Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 10/8/2014: Full Moon Fallout With a Double Espresso
The Full Moon in Aries will be exact at 6:51AM ET. I expect an energetic surge in the morning, suggested by the Moon’s easy connections to action hero Mars and expansive Jupiter. At 10:20AM ET, however, the Moon goes void with a sigh, perhaps not unlike that of a hang glider who has run down a hill and jumped off a cliff.
You could coast through the day, propelled by the fiery drive of the aforementioned Mars-Jupiter connection. Roll with whatever twists delay your efforts to move forward in a straight line, courtesy of the long void. Avoid making significant purchases, especially impulse purchases. Be aware that the square between Venus and Pluto at 1:31PM ET may be emotionally intense and cathartic, or simply witchy-bitchy. Sometimes a brutal heart-to-heart is needed to clear the air, but during a Moon void, often the drama is overblown. Chill, chill, chill if this happens to you.
An earthy Taurus Moon settles things down Thursday at 7:44AM ET.
And now, the news.
Unconventional relationships and power plays are themes in a story from Australia about a murder-suicide in which a woman was killed by her partner. Here is the Guardian’s take on the story. If you want to see how the NY Post and other tabloids told it, you’ll have to Google those alternative realities yourself. Let’s just say they lack a certain humanitarian Uranian spirit. In other news, the NYT reported that New York is “easing the law” for NYers shifting gender, allowing one’s identity — not one’s anatomy– to define one’s gender. How interesting to see these stories breaking around a pattern involving Sun, Uranus and Pluto.
Uranus refers to zany humor and unconventional expression. In Aries, we add a fierce independence. During Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus opposition, one matter before the Supreme Court seems to have been under that influence, as this sub-headline in The Guardian noted:
Jokes and banter about security combs and arbitrary rules fill surreal hearing about prisoners’ religious rights to grow beards
Really, the reported questions and arguments were rather bizarre. Meanwhile, The Guardian was clearly under the influence of Mercury retrograde when it ran a very dated photo of SCOTUS accompanying the article. Dear Guardian: there are three women on the Supreme Court, not one. We’ll see if the paper has corrected the error by the time you read this. D’oh!
Uranus also refers to magic, lightning, surprises and buzz. Which makes JK Rowling’s tweet hinting yesterday that there might be more in store for Harry Potter perfectly timed. It’s totally buzzworthy, as is this article about how our coffee habits are shaped by DNA. Finally, if you’d like to find how other habits in your life are shaped by planetary patterns, especially on a day with Moon in me-me-me Aries, here’s the 411 on personal astro-logical consultations, including a little Mercury retrograde special. Huzzah!
Thank you for reading this forecast.
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