Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 6/5/2014: And the Winners Are…
Refine, analyze, organize; make it right or perfect — with the innovative spin and rosy glow that sums up the week’s palette of planetary patterns. Keep calm and carry on! The Moon is still in Virgo, and the highlight of the day happens at 4:39PM ET when the Moon squares the Gemini Sun.
The First Quarter of a planetary cycle is a square. In this case, the planets involved are the Sun and the Moon. The square is a tense aspect, suggesting a push forward on the agenda that was set at the New Moon. The First Quarter may also bring up obstacles to that agenda.
The New Moon agenda was symbolized by “an industrial strike” — e.g., striking a blow; striking out; striking a balance, etc. The Sabian Symbols for the First Quarter Moon are as follows: for the Sun at 16 Gemini “a woman suffragist orating”, suggesting, as Sabian Symbol Blaine Bovee writes, “sensing the right time to have one’s words heard and believed…feeling one has to shout to have an equal say; a tendency to led by the loudest social voice”. For the Moon at 16 Virgo we find: “In the zoo, children are brought face to face with an orangutan”. Bovee helpfully tells us that “orangutan” means “wild man”, and that one of the origins of the word “orange” is “aur”, which means “gold”. I’m not sure how that will play out, but if you witness any challenges around 4:39PM ET that seem like a confrontation between an orating suffragette and a wild man somehow connected to gold, it’s reflecting the symbols of the First Quarter Moon. How about this item about “Walmart Moms” who went on strike in 20 cities on Wednesday?
In other news, there were a bunch of primary elections in various states — and NYT columnist Gail Collins may be the only person in New York who’s been paying attention. Here’s her latest, about a surprise upset in Mississippi with low voter turnout. Interesting to note that the Moon was void for most of the day on Tuesday, when the flake factor is usually higher and the chances of upsets favoring the underdog are greater. More surprise upsets happened last Tuesday in a Texas primary run-off, during another all-day Moon void. In Iowa, “mother, soldier, conservative” and former hog castration specialist Joni Ernst emerged victorious in a five-way primary race and will now campaign as the Republican party’s nominee for Senate. In California, turnout was also wretchedly low. Marianne Williamson, who was running for Congress in the 33rd district, did not make the cut. Sandra Fluke, whose trashing by Rush Limbaugh inspired this slutty song, has made it onto the general election ballot as a state senate candidate.
And how is YOUR week going?
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