Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 6/26/2013: Mercury Retrograde; Ain’t it Grand?

This should be interesting. Moon in unconventional Aquarius goes void of course at 9:08AM ET, on a smooth connection from Mars in glib, multi-tasking Gemini, where it can excel at killing two birds with one stone. At that same moment, mental Mercury, planet of mindset, communication, travel and electronic gizmos, goes retrograde at 24 Cancer, possibly screwing up said communications whilst giving us a chance to review whatever plans we’ve thought out since the last retrograde in February. And yet…

…the other pattern of note today is a Grand Water Trine among stern Saturn in nitty-gritty Scorpio, empathic, dreamy Neptune in soulful Pisces and fueled by the Sun in home-and-family Cancer. This is a powerful pattern that facilitates solid structures based on genuine insight and compassion, which leaves me cautiously optimistic that the two decisions on marriage equality we are expecting from the Supreme Court will declare DOMA unconstitutional and leave California’s currently-dead Prop. 8 on a slab in the morgue…even though it may allow states to decide what level of  consciousness– evolved or unevolved —  they would like their laws to reflect. Here is helpful legal analysis of the two cases that are being decided today. My sense of caution is because of the Moon being void of course, a condition often reflected by upsets, surprise twists and victories in favor of the underdog, but also actions that end up being of no consequence. In your own personal world, you’ll be more impacted by the stabilizing energy of the Grand Water Trine if you have a planet or angle around 4-5 degrees of any sign.

The Sabian Symbol for Mercury retrograde at 24 Cancer seems daunting at first: “a woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south.”  Huh? Thank goodness Blain Bovee wrote a book to help us figure this out. This is an image of a classic love triangle, suggesting that a choice between two perhaps worthy but different options must be made. The “sunlit land” is the issue highlighted that must be decided. For general tips on how to handle Mercury retrograde, a condition many curse when they really shouldn’t, please look here.

In other news, it was fascinating to note the slap in the face to 50 years of civil rights was handed down by the Supremes on that stern “wet blanket” Saturn-Moon square I wrote about yesterday. After the decision was announced, I could not help but think of the 2005 Citigroup memo on plutonomy  and wonder if there might be a connection…Mercury in Cancer does love a good conspiracy theory….but if you’ve never heard of this document, it’s a page-turner. Meanwhile…not only is Texas fast-tracking its shiny new voter-ID law (see link above), but it’s also preparing to execute its 500th inmate on Death Row. It won’t, however, be closing all but five of its abortion clinics — at least not today —  thanks to a nearly 13-hour filibuster by one pioneering rebel (how very Uranus in Aries) against the Establishment. You’ll want to keep an eye on Wendy Davis, whose stubborn and determined Mars-Saturn opposition squaring her Taurus Sun is not to be messed with. Peace out.

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