Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 4/9/2013: A Busy Wrap

Should be a busy morning, with the Moon driving the day in me-me-me Aries. This is a sign that needs to be first in everything, which accounts for the potential pushiness or other rush to get ahead you may experience today. Not only is the Moon in Aries, but so is the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus. Contrast this majority of planets in proactive Aries with the majority of planets in floaty, go-with-the-flow Pisces we experienced in early March, and one wonders if the languid energy of Pisces (plus Mercury and Saturn both retrograde) was reflected in last Friday’s weak jobs report.

Here is a musical illustration of Pisces vs. Aries energy: the Aquarium from Carnival of the Animals vs. any loud marching band, or perhaps this stirring theme, complete with gunfire. Mars, which rules Aries, also rules firearms and war — and we do seem to be seeing an abundance of headlines reflecting those themes. Here’s the latest on rising tensions in North Korea and here’s a startling story of a shooting spree that didn’t happen in the United States.  Thank goodness there’s another front-page story reflecting a more positive application of Martian energy: a pioneering woman whose work may provide earlier (first!) detection of disease.

Back to the energy of today. A surprise or jolt may get you out of bed as rebel Uranus electrifies the Moon at 7:56AM ET. Ruthless Pluto may reflect a power play or other emotional intensity as it squares the Moon at 12:29PM ET. Jolly Jupiter works to put a cooperative and optimistic spin on all this drive around 3:50PM ET. If you sense a certain restlessness or other lack of direction, credit the last day of the lunar cycle, when the Moon is dark in the sky. The drive for a fresh start greets you tomorrow, with the New Moon in Aries at 5:35AM ET.




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