Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 7/29/2014: Sneak Peek at the Rest of the Week
Good Morning!
At 11:37pm ET on Monday, the Moon finally got into gear in Virgo, offering us an opportunity to hammer out details, organize and make things right. Push for extra clarification around 2PM ET, when a challenge to the Moon from nebulous Neptune may fog things up. On the other hand, the Neptunian influence may provide you with just the inspiration you need to craft your pitch. An easy connection to the Moon from regenerative Pluto adds depth and intensity to exchanges this evening, exact around 11PM ET. Easy connections between Moon and Pluto can facilitate healing.
Planetary patterns this week are much lighter than they were say…in mid-July and April. Much of the energy is building to a release on Friday, reflected as follows: Venus (women, money, art, social expression) is being challenged by rebel Uranus and is also being supported by disciplined Saturn. Uranus is the avant garde; Saturn is the old guard. Look for themes of unconventional attractions and freedom of social expression, likely involving women and resources. Also exact on Friday: a clash between action hero Mars in razor-sharp Scorpio and expansive Jupiter in regal Leo, suggesting a need for a physical release or over-the-top expansion. You’ll feel the surge of energy more personally if you have a planet or angle around 3 degrees of Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius…or if you were born around the 26th of July, October, January or April. Jupiter at 3 Leo suggests a potential trigger for whatever seeds you planted on last Saturday’s New Moon, which was also at 3 Leo. Expansion is a possibility.
Other than the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square, which continues to hum its wake-up call anthem in the background, disrupting the status quo everywhere, be advised that there is an obsessive-compulsive connection between willful Mars and rebel Uranus for much of the week. Watch the headlines for news of freak accidents and outbursts, as we saw over the weekend in Venice Beach, CA, when lightning struck and killed one man. Freaky indeed, as was the news of a fatal plane crash that very same day in Venice, Florida. You may be feeling particularly buzzed if you have a planet or angle around 16 degrees of Aries or 2 Scorpio.
Moon voids — those natural rest periods during which we may be more inclined to wander off the beaten path — are few this week. On Thursday note 10:48AM – 12:09pm ET; Friday note 10:58pm ET until Saturday 10:57PM ET; otherwise, onward!
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