Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 4/2/2013: Up & At ‘Em — and Baseball, Too
Take advantage of the enterprising nature of the Moon in Capricorn and check off things on your to-do list — the earlier, the better. Note the potential for a surprise jolt, revelation or other disruption of the status quo as the Moon is challenged by electric Uranus at 4:25PM ET. A power play or emotional catharsis may develop by 9:10PM ET, when potent Pluto meets up with the Moon. It’s all building to the final challenge to your New Moon agenda set on March 11th, as the Third Quarter Moon is squared by the Aries Sun at 12:36PM on Wednesday morning.
Tomorrow the Moon will be void-of-course for 22 hours, starting at 6:35AM ET…not to enter Aquarius until 4:41 AM ET on Thursday. Get it off your desk today or suffer the consequences of unexpected twists in your efforts to move forward and/or your efforts being all for naught, unless you happen to be the underdog in a sports competition. And here I would be thinking of baseball’s opening day yesterday, in which the Mets, the Cubs and the Red Sox were all winners. I am pleased to say I bet a dollar on the Red Sox, knowing that the Moon was void in Sagittarius (especially sporting sign) and being assured by a colleague, a diehard Yankees fans, that the Sox were absolutely, positively not favored to win. The Sox beat the Yankees at Yankee Stadium, 8-2. Isn’t that interesting? Let’s see how the underdog teams do on Wednesday…
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