Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 1/28/2015: Mind the Void
Patience, as you arise and go about your business. If you’re tuning in, you may feel as if the day is idling in neutral. Stick to routine tasks and roll with whatever detours and delays that crop up on Moon void and Mercury retrograde. How many times will you have to repeat yourself? I don’t know, but best to make sure what you said is what was heard.
Moon enters chatty Gemini at 5:36PM ET and is challenged by Venus in soulful Pisces at 8:57PM ET. Sounds like a backdrop for the “Madeleine Episode” of Remembrance of Things Past, presented here for your entertainment. Sleep on those fond memories before the potential wet blanket of a face-off between Moon and Saturn hits at 11:44pm ET…and sends you into a fit of restless melancholia.
And now, the news.
Earlier this year I wrote about the fantasy/reality challenge of a the approaching square between Neptune and Saturn. I noted that these two planets were in a challenging pattern around the time of the housing bubble/bust, and the internet bubble/bust of the late 90s, too. I wondered where we might see another bubble rising, and it seems there might be one in the wild, wacky world of auto loans — made to people who have no real means of paying them back. Deja vu all over again? Let’s watch how this story develops as we move into the Fall and 2016.
Quite a scandal in the NY State Assembly on Monday, as the Speaker of the Assembly, Sheldon Silver, is alleged to have taken “millions in payoffs”. He’s been Speaker for 20 years, and now he’s history. Just like that. Add it to the list of sudden disruptions of the status quo as planetary patterns reflect a pressing need for corruption to be exposed.
Meanwhile, in Greece, the new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras unveiled his new cabinet of “mavericks and visionaries,” just in time for today’s innovative connection between Mercury and Uranus (and discussed in yesterday’s forecast).
I must share this item posted on the last day of Venus in Aquarius, sign of unconventional attractions. Now that Venus is in empathetic Pisces, the warm and fuzzy quotient may be doubly appreciated. It’s a story about animal friendships — between dogs and donkeys; goats and rhinos; cats and pigs. With lots of pictures and videos. Melt my heart….and let the power of the potential for us humans sink in. If you can be like a rhino or a donkey and still see yourself reflected in the eyes of a goat or a dog, you’ve got the hang of Pisces, which understands deeply that we are all in this together…and if that dog or goat becomes your best friend in the world, you’ve got the hang of Aquarius, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal…
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