Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 9/27/2012: Quiet Before the Storm?
Well…with that challenging square between Venus (feminine) and Mars (masculine) last night, did anyone get into any trouble? Maybe tempted just a bit? Wanna share some stories?
With the Moon now in soulful Pisces, as of 1:24AM ET, the edge of the past few days (and the upcoming weekend) is softened by a need to go with the flow, work with intangibles and empathize, empathize, empathize. Depth of perception is yours for the asking around 2:11PM ET, on a supportive connection between potent Pluto and the soulful Moon. It may be relatively quiet now; wait until the weekend.
And now, the news:
As anticipated, we are seeing more outbursts and revolts around the globe, reflecting the disruptive tension of the Uranus-Pluto square we have been talking about for months in this forecast. If you are new to this daily column, check out the posts around June 24th 2012 and September 19th, which marked the first two hits of this Mother of All Planetary Patterns. If you want to know how this pattern might directly impact your horoscope, an article I wrote on the subject will be posted shortly on a new page called ARTICLES — it may be up as soon as Friday, September 28th.
Meanwhile, did we see news from the publishing world making headlines, as anticipated? Sure. A court date has been set for the Murdoch newspaper phone hacking scandal; a journalist was arrested in New York for allegedly defacing a controversial ad posted in a subway station; and a columnist at Politico fooled much of the mainstream media, which believed that an intended satire about Paul Ryan going rogue on the campaign trail was for real.
The most intriguing article — for me, anyway — was a recent report that traffic fatalities New York went up for the first time since 2007. And I have a theory that this is a reflection of the Uranus – Pluto square, which has been in effect for a little over a year now…and will continue to be in effect through 2015. A couple of months ago, whenever I saw an accident report — or a violent outburst (e.g. a shooting) with a time posted, I ran the horoscope for the moment of the accident/outburst. And it has been fascinating to see Uranus and Pluto sitting on the angles of the horoscope in a number of these cases. Experience shows that when these two planets are on these angles, disruptive things are more likely to happen. So I have been thinking that we’d be seeing a rise in accidents in these turbulent times. And it would be interesting to run charts for all of these accidents and see if there is indeed a planetary pattern…
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