Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 5/20/2014: Dish ‘n That

Happy last day of the Sun in Taurus, and happy birthday to Cher! Tickets for her latest tour went on sale yesterday. We should all be so active at age 68…but given that Cher is a Taurus with Moon in “make-it-happen” Capricorn, her busy schedule is hardly a surprise. With rebel Uranus soon to square her enterprising Moon, we can expect to see more show-stopping expressions of her unique persona toward the end of the year and into 2015…

As for the rest of us, get up and get it done….preferably by 6:21PM ET when the “who’s yer buddy?” Aquarius Moon goes void-of-course until 8:18AM ET on Wednesday. Make those calls and pitches…dig into your Rolodex…hang with your posse. Note a potential reach for ambition (upside) or serious wet blanket (downside) around 2:11PM ET, when a stubborn Aquarius need to be appreciated for its social significance is challenged by an equally stubborn authority figure (Saturn).  Dish about it all night, as Moon harmonizes with mental Mercury in Gemini…joined at 10:59PM ET by the Sun’s ingress into the sign of the Twins.

The keywords for Gemini are “I think.” Geminis are known for their curiosity, diverse interests and energy to disseminate information. So in the interest of “dishing” and disseminating information as a public service (thank the humanitarian Moon in Aquarius), here is the most-emailed article from the Sunday NYT. No, it’s not about Jill Abramson, but as promised, I did post a write-up of her successor’s (Dean Baquet) horoscope — along with a bit about how their horoscopes likely interact — late yesterday afternoon.

The most-emailed article from the Sunday NYT is about more research strongly suggesting that the reason you may be overweight and always hungry is because you eat way too much sugar and refined carbs. The amount of fat you eat is not the problem, nor is the problem the number of calories you consume. Of course this would hit the headlines on a day when Venus (ruler of things sweet) would be challenged by expansive Jupiter in Cancer…

For very helpful books about healthful eating habits, consider reading these books by Michael Pollan: The Omnivore’s Dilemma and In Defense of Food.

And now that everyone’s diet is on a new, healthful track, let’s talk about the rest of your life, as suggested by your horoscope….

…and consider this cool article about scientists who project that they will be able to create matter out of light very, very, soon. Cue Joni Mitchell now, please…

To find out what’s going on in YOUR horoscope — or in the horoscope of your child (recommended for all parents!) — here’s how to contact me.


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