Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 6/27/2013: Venus in Leo

Moon got into gear after yesterday’s all-day void at 4:32AM ET, moving into dreamy, sensitive Pisces. Oh, how I did not want to get out of bed this morning, aided and abetted by Mercury’s retrograde move yesterday. Rest and relaxation should be on your schedule during the next few weeks. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

This intuitive Moon spends the day engaging with the lingering Grand Water Trine among Sun, Saturn and Neptune, providing opportunities for REstructuring and REvising with a visionary flair. That is the plus side. The downside may be an emotional closed-circuitry more appropriate for a Mercury retrograde REtreat than for clear and open communication, particularly around lunchtime ET when the Moon conjoins nebulous Neptune. You may be dealing with a few dreamy space cases today, including yourself.

Also around lunchtime — 1:03PM ET — Venus leaves Cancer for drama queen Leo, invigorating social expression with royal edicts and luxurious fun until July 22nd.

Meanwhile, I was pleased to see the two SCOTUS decisions on gay marriage manifest as predicted: DOMA struck down; Prop. 8 dead; but no real change at all on the issue of whether a ban on same sex marriage is unconstitutional. For now, less-evolved legislatures may continue to pass less-evolved laws.

In other news, the long Moon void and Mercury retrograde wreaked havoc at Wimbledon. Moon voids are often reflected by surprise upsets favoring the underdog, and there was no shortage of top-seeded players suffering stunning defeats on “one of the strangest days” in the history of the tournament . How will the Moon void drive the action at 2PM on July 1st in Austin, you may wonder. That’s when Governor Rick Perry has scheduled a special session of the Texas legislature in an effort to pass that draconian anti-women’s health bill…the one that was ruled moot after Wendy Davis’ marathon filibuster blocked it. Well, the general rule of voids is “no consequence” for actions taken. But mark my words, the horoscope for that day and time suggests an act of war — against women — with patriarchal Saturn in Scorpio exactly squaring Venus (women). And the status-quo disrupting Uranus-Pluto square falls on the angles of the horoscope. Hmmm….



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