Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday & Wednesday 9/17-18/2013: Steel Magnolias

“Tuesday’s dead”, as the Cat Stevens song goes — at least from where I type in Tokyo. It’s 11PM JST, but in other time zones, your Tuesday is just getting started. As of  9:58AM ET, Moon finally got into gear when it engaged in Pisces, softening hard edges, facilitating compassion for the suffering of humanity and seeking refuge in all sorts of intangibles: music, spirit, drugs, melancholy, meditation, film, vision.

Your actions may be helped by a cooperative connection between mental Mercury and assertive Mars — great for making sales pitches and other verbal presentations. A dreamy/spacey/artsy vibe rolls in around 3:38PM ET, when the Moon is shrouded in rose-colored Neptunian fog. This heightens the already sensitive drive of the Pisces Moon, inspiring visionaries and also suggesting the potential for a bit of idealism or confusion.

Meanwhile, those hard edges that may need softening are courtesy of the potentially chilly, serious, take-no-prisoners hook up between Venus (women, social expression, money, art) and stern Saturn in ruthless Scorpio, This aspect is exact Wednesday at 4:54PM ET, and soon followed by a deep emotional connection to Venus from potent Pluto. Changes of perspective in relationship, finances and aesthetics are suggested; the women in your life are not inclined to suffer fools gladly. Cuts are likely to be made, along with serious creative ambition. All of it is deeply felt, as the Moon is waxing full and will be exact — and still in weepy, watery, soulful Pisces — on Thursday at 7:13AM ET. Any “serious talks” you’re planning between now and then may be quite cathartic.

Your Moon voids for the rest of the week: Thursday from 7:13AM ET to 12:58PM ET; Friday 9:25PM ET through Saturday 6:33PM ET. Not bad for a work week; so make the most of it. But do be kind to each other while you forge ahead — very, very kind. Venus-Saturn patterns can feel oh-so-cruel when you’re looking for a pat on the back or a hug.

In the news…there’s no shortage of items to reports in the wake of the weekend’s dynamic planetary patterns (see last Thursday’s forecast for details), and especially the status quo -disrupting challenge to mental Mercury by the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square. Did you hear about our new Miss America? Crowned on a day with Moon in unconventional, equality and freedom-loving Aquarius, in the wake of other planetary patterns suggesting, innovation, aesthetics and sharply worded criticism, some in America wasted no time spewing said criticism into the Twittersphere like so much effluent. With Moon (women) sorely challenged by stern Saturn late Sunday night, we could certainly anticipate that decisions made would not please everyone.

Other sobering news dominating the headlines is that of yet another lone gunman with “anger management issues,” this time at the Washington Navy Yard, where 13 people, including the perpetrator, were killed. A quick glance at the chart for the time of this disturbing incident — 8:20AM ET on 9/16/2013 in Washington DC — paints a compelling picture:  Moon’s last aspect before 8:20AM is a combative opposition to aggressive Mars; disruptive Uranus and Pluto are on the angles of the chart, as is a rattled/imbalanced Mercury (mental state), sitting right on the Ascendant (impossible to miss). Other measurements suggest surreal and bewildered states.

As I have written in prior forecasts, we can expect disruptions of the status quo pretty much every time a planet engages with Uranus and Pluto. The next time that happens will be the first week of October, when the Libra Sun is opposed by Uranus and squared by Pluto. But since I want to end this forecast on a positive note, here’s an article from last week about a fascinating study on creativity. It’s an awesome piece that effectively communicates the essence of two planets: Saturn and Uranus. Why? I’ll tell you. Saturn is order, conservatism, the established way of doing things. Uranus is chaos and innovation. The study revealed that if you put people in an orderly room (Saturn) and give them choices, they will tend to be more conservative. If you put them in a messy environment — i.e., chaotic and thus Uranian, they will seek more innovative/creative solutions and experiences. This is a major plus side of times when everything feels like it’s falling apart. Got that?

Last but not least, in honor of the recent mind-bending Mercury-Uranus-Pluto T-square, wrap your head around this item: “Maps That Will Change the Way You See the World”.

I’ll post again before the Full Moon on Thursday, as I am allegedly now on vacation for a few days, having delivered my talk in Tokyo…

Oyasumi nasai!

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