Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 5/23/2013: Intensity & Vision

A day of potentially intense organization and emotional depth, driven by idealized thinking and communication — which in some cases may be a bit fanatical; in others, breathtakingly inspirational. The positive potential of today’s Moon in Scorpio is a demand for substance over theory and a willingness to go there — no matter how deep or uncomfortable “there” may be.

The tone for the morning is set by this intense Moon’s hook-up with stern Saturn, followed by a cooperative connection with ruthless, yet also regenerative, Pluto. I’m seeing a lot of “heavy” in the headlines, no doubt reflecting 1) the continuing fallout of the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square and 2) the illumination suggested by Friday’s Full Moon, which is also an eclipse; and 3) Saturn’s relentless march through karmic cop Scorpio.  In your own personal world, use this energy to stay focused and dig deep into whatever vision is on your plate today. And if you can ship, then ship — as the Moon will be void-of-course from 9:55AM ET until 5:49AM PM ET on Friday. Oh, how I envy those of you who will be starting your Memorial Day weekend holiday early!

A quick rundown of the headlines from this morning and yesterday include shocks and disruption in Sweden, of all places — where there have been riots for four nights in row.Four nights — which means they started on the exact Uranus-Pluto square. Wow! More on the riots in Sweden here. Meanwhile, in Raleigh, North Carolina, there have been huge demonstrations outside the state’s General Assembly building every Monday for almost a month, by a so-called “Army of Love“. And here’s another peaceful protest that appears to have turned ugly on Monday: in Washington, foreclosed homeowners and housing rights activists were apparently Tasered.

More on the challenges for control of information by those who have the money to buy it can be found in this story of apparent censorship of a documentary that may not have pleased the Koch brothers. When not funding the Tea Party and other right-wing causes, they apparently give a lot of money to PBS.  In other news, hackers are doing very, very well in China.

I was overwhelmed by the number of nitty-gritty stories about power and abuse involving Saturn-in-Scorpio’s ruthless agenda of life and death. Here’s another instance of sexual harrassment in our military. The economic crisis in Greece has sparked a rise in prostitution, as seen in this NYT photo essay. In other matters of life and death, lawmakers in tornado-stricken Oklahoma wasted no time passing this bill — to defund Planned Parenthood.  And oh, the Obama Administration finally admitted that drones were used to kill four Americans — but they’re now re-thinking that program, honest. Meanwhile in Colorado, Governor John Hickenlooper has doubts about the death penalty — and has delayed a scheduled execution.

Before you decide to spend the rest of the day hiding under the bed, here are some cool items of status quo-disrupting technological breakthroughs. First, doctors apparently used a 3-D laser printer to create an airway tube and save the life of a baby boy. Way, way cool! Second, Tesla, a pioneer maker of electric cars, has repaid a big fat federal government loan way ahead of schedule. If you grok to geeky tech news, considering reading this book, “The Physics of the Future” — an essential guide to how our lives will be changed by technology sooner than you think. I read it last summer and learned about 3D printers, Google glasses and other wonders before they hit the mainstream headlines.

Last but not least, when you don’t have your nose in a book or glued to a computer screen, take a minute to look up at the night sky, as a snarky and obviously ignorant person at Gawker reports. But ignorant or not, Mars, Venus and Jupiter will still look pretty.

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