Friday 1/25/2019 & the Weekend: Eclipse Triggers, AOC & Cardi B
I started writing this forecast yesterday…like this:
“The Virgo Moon has been void of course since 8:50 AM ET, suggesting a possible lack of focus, a twist, flake or upset to your usual routine. Roll with any crisis that may rear its ugly head; chances are it will vaporize once the Moon get back into gear…which happens tonight at 11:02 PM ET.”
Right. That was so yesterday. Here’s what I wrote yesterday about today and the weekend:
FRIDAY is driven by a rush of energy aiding and abetting compromise, justice, harmony and diplomacy in relationship. Action hero Mars in crusading Aries will trine (harmonize) with expansive Jupiter in righteous Sagittarius at 12:53 PM; watch the morning news feed for the big news. The Libra Moon travels without bumps until around 11:10 PM ET, when it is challenged by controlling Saturn. A wet blanket on a compromise?
SATURDAY note the potential clash around 4 AM ET, as the we- we- we Moon is opposed by combative me-me-me Mars. Also note the potential for an emotional catharsis around 11:30 AM ET, as the Moon makes its weekly supercharged connection with roto-rooter Pluto. The rest of Saturday is free and clear, and there’s no Moon void to deter your shopping adventures.
SUNDAY is a shift. Moon is opposed by rebel Uranus at 12:21 AM ET and then goes void for a couple of hours — you’ll hardly notice. At 2:31 AM ET Moon plunges into Scorpio, seeking an end to airy-fairy theory and a beginning of actual depth and substance, however it may feel. Those deep feelings may be at odds with a more detached and humanitarian mindset, as the Moon squares Mercury (mindset) and the Sun (willpower) around 1 PM and 4 PM ET, respectively.
No sleeping in on MONDAY, but do note your dreams upon waking, as Moon will be in touch with visionary Neptune at 5:15 AM ET.
And now, the news — written today, a.k.a. Friday in the Eastern Time Zone:
I’ve been watching the action in the chart for The Donald’s Big Fat Partial Government Shutdown. Though the Senate failed twice to pass a bill to re-open the government Thursday during the long Moon void, I can see an astro-logical pathway to resolving this stalemate sooner, rather than later. As of Friday morning there is talk of a possible deal to start paying federal workers again…but only for three weeks seriously what kind of banana republic are we living in.
Regardless, three weeks from now, transiting Mars will ditch Aries for Taurus, triggering last week’s lunar eclipse (and by extension, the horoscopes of Nancy Pelosi, The Donald’s inauguration and anyone else with a planet or angle at 0 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). So that’s a date when Something Significant is Likely to Happen. Please note that my random capitalization is intended as an homage to A.A. Milne’s quirky tales from the Hundred Acre Woods (a.k.a. Winnie the Pooh), not a mimicry of The Donald’s efforts to Make American (English) German Again.
MEANWHILE…the first trigger to last week’s total lunar eclipse happened yesterday, with transiting Mercury at 0 Aquarius. We expected significant information on The Donald’s administration, and we were not disappointed (file this under “told ya so”). Yesterday indictments were filed against Richard Nixon groupie Roger Stone, and this morning he was arrested by FBI agents in a pre-dawn raid that was captured on CNN.
In other news, during yesterday’s long void, Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) delivered a fiery speech excoriating his colleagues for enabling The Donald’s shutdown. I watched it while prepping client consultations, and you can watch it here. Pundits were startled that this “mild-mannered” senator thrashed Ted Cruz (R-TX) for the Texas senator’s “crocodile tears,” but patterns in Bennet’s horoscope (11/28/64 in New Delhi, India — time unknown) suggest why he’s thrashing now. Transiting Jupiter has activated a pile-up of planets (Mars, Uranus and Pluto) that are square his righteous Sagittarius Sun. This expansive pattern will continue through 2019, along with transiting Uranus firing up his Venus in Scorpio. His social expression and value system need to be experienced as innovative and/or disruptive. And with his natal Saturn in Aquarius, this suggests his motive is to help.
Speaking of disruptive, astrologer Ursula Rising has obtained the birth time for New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, so we now have her complete horoscope. As noted here back in June, after she won the primary election (no surprise to any astrologer, though the media was shocked, shocked, shocked), Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has Sun in Libra, currently supercharged by Pluto. This is a statement of potential big change and empowerment. With a confirmed birth time, we now know her Moon is in me-me-me Aries (no big surprise), and she needs to find fulfillment as a pioneering initiator. Her Sagittarius Ascendant suggests she needs to be seen as a righteous boundary-pusher, but always thinking positively. While her image will continue to expand as transiting Jupiter activates her Ascendant all year, she will also experience the serious focus that transiting Saturn adds as it squares her Libra Sun.
Guess who else has a Libra Sun and a me-me-me Aries Moon? Rapper Cardi B, whose recent political tweets prompted Stephen Colbert to start a petition inviting her to give the Democratic rebuttal to The Donald’s SOTU address, whenever it is scheduled. Here is what we know of her horoscope. Like Ocasio-Cortez, Cardi B has a hard aspect between her Libra Sun and Mars; together with their Aries Moons, these are warrior women for sure. However, Cardi B was born with the emotional overkill potential of Venus conjunct Pluto…in Scorpio. Ocasio-Cortez’s Venus is in Sagittarius, aligned with Mercury and her Midheaven. Cardi B’s social expression needs to be intense — potentially erotic (she’s a former stripper). Ocasio-Cortez’s social expression has a different kind of intensity: righteous, spontaneous, idealistic — but playful, as we saw last week as she led the search for #WheresMitch?”
The horoscopes of Venezuela and Nicolas Maduro are also functioning as designed. The latter has transiting Pluto hitting him from all angles, suggesting an inevitable test of power destined to break down and transform. Last year, Pluto squared his Midheaven, impacting his public status/profession. This week transiting Pluto got personal — and opposed his Cancer Ascendant. Lo and behold, a powerful opposition materialized — in the form of opposition leader Juan Guaido. He declared himself the legitimate interim president, offering Maduro amnesty. The U.S., Canada and other countries are backing Guaido; Russia, China and the Venezuelan military are sticking with Maduro. Hmm…what could happen? Months to watch for Maduro: April, May and December/January.
But wait — there’s more! If you find my work of value, I invite you to support it, using the nifty link to my Cosmic Tip Jar. To find out what’s going on in your own personal horoscope, I’d be delighted to schedule a consultation — though don’t just take it from me. Here’s what Avid Reader Tam has to say:
“I pulled out notes from our initial consultation, and am just fascinated with how accurate it is. Everything we discussed happened. With some changes going on around me, I would like to schedule an annual check up and order the Your Year Ahead report too.”
Thank you, Tam! And thank you — cherished Avid Reader — for reading this forecast.
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