Monday 10/2/2023: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mercury & Venus No Longer in the Shadows
Allllrighty then!
The sun is shining brightly in New York, the floodwaters have receded, the government is still open, and the former guy is in court. Ready for another dynamic week?
Highlights are:
- Mercury opposes Neptune on Monday
- Mercury trines Pluto on Tuesday
- Mars (in Libra) meets up with the South Node on Wednesday
- Mercury enters Libra on Wednesday
- Mars squares Pluto on Sunday
- Venus enters Virgo on Sunday
It goes like this:
- MONDAY: A good day to note your dreams, or whatever inspiration hits you over your morning coffee. Moon is in Taurus, driving the day with the need to build something solid, secure, and pleasurable. Structure and form doesn’t have to be limiting! At 11:57 AM ET, Moon meets up with Uranus, delivering a potential lightning bolt of innovation — or a surprise. Working out a possible clash of values could be productively energizing, as Venus squares the Moon at 4:06 PM ET. More solid brainstorming is suggested this evening, as Moon sextiles Neptune, trines Mercury and trines Pluto at 5:46 PM, 6:41 PM and 9:19 PM ET, respectively. Chill for the rest of the night, as the Moon will be void until 1:03 AM ET on…
- TUESDAY: …when it enters Gemini. Moon in Gemini needs to be the most informed kid in the room, and it needs to talk about every trivial detail in its multitasking brain. The first hit of news may be weighty, reflecting Moon’s square to Saturn at 3:28 AM ET. This pattern may be chilly, isolating, limiting, and/or ambitious, and that’s the vibe upon waking. Depth is added to what is discussed, and reporters may dig up more than the usual dirt as Mercury trines Pluto at 3:19 PM ET. Moon and Sun are in a lovely balance today — good for walking and talking. Moon trines Sun at 8:03 PM ET.
- WEDNESDAY: Meanwhile…Mercury leaves Virgo today, and whatever communication and information circulates is important. That’s because Mercury is at the verrrry end of Virgo, and about to enter Libra — a Cardinal sign — and thus at the Aries Point. That shift happens at 8:08 PM ET. Watch, as our collective thought process strives to find a balance between now and October 22nd. On the one hand…on the other hand…and so the discussion goes. Is it fair and/or just? Will it be pleasing to receive? Can’t we just work it out rationally? With Mercury at the Aries Point, we will likely be hearing from the Usual Suspects (i.e., prominent people with prominent planets on the AP), such as — off the top of my head — Ted Cruz, Alexei Navalny, Liz Cheney, President Biden, and Elizabeth Warren.
- WEDNESDAY: At 12:06 PM ET, Mars — action, assertion, aggression — meets up with the South Node at 25 degrees of Libra. One way to understand the South Node is to see it as a release point, sometimes of something toxic. If not toxic, it may refer to a behavior pattern that simply no longer serves. Compare this with the North Node, which may be seen as a guide for how you can best evolve in this lifetime, from a soul’s perspective. North Node is in Aries through 2024, so the way to grow is to be more courageous, pioneering, and self-reliant. Going along with a significant other/s for the sake of keeping the peace may not be in one’s best interest. Therefore, with Mars meeting up with the Libra South Node — especially if 25 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn is significant in your horoscope — suggests a potential release of a compromising situation. That’s one example. And maybe the release is a bit stormy, given that Libra is an Air sign, which runs hot and wet. In your own personal world, if this release applies to you, it may be a reflection of the inner REview of values you did over the summer, when Venus was retrograde in Leo. In any event, this evening favors action, as Moon trines Mars at 11:32 PM ET. Caveat: not everyone will understand, suggested by Moon’s square to Neptune at 12:37 AM ET on…
- THURSDAY. However, a lack of clarity may be easily forgiven, as Moon sextiles (harmonizes) with Venus at 2:34 AM ET. Chill during the six-hour Moon void. Actions taken during voids are more subject to twists and flakes, and are thought to be of little consequence, ultimately. Stick to routine concerns, and don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. Moon enters Cancer at 8:31 AM ET, shifting the focus to matters of emotional and home/homeland security. A conflict involving what nourishes us vs. what’s fair can be worked out, reflecting Moon’s square to Mercury, followed by a trine to Saturn (structure, tempered control) at 10:32 AM and 10:57 AM ET.
- FRIDAY: More tensions between what is fair and pleasing and rational, vs. what makes us feel secure in our home, country, family, and core foundation. I’m talking about the Third Quarter Moon, exact at 9:47 AM ET. The general mood may be upbeat in the aftermath, as Moon sextiles Jupiter at 11:29 AM ET…with innovation cooperation among an eclectic group suggested by Moon’s sextile with Uranus, exact at 4:22 AM ET on…
- SATURDAY. The morning may have a dreamy, idealistic feel to it, as Moon trines Neptune at 10:58 AM ET. The afternoon may be more combative (and supercharged), thanks to 1) Moon’s square to Mars at 1:25 PM ET; and Moon’s opposition to Pluto at 3:11 PM ET. Choose your battles and fighting words carefully; a power play and/or a catharsis may be in the works. Moon goes void for four hours — chill, chill, chill — and then enters regal drama queen Leo at 7:24 PM ET.
- SUNDAY: Humming in the background all weekend are items 2) and 3) of the “thanks to” noted above. 2) is a square between Mars and Pluto, exact at 9:04 PM ET. This is great for running marathons and other actions requiring potency and stamina. But some of this explosive action potential may be reflected in headlines of violence, especially on the part of men — because Mars refers to men in the language of astrology. Be mindful if you are out and about — and choose your battles carefully, as I may have already said. Here are a bunch of Mars square Pluto headlines from 2021. Item 3) would be Pluto — power and resources in the extreme. Why? Because Pluto is slowing to a virtual standstill from our perspective on Spaceship Earth, preparing to turn direct on October 10th. So we have the blaring sound of a car horn drawing our attention to all matters related to Pluto, including news from underground. Oh — and — Pluto is turning direct alllllmost — but not quite — on the US Pluto. Keep an eye on anyone with planets or angles around 27 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Libra, or Cancer. Watch for power plays, transformation, corruptions exposed, and/or prominence.
- SUNDAY: Another shift — as Venus finally leaves Leo, where the planet that refers to who, what, and how we need to love has been since June 6th. Virgo can be in a constant quest for perfection. It’s the “quest” part that reflects the conventional astrological wisdom that cosmetic surgery may not be satisfying when Venus is in Virgo. How can it be satisfied, when it’s so keenly aware of every little “fault?” Venus will be in Virgo until November 8th. Oh — and as it enters Virgo, the first stop Venus makes is an opposition to Saturn, exact on Tuesday, the same day Pluto turns direct. Venus in a hard aspect to Saturn suggests women who mean business. It may reflect austerity, cuts and losses. Think Kevin McCarthy will still be Speaker on that day? Regardless of Kevin’s fate, Sunday may end on an expansive note, as Moon in Leo pushes its luck in a square to Jupiter at 10:55 PM ET. Others may find reasons to celebrate.
I have a ton of news to report, but rather than spend the next several hours pulling it all together, I am going to ship this forecast for the week now, rather than after midnight. I will either update this post sometime after midnight, or I will send a separate news update tomorrow. There are so many astonishing synchronicities to share, and we all need to know what’s going on in the horoscopes of people making news, because no one makes headlines unless the horoscope is hot.
UPDATE: and, because Mailchimp did not ship this missive at 6 PM ET as directed, I am able to share the link to Beth Owl’s Daughter’s always-in-sync Tarot Card of the Week. As they say in comedy improv, “mistakes are gifts.” I see Mercury on the Aries Point, Venus in Virgo and the potency of the Mars-Pluto square all over this card.
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