Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 4/12/2016: Venus Trine Mars; Paul Ryan; Mitt Romney

Moon in Cancer as of 4:07AM suggests an engaged focus on home, family and nurturing concerns. Here’s a reprint from yesterday of planetary happenings today.

At 5:40AM ET mental Mercury makes an easy connection to Neptune, suggesting the potential for inspired and/or rose-colored thinking. At 3:17PM ET, Venus (women, social expression) makes a harmonious connection to Mars. With Venus in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius, fiery impulses that push boundaries with great fervor are favored. If there’s a potential downside, it would be the integrity of the pixie-dust involved, suggested by Mars is in a challenging aspect with Neptune all month long. Is that passion sublime or scandalous?

The Moon sails smoothly through most of the day, squaring off with Venus at 7:50PM ET, when someone’s me-me-me indulgence may clash with the otherwise caring vibe.  Sweet dreams may be yours at 11:28PM ET, when Moon aligns easily with Neptune.

And now, the news.

In light of planetary patterns noted in the reprint above, Sunday seemed like a fitting launch for a new series from Steve Soderbergh called “The Girlfriend Experience.” From a review in The Guardian:

There’s an illicit setting, in this case high-class escorting. There’s nudity (entirely female of course, at least in the premiere). And there’s an aggressively dislikeable antihero in law student Christine Reade, played with disengaged froideur by Riley Keough.

Society can be so hard on a woman (Venus) who dares to be so aggressively me-me-me (Aries) in matters of love and/or social expression (Venus).

Add to this Saturn’s current journey through Sagittarius, suggesting structure, controls and gravitas (Saturn) in matters of opinion and media (Sagittarius), and you might find a first-ever analysis concluding in great detail (Jupiter in Virgo) that the majority of abusive reader commentary is lobbed at writers who are women.

Meanwhile, Venus in Aries can be such a tease. Yesterday, the ex-lawyer of a D.C. Madam once again flirted with the notion that his client’s files contained names that could impact this year’s election. No doubt.

I’ve been meaning to update House Speaker Paul Ryan’s horoscope for weeks. There he was on the home page of the NYT again, among whispers (which he denies) of him becoming the Republican Party’s surprise nominee at the Republican convention in July. Others have whispered how he might orchestrate a sudden change of rules that would enable someone like Mitt Romney to become the party’s nominee in a “contested” convention.

The question is, how hot is Ryan’s horoscope? And Romney’s?

In July, Speaker Ryan will have the first of three oppositions from transiting Uranus to his Libra Moon, electrifying his people-pleasing abilities in matters of communication and shared values. Jupiter will hit the top of his horoscope for its final pass (the first one coincided with him becoming Speaker); Mars will be triggering his need to be a visionary — however impractical others may claim his vision to be. There’s a lot of that going around now and into the summer, with the U.S. having a major bewildering Neptune identity crisis, etc.

In Romney’s horoscope, we see Uranus, the ruler of his Midheaven (career/status), getting its own hit of Neptune pixie dust, along with the same stunningly assertive thrust we saw in March. Mr. Romney will also have an expansive (Jupiter) boost to Uranus — often suggesting a windfall opportunity — as well as a boost to his Pisces Sun. It’s hard to imagine either Romney or Ryan sitting quietly in the bleachers this summer. Pass the popcorn.

To find out what’s going on in your horoscope, here’s the 411 on personal consultations.  A big THANK YOU to the few Avid Readers who tossed a token of appreciation into the Karmic Tip Jar yesterday. What a lovely surprise!

Thank you for reading this forecast.


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