Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 2/28/2013: Gently Down the Stream

First, some housekeeping. A link to the article about the visual effects artists was missing from yesterday’s forecast. Here it is. As for today:

Mercury is retrograde. Moon is void-of-course all day in Libra…not to enter the next sign until noonish ET on Friday. Lovely Venus continues to mingle with dreamy Neptune. How can you make use of this natural break in the action? Do some brainstorming. Meditate. Go with the flow and amaze yourself as you re-invent the wheel, like this:

Variation 1

or this — even more multi-dimensional:

Variation 2

This simple song has a fascinating history. Find out what the lyrics really mean.

Here is a version for the kid in all of us — with lyrics — dreamy!

Much gratitude to you all for the lovely emails this rose-colored week has generated. I think you are great, too. Thank you for reading and sharing this forecast : )

Chroma key green with envy is what your friends will be when you tell them you REviewed your life with your astrologer  during this Mercury retrograde.

Why not book a personal consultation today?


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