Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 2/19/2014: Mercury Square Saturn in the News

A good morning for innovative (RE)thinking and (RE)connecting, courtesy of the people-pleasing Libra Moon in a harmonious connection with Mercury retrograde in wonky-yet-friendly Aquarius. Get it off your desk before 4:52PM ET, when the Libra Moon goes void of course on an impassioned hook-up with willful Mars. Chill out, don’t panic and just roll with whatever detours crop up in your efforts to move forward in a straight line until 10:33PM ET. That’s when the Moon plunges into the murky depths of Scorpio, demanding substance to support those airy ideas…

…and it just might get the substance it seeks in a feel-good way. On Thursday, the Scorpio Moon is easily supported by harmonious connections from the soft-hearted Pisces Sun, rose-colored Neptune and expansive Jupiter in nurturing Cancer. Note your dreams upon waking. Buy some lottery tickets and wish upon a star.

And now, the news…

The sobering focus of the challenge between Mercury and stern Saturn (exact yesterday AM, but in effect a few days beforehand) was reflected in this newsflash: loneliness is killing more people than obesity. Mercury-Saturn connections can be terribly depressing…and isolating. What are we going to do about forming meaningful connections among us, hmmm?

Meanwhile, just because Saturn in Scorpio can be paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you. Reporter Glenn Greenwald posted an item documenting US and UK surveillance of Wikileaks, including the revelation that the IP addresses of visitors to that site may well have been captured and stored. Heavy. In other news, a former reporter at The Washington Post now makes his living breaking stories about other people who may be tracking you: the cybercriminals who hack into the computers of retail stores like Target, so they can steal credit card data. Also heavy. But wait — there’s more: a retired CIA analyst-turned-activist has sued the State Department for putting him on a watch list.  And Sister Megan Rice, the 84-year-old nun-turned-peace activist mentioned in a December forecast, was sentenced to three years in prison. She (and two men) broke into a defense facility in Tennessee and spray-painted peace slogans on the walls. Ouch.

This last item reflects longer term patterns which I have mentioned in other posts, but it does involve a hidden camera, it’s sobering and it did break yesterday. Here’s the headline: “1% Jokes and Plutocrats in Drag: What I Saw When I Crashed a Wall Street Secret Society”

Back to you in the studio…

Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to REview your life with your astrologer. Here’s the 411 on scheduling a personal consultation…I look forward to hearing from you.




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