Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 9/4/2012: Return to Earth

For those who are not self-employed, your holiday weekend is over. Back to work — but take your time easing into it, as the impulsive Aries Moon will be void from 7:06AM until 11:41AM ET, when it enters good ol’ earthy Taurus. See if you notice any twists in your efforts to move in a straight line this morning.

Known for being both  patient and stubborn, Taurus is concerned with tactile sensual things and preserving material security. It has a well-deserved reputation for its resistance to change. Isn’t it interesting that Moon in Taurus will carry us through all three days of the Democratic National Convention, where we are sure to hear many speeches made for why we should not make major changes now (at least in the White House),  but at the same time work toward making things “the way they should be”? We will also likely hear many reasons why we should be grateful for what we already have — and how we can hang on to it. And they are right: we should be grateful for what we have, no matter how small it may seem.  Any statement of gratitude is empowering, as it instantly makes us feel like a “have” instead of a “have-not”. Gratitude is also one of the more effective remedies for depression. As is singing — another favorite Taurus activity, believe or not. Try it, you’ll like it!

Tremendous resources are available to you all week in your efforts to turn ideas into purposeful, powerful action, presented persuasively. That’s suggested by a favorable alignment among Mercury (mind), Mars (action) and Pluto (transformation and resources). Don’t waste this opportunity. Seize the day!  I promise by the end of the week, your spirits will be soaring higher than they may be now. Yesterday’s serious square between strict Saturn (authority, structure) and Venus (women, money) was a downer for many. But by Friday — huzzah! Venus will be in playful Leo and jolly Jupiter will be encouraging good vibrations everywhere.

Your Moon voids for the week, in addition to today: Wednesday 2:54PM ET…until 12:10AM FRIDAY. Plan accordingly.

In other news, last week I received a lovely email from a reader (no pun intended, as you will see),  marveling at the synchronicity of planetary patterns with the Tarot cards she pulls for insights into the week ahead. Last week it was all about nebulous Neptune — from the sublime to the ridiculous. The card she pulled for last week was The Moon. This week planetary patterns are much more down to earth, and the card she pulled was the Page of Pentacles — the suit that corresponds to the Earth element in astrology. Coincidence or conspiracy? Hardly a conspiracy; truth is expressed in all symbolic languages, which is what Tarot and astrology are: languages.  Please “emeet” Tarot card reader Beth Owl’s Daughter and learn more about the Page of Pentacles on her fascinating and practical blog. You can read about The Moon there, too.

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