Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/24/2016: Sneak Peek at the Week

…and it’s off to the races we go!

The start of the work week is driven by the Moon in regal Leo, wandering potentially off-course while void between the hours of 8:21AM ET and 11:16PM ET. If you are new to this forecast and are not familiar with the term “void-of-course Moon” or “Moon void,” here is a technical explanation. And here is another  post from the archives about real-life Moon-void experiences. Other than today, your Moon voids for the week are Wednesday 2:33PM ET until 9:51AM ET THURSDAY; Saturday from 6:09AM ET until 10:01PM ET — not a day for impulse shopping.

When the Moon enters Virgo tonight at 11:16PM ET, it will drive the day with a need to sort, organize and otherwise perfect, likely including whatever Moon in Leo drama and showmanship cropped up today.

As for the rest of the week, Venus is  the star player. At 9:55PM ET on TUESDAY the symbol of   women, aesthetics, money and social expression is squared by Neptune, symbol of vision, delusion, illusion, drugs, scandal and oil (that’s a partial list). Got a rose-colored, peaceful feeling? You’re more personally affected if you have a planet or angle around 9 degrees (about a third of the way) through Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemini.

On WEDNESDAY Venus will be in an easy alignment with Jupiter, symbol of expansion and reward. Venus-Jupiter connections are often sweet — sometimes too sweet. So if a headline shows up about diabetes, I won’t be surprised.  On THURSDAY, mental Mercury meets up with the Scorpio Sun at 12:17ET, suggesting a deep and penetrating idealism. Note that Mercury enters Scorpio at 4:47PM ET today (Monday), ditching its Libra “on the other hand” approach for a need for greater resolution and control.

On SATURDAY, Mars (war, aggression, action) is challenged by Uranus (disruption, technology, astrology, aviation, accidents) at 12:05AM ET. We’ll feel that restless, easily-provoked energy a few days beforehand. Frankly, I wonder about the potential for another internet attack.  If you have a planet or angle around 20 degrees (two thirds of the way through) Aries, Capricorn, Libra or Cancer, you’re feeling the buzz more personally than most. A concentrated and focused physical workout can help relieve the tension; recklessness may have disruptive consequences. One wonders if voters in Iceland will consider these important astrological guideposts when they go to the polls on that day. It’s “bracing for a pirate party takeover,” says a WaPo headline. The “pirate party” in question did not exist four years ago; this means it was born with the revolutionary never-ending Uranus-Pluto square in its horoscope.

Meanwhile, your big Saturday night date may face a reality check, as a hard-nosed meet-up between Venus and heavy Saturn suggests at 8:45PM ET. Finally, there’s a New Moon in Scorpio at 1:38PM ET on SUNDAY — stay tuned for further details.

Thank you for reading this forecast.


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