Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 4/15/2014: Full Moon Fallout; Venus Trine Jupiter

Writing this forecast in the aftermath of the Full Moon/Eclipse; the Libra Moon went void-of-course after reaching its exact fullness at 3:42AM ET. Who stayed up to watch it?  It was a lovely sight here on the beach in Hawaii: a red Moon with the extra bonus of Mars, the Red Planet right up above.

For most of the Americas, the void of course Moon suggests a slow start or twist to your morning routine. Sleeping in late, to process the fallout from the release suggested by the eclipse, would not be unreasonable. File your taxes and take it easy until 12:20PM ET, when the Moon sinks into the emotional depths of Scorpio, demanding substance and control. There are no exact aspects to the Moon for the rest of the day, though the rose-colored glow of a harmonious connection between the Moon and nebulous Neptune just after midnight can soften whatever upsets arose during the intensity of the past 48 hours.

I meant to note in yesterday’s forecast that a harmonious connection between loving Venus and Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy will be exact on Thursday night.  It’s a pattern that in synch with Tarot reader extraordinaire Beth Owlsdaughter’s Card of the Week. Her latest post is filled with wise words for managing challenging times — and this week’s card is perfectly in synch with the potential of the Venus-Jupiter alignment. Check it out and plan accordingly.


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