Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 6/18/2013: Shiny, Happy* Information Overload

An indulgent challenge to the rational, peace-seeking Libra Moon at 7:05AM ET from Venus in emotionally sensitive, security-seeking is my excuse for wanting to linger a little longer in Dreamland, thus delaying the forecast. What appreciation of beauty caught your eye? Heady idealism — noted yesterday — may spark a conflict between what is rational and what is pure sentiment around 10:34AM ET, when mental Mercury also challenges the Libra Moon. There’s clear sailing for the rest of the day, which ends with exceptionally balanced and enthusiastic connections to jolly Jupiter and the Sun, which are about to exactly conjoin at the very end of Gemini.

The end of Gemini is very close to 0 degrees of Cancer, which avid readers of this forecast will recognize as the Aries Point. This is a point that demands prominence. With expansive Jupiter and the Sun blowing up like a giant helium balloon (or blimp) in the airy, information-junkie sign of Gemini, we have the potential for runaway optimism, suggested by one of my favorite songs — or information overload. And the idealistic spin that is likely to be trying to make us feel emotionally secure suggests some of that information may not be in line with reality.

One person who is personally affected by the Sun-Jupiter conjunction is Edward Snowden, whose Sun and Mars are in late Gemini, opposed by nebulous Neptune in late Sagittarius. And there he was yesterday, giving another prominent, candid interview — live — in an online forum presented by the Guardian. One of the things I find fascinating about the horoscopes of Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning: they all have Moon in Scorpio, suggesting a reigning need to be of depth and substance, even as they are concerned with knowledge for the sake of power and control. I have to write more about what’s going on in all of their horoscopes; the astrology is fascinating — but I can’t do it right now, darn it.

What I can do is share a few technogeeky headlines I noted that reflected yesterday’s Mars-Uranus sextile. Amelia Earhart’s plane may finally be discovered…and look– there’s “firebrand” technogeek (how Uranus in Aries) Bill Nye making headlines on the NYT homepage. Coincidence or conspiracy?

*Another fun song reference — enjoy!







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