Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 9/19/2016: Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

Back in the saddle after 1) being under the weather; and 2) leaving my Celestial Calendar at my hostess’s home on last weekend’s trek West. Took it as a sign to retreat and relax — an apt strategy for Mercury in retrograde. Hopefully the new Celestial Calendar will arrive in today’s post.

The volatility of the past week’s patterns should settle down today, as the Moon is in stability-seeking Taurus as of 12:59AM ET. A rare cooperative alignment between Venus and Mars bodes well for efforts to rein in boundary-pushing action with iron-fist-in-velvet-glove directives to strike a balance. Depth of perspective, persuasive communication and dirt-digging is supported by a harmonious aspect between Mercury (mind) and Pluto (power), exact on Tuesday.

Moon will be in Gemini on Wednesday; on Thursday Mercury turns direct (1:21AM ET), and the Sun enters Libra, marking the Autumnal Equinox (10:22AM ET). On Friday, Moon will be in Cancer and Mercury will revise and reinforce whatever deep thoughts and deep doo-doo emerged at the beginning of the week, courtesy of a repeat of Tuesday’s Mercury-Pluto thing. Also on Friday: Venus leaves Libra for the emotional depths and controls of Scorpio. Those are the highlights for the week.

Moon voids: Tuesday 11:33PM -Wednesday 1:54PM ET; Friday 3:58AM ET- 4:34AM ET; Saturday 9:49PM – Sunday 9:46Am ET. Voids are apt for taking care of routine matters and rolling with whatever twists and flakes may crop up in your efforts to move forward in a straight line.

Last week’s Full Moon was an eclipse. Full Moons suggest illumination; a lunar eclipse suggests release. It fell at 24 degrees of Pisces (Moon) opposing 24 degrees of Virgo (Sun). It was squared by Mars at 23 degrees of Sagittarius, infusing already heightened, sensitive and soulful suffering with added aggression/assertion, pushing boundaries as a planet in Sagittarius needs to do.  If you have a planet or significant point around 24 degrees of Gemini, Pisces, Virgo or Sagittarius, you would be more affected by the eclipse than most. This includes Hillary Clinton, the United States of America and Donald Trump — as if that weren’t perfectly obvious from recent headlines. If you do not know where your planets are, order an Astro-Basics Report.

The Sabian Symbols for the eclipse are fascinating. For the Sun: “a flag at half mast;” for the Moon: “a purging of the priesthood.” Sabian Symbol Blain Bovee writes, “apply this degree pair with a mind to the genius of tender appreciation of the changing nature of reality….” Sure, it was that kind of week.

Lots of news to report  — haven’t finished the rundown yet. Stay tuned…

Meanwhile, my appointment calendar is ready to be filled with your own personal consultation about life, the universe and your horoscope. Here’s the 411 on all the many ways you can use astrology to better your life and improve your timing.

Thank you for reading this forecast. And thank you to Avid Reader Marjorie for sharing this:


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