Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 6/12/2014: Full Moon in Sagittarius
The high-flying, righteously opinionated Sagittarius Full Moon is exact just after midnight — 12:11AM ET — on Friday. Innovation and action are favored in the morning and early afternoon, courtesy of “think outside the box” Uranus and warrior Mars connecting with the Moon. There’s no Moon void in business hours to add further potential confusion to Mercury’s current retrograde — huzzah! Moon does go void at 12:11AM ET — not to enter the next sign, Capricorn, until 1:04PM ET, so get it off your desk today if you can’t wait until tomorrow afternoon.
This Full Moon — which offers enlightenment and a potential release of whatever agenda you set on the New Moon on May 28th — is not a chocolate-covered marshmallow bunny. At 12:09AM ET, there’s an opposition between Venus (love,money, women, art, social expression) and Saturn (discipline, patriarchy, authority, control) suggesting a no-nonsense approach that may seem ambitious, cutting or controlled. You may recall from yesterday’s post that Eric Cantor has a Venus-Saturn square, and he is not known as a social charmer.
At 8:34AM ET, the Mars-Pluto square we’ve been talking about all week will be exact. This is significant because it is the third in a series of Mars-Pluto squares we were scheduled to experience with Mars in Libra, where it has been since December. The first square was on December 31st; the second was on April 23rd. If you have a planet or angle around 11-14 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you may have been involved in a power play or exerted an unusually powerful effort.
Speaking of Eric Cantor, the Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 23 Sagittarius is “immigrants entering”. Which is fascinating, given all the reports speculating that Cantor lost because of his stance on immigration issues…and also that his defeat suggests that there’s no way an immigration reform bill will be passed this year (there’s no way the 113th Congress will likely do anything of consequence, as noted in prior forecasts). Fun fact: the Cantor re-election campaign did an internal poll between May 27 and May 28, showing he had a 34-point lead over his opponent. We had a dead Moon in Taurus all day on the 27th, a sign that does not like change — and it was void-of-course. The New Moon did not begin until 2:40PM on the 28th — and if you recall, it was sponsored in part by the rose-colored fog of nebulous Neptune. Take-away lesson: if you’re going take a opinion poll and you want reliable information, don’t do it on a dead void of course Moon. Here’s the latest on Eric Cantor and his victorious opponent, cheerfully presented as usual by NYT columnist Gail Collins.
The other Sabian Symbol in this lunation is the Sun at 23 Gemini: “three fledglings in a nest high in a tree”. So immediately we see a polarity between these fledglings who are not quite ready to leave home (but must), and the immigrants who have left their homes and just arrived in a whole new world. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee suggests we apply these symbols with a mind to “…a passage to a new life, a new level of maturity, the moment before a new independent life takes off…” Bovee has a lot more to say, and if you enjoy the Sabian Symbols, why not buy his book. In your own personal world, you may receive illumination or a release on a “let’s get down to business” new stage in life if you have a planet or angle at around 23 Gemini or Sagittarius.
And now, some more news.
Minutes ago, this item hit the wires about the current upheaval in Iraq, reflecting a great effort involving money that is quite sobering: $425 million seized by militants in a successful series of bank robberies, making them “the world’s richest terrorist group”. Also minutes ago: the Supreme Court (Saturn) rules that money in an IRA (Venus) inherited from a parent (Saturn) is not protected from creditors should you declare bankruptcy.
Meanwhile, taxi drivers in Europe angry (Mars square Pluto) about the success of the taxi app Uber are causing traffic meltdowns (Mercury retrograde) everywhere. Yesterday Uber announced a ginormous amount of investment capital raised on a stupendous $17 billion valuation. Finally, a group of moms (Venus) meant serious business (Saturn) when they attended a Target shareholder meeting to demand it prohibit the open carry of guns (Mars) in its stores. I’ve seen a lot of posts about open carry on Facebook this week, including this purportedly helpful cartoon/PSA.
What’s going on in your horoscope? Mercury retrogrades are excellent times for reviewing your life with an astrologer. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
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