest sequel to Halloween. We’d expect Jamie Lee Curtis to be in a period of expansion with transiting Jupiter approaching her 29 degree Scorpio Sun. Her pioneering Aries Moon is currently being supercharged by transiting Pluto. Here is her horoscope. Definitely a force to be reckoned with.
Only fifteen days until Tuesday, November 6th — the midterm elections. Early voting has started in many states, like Texas and Georgia. Now is your chance to seize the potential of the Moon in Aries’s need to get there first. Vote! Vote! Vote! Every seat in the House is in play. How easy is it to vote in your state? Find out here. Vote!!
Thank you for reading this forecast — and for sharing it with your friends, who are all super-smart (just like you).
Dear Elisabeth,
You’ve gone quiet. Are you ok?