Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 7/24/2013

The Moon continues its wandering drift in Aquarius, seeking to be of social significance. Given that it is still void of course (as of 10:01AM ET yesterday), and won’t fully engage in the next sign — Pisces — until 2:22PM ET — I hold no great expectations for initiatives launched until well after lunch, ET, including President Obama’s new economic plan to be announced today in Galesburg IL at 12:55 PM ET.

When the Moon enters Pisces later this afternoon, airy intellect is replaced by watery emotion. Serious dreams of pleasure and beauty made real are suggested this evening and into the early morning hours, as the Moon makes contact  with the outer planets — Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune — that are still in  the holding pattern of the Grand Water Trine. Supporting this need for soulful yet exacting aesthetics is Venus (art, women, money, beauty), currently in contact with dreamy Neptune and solid Saturn. These next few days offer profound inspiration for creative and spiritual types.  Make the most of the time between 2:22 PM ET today and 2:43PM ET Thursday. After 2:43PM ET Thursday, Moon will be void again until 5:29PM ET Friday, suggesting upsets, delays or flakiness in your efforts to move projects forward.

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