Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday-Saturday 6/9-11/2016: Mars vs. Mercury; Politics As Usual
Allllllll-righty then!
The regal Leo Moon, seeking ways to play, shine or issue insufferably egocentric edicts, cruises through the day. It’s supported by easy aspects from the Sun, Venus and Uranus between 1:40PM ET and 9:40PM ET, suggesting the potential for balance, enjoyment and innovation in your plans for world domination.
On the other hand, there’s this: a face-off between Mercury in stubborn Taurus and Mars — retrograde — in equally stubborn Scorpio. That happens at 1:01PM ET. Oh, and Mercury is also conjunct the fixed star Algol, which conjures up images of the Medusa and other ways of “losing one’s head.” Mercury refers to mindset and communication. It is absolutely fascinating that Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders are meeting on a day with this aspect — at 11:15AM ET in Washington.
We haven’t looked at President Obama’s horoscope in a while, but let the record show that his Midheaven (career, status), is 28 degrees of Scorpio. Remember back in 2014, after those awful midterm elections, when mainstream media pundits were predicting he would be toast for the rest of his term? Remember how your local astrologer had written many moons before that transiting Saturn would be at the top of the his horoscope at the end of 2014, suggesting that to the contrary, Barack Obama would likely be at the top of his game, moving forward on an ambitious strategy?
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So now we have transiting Mars crossing Barack Obama’s Midheaven, exact on March 2, May 30 and July 30. We can see the potential here for action, likely related to whatever ambitious advance was on his mind in late 2014 and 2015. Today’s Mars-Mercury face-off affects his horoscope more than others.
Same for Bernie Sanders. In his horoscope, using a speculative birth time of 12:27PM, we see transiting Mars on a 25 Scorpio Ascendant, meaning that Mercury is on his 25 Taurus Descendant. Interesting. We can see how he might need to be communicating one-on-one today. Regardless of a birth time, transiting Mars is opposing his natal Saturn-Uranus conjunction, triggering his need to reinvent the wheel. The Mars factor also suggests potential frustration and recklessness — or discipline and innovation in meeting goals. As with President Obama, Mars will be hot again in the senator’s horoscope at the end of July.
Random thought: looking ahead to 2017, I have no worries whatsoever about President Obama’s career prospects, as upcoming patterns suggest considerable power, influence and resources on a wide-reaching scale.
As for the forecast tomorrow:
West Coasters may feel more of the potential for conflict suggested by a challenge between Moon and Mars at 1:37AM ET on FRIDAY. Moon goes void on a challenge to Mercury at 3:14AM ET on FRIDAY, entering perfection-seeking Virgo at 9:46AM ET. East Coasters, that early morning void may be experienced as a twist or flake in your trip to the office. Roll with it and remember that crises which crop up during voids are often much ado about nothing.
The Virgo Moon sails through Friday without interference, facilitating your efforts to put everything in order.
Note your dreams on Saturday, as the Moon connects with Neptune at 8:59AM ET. A potential wet blanket or necessary chore may be on your plate in the early part of the day, as the Moon squares off with taskmaster Saturn. The rest of the day suggests an easy flow of good cheer and resources as you go about your day. Do your shopping on Saturday, as there is no moon void. On Sunday the Moon will be void between 10:47AM ET and 8:33PM ET. Chill.
And now, the news.
“What would it take for Paul Ryan to withdraw his endorsement of Donald Trump?” wonders Washington Post reporter James Hohman, no doubt rhetorically. Perhaps a swift kick from transiting Uranus to Speaker Ryan’s Libra Moon around July 1st. We can imagine how stressed out that part of his horoscope must be. A Libra Moon needs to be a people pleaser, promoting balance and harmony in relationships in a fair-minded way. Generally speaking, planets in Libra are averse to conflict — and I can tell you horror stories of what some people with heavy Libra horoscopes have done to avoid it. Other dates to watch for include the first week in August, when transiting Mars will hit Speaker Ryan’s Sagittarius Ascendant and Neptune for the third time. The Third Quarter Moon on August 24th looks like an interesting period, when he’ll have the second hit of Uranus opposing his Moon.
Hmm…there is literally nothing fun on the homepage of the NYT right now…gotta end on something fun…especially given next Friday’s reality-bending, potentially despairing square between Saturn and Neptune….
Ooh! Looky! Physicist Stephen Hawking now says there’s no need for despair when confronted with a ginormous black hole! He believes there may be a way out. Huzzah! Keep that in mind, if you happen to encounter any black holes over the next several days.
Thank you for reading this forecast. To schedule a personal consultation, here’s how to contact me. We will have a fine discussion together.
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