Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 8/21/2013: Full Moon in Aquarius and Other Revelations

…and a happy, soulful post-Full Moon Wednesday to you, with greetings from Asheville, North Carolina. I say soulful because the Moon is now in Pisces, as of 12:43AM ET and as of 7:30AM ET it is exactly conjunct Neptune. Note your dreams upon waking, and be prepared to apply your energies today to making a vision real. We’re blessed with supportive aspects to the Moon from disciplined Saturn, perspicacious Pluto and expansive Jupiter today — with no Moon void to derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Let your intuition guide you — go with the flow!

Last night’s Full Moon was the second of two Full Moons in Aquarius, challenging us to balance needs for personal recognition and creative expression with the needs of the collective. The potent lunation occurred at 29 degrees of Leo/Aquarius, close to the fixed star Regulus, associated with themes of honor and a sterling reputation. If you have an angle or planet in connection with Regulus, much success can be gained, provided that the means to your end is of integrity.

The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon suggest the dream of profound transformation: for the Sun at 29 Leo “a mermaid emerging from the sea”, presumably seeking human form; for the Moon at 29 Aquarius: “a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis”.  Wherever 29 Leo and Aquarius fall in your horoscope, consider themes of an emerging reality; something that must be let go so that something else may live; the fragility and vulnerability that accompanies this new form; a longing for fulfillment; a heart-centered connection. If you have a planet or an angle at either of these degrees, you will feel the effects of this Full Moon more than most.

In other news, exact this morning at 3:43AM ET was the Jupiter-Uranus square, a potentially magical lightning bolt of “big picture” revelations and initiatives, reflected in plenty of headlines. Two that refer to Jupiter’s rulership of publishing:  Al-Jazeera America launched yesterday, promising a truly revolutionary approach to reporting. What is it? Hard news only, baby — as in “less opinion, less yelling and fewer celebrity sightings.” What a concept. Meanwhile, a shake-up as the president of NPR suddenly resigns.

In politics, seven Maine GOP officials ditched the Republican Party. And you know the expression, “as Maine goes, so goes the nation”. Well, you know it now. And here’s a surprise: Chief Justice John Roberts appoints a Democrat to the secret court — secret, as in Secret Squirrel. Meanwhile, as expected, Bradley Manning is scheduled to be sentenced today — at 10AM, it was just announced — and I expect it will be surprising.  Also as expected: the seriousness of the crisis at Fukushima finally hit mainstream papers, including the New York Times; but better coverage can be found here. Finally, in aerospace, if you’re in the market for a used shuttle launch platform, NASA is having a yard sale




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