Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 1/30/2014: New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon in Aquarius begins at 4:38PM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Around February 6th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 14th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 22nd, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon cycle on March 1st.

Aquarius is a airy (mental), fixed (organizing) energy. Keywords for Aquarius include innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarian, unconventional, rocket scientist and/or mad genius. If you were born with the Sun in Aquarius, you have the energy to innovate and intellectualize with others. If your Moon is in Aquarius, you need to be socially significant — and dare I say appreciated for it. You probably need to be unusual, too. I learned these nifty, pithy expressions of solar energy and lunar needs from my mentor, Noel Tyl. “I love you, but don’t take it personally” is another nifty, pithy Aquarian  expression — and I came up with that one all by myself. If you have Venus in Aquarius, chances are you especially know what I’m talking about.

The chart for this New Moon has Uranus, ruler of Aquarius in a cooperative connection, suggesting  innovative, status quo-disrupting ideas affecting the masses (also ruled by Aquarius) are likely to be key throughout this lunar cycle. These ideas are likely to involve power and resources — who has it; who doesn’t. An overkill of emotions about these issues is also likely to be seen, along with visionary (or delusional) thinking, and courageous (or reckless) applications of willpower in order to maintain — or establish —  power and control. Sounds like a lot of excitement, and Mercury will be retrograde through most it, suggesting some spectacularly misfired communication signals making headlines. And we haven’t even gotten to the likelihood for supercharged action we’ll see later in the year — and discussed in this earlier forecast.

OK, so. What does this mean for you? The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon — at 11 degrees of Aquarius — is “man tete-a-tete (head-to-head) with his inspiration.” It’s not clear if this is an image of one man or “man” in a general sense, as in “mankind”.  Hmm.  As usual we turn to Sabian Symbol guru Blaine Bovee for additional insight, who writes: “a private experience of being aroused to a higher wisdom, knowledge or creativity…sudden brilliant flashes of a timely sort…a focus of inner, personal reflection of an exalted nature…re-collecting oneself around a sturdy inner core.”

Personal reflection and “re-collecting” just happen to be keywords for the aforementioned Mercury retrograde, starting on February 6th and turning direct on February 28th. Use this New Moon energy to reflect and reconnect with your own divine inspiration, i.e., that which delights you and makes you feel alive.

If you want to know where 11 degrees of Aquarius falls in your horoscope, here’s how I can help you.

A divine inspiration might be your soul purpose, a.k.a, your sole purpose. Why are you here? Right now?  That’s a big, fat question — and since we’re asking it on an Aquarian New Moon, we might also consider that all of our friends and associates — all of humanity, in fact — probably wrestles with the same big, fat question, too.  We are all in this together. We are each here to contribute something unique. This applies to people we may not like very much — or whom we don’t think are part of our collective. Ooooh, deep thoughts.

You are more personally affected by this New Moon energy if you were born around the 29th of January, April, July and October….or if you have a planet or angle around 11 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. For clues to what we can expect as the Cardinal Grand Cross of 2014 increases in intensity (especially this April), talk to your Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn friends born in the first eight days of those signs. Ask them what empowering and/or emancipating upheavals they experienced in the past few years. Then ask your friends born 9-12 days into those signs what big changes they’re going through right now.

And now — a quick look at a recent headline. You may have heard of the New York congressman who blew up at a reporter and threatened to throw him over a balcony — all caught on camera at Tuesday’s State of the Union, yes?  Sounds like that congressman has a bit of temper, right? Immediately any skilled astrologer would be thinking,”Hmm….temper…sudden outbursts…gaining prominence now. There’s gotta be a Mars (aggression) – Uranus (hair-trigger) challenge in that horoscope…and I bet it’s impacted by the Uranus-Pluto square.” Well guess what? The congressman in question — Michael Grimm — was born February 7, 1970 — and he does have a challenge between Mars (10 Aries) and Uranus (8 Libra), and it is being impacted by the Uranus-Pluto square! Coincidence or conspiracy? You know I do not believe in coincidence.

Back to you in the studio…

This cobalt blue is sponsored by the New Moon in Aquarius, inspiring you to seek lightening bolts of insight in a personal astro-logical consultation.

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